Hi all, as an exiled hammer who formally lived in Romford, I have found myself living in a little village in nailsworth.
And will happily be returning to the area to watch my second live forest green take on Dagenham and Redbridge.
This is where I ask for your help, the boys need as much support as possible in there chase for promotion, and with attendances at home being little over 1,500 you can imagine away support isn't great. So if your bored with nothing to do on the 11th march, as you didn't manage to get tickets for the big game down in Bournemouth. Then please do us a favour and give forest green that extra bit of support they need heading into the latter stages on the season
And lastly COYI
Spelling mistake in the title
Spelling mistake in the title and not entirely sure how to change it oops
robin hood
plays upfront for them does he?
Well done mate ,thats a nice
Well done mate ,thats a nice request hope you get loads