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Gerrard and Skirtel

plaistow-man's picture
Submitted by plaistow-man on Sun, 22/03/2015 - 19:33

So Stevie G has apologised for his stamp (would he have done had it not been seen and he was not ordered from the field of play?) Skirtel stamped on De Gea erm hello SKY no mention of that one eh, I hope they both get the book thrown at them ... Skirtel has got away with thuggery for ages , Slippy as we all know is well past his sell by date and how on earth did he win over 100 England caps is English football really that bad? I hope teams in the States have shin guards tied to the goal posts because they will need them.

Skirtels was just as bad as gerrards,he could have ended the keepers career, he also had the audacity to square up to De Gea rather than apologise....

124 users have voted.

I watched them last week and the players were embarassing, diving around and getting straight back up so obviously cheating, which i hate and deplore, and then today the reaction of the fans to every decision made me think that the club as a whole has real problems. Rodgers as a manager has done a good job, came close to winning the PL last season and despite a poor start, after losing a goal scoring machine, he has turned their season around positively. So why all the cheating on and off the pitch?

121 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I don't understand why these so called "professionals" have no respect for each other? Surely you wouldn't be happy if someone dived and cheated you so why do it to someone else? They're all scumbags as far as I'm concerned and have the morals of tomcats

150 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Gerrard has fudged up Liverpool's hopes of a Premier League title and now possibly a top four finish :)

113 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Yeah I'm afraid English players are that bad, that's why we've won sod all for almost 50 years. Gerrard has long been a dirty player, one of the top 10 worst records in PL histoty. Yet the media adore him, makes me throw up.

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