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Thank you to our main man Neville Nixon

albyforeverirons.'s picture
Submitted by albyforeverirons. on Wed, 01/04/2015 - 11:09

I would just like to thank Nev for what he does to keep this forum going. Over the last few months I think most of us have been going through withdrawells with the lack of all things West Ham and for me it has been murder. As an Aussie I rely on this site to keep up with what is happening over there and I love the banter on here so to not be able to get this forum is a pain. The amount of effort that Nev puts in cannot be underestimated and the dedication to this forum is outstanding, so from me a very big thank you Nev, I really appreciate the effort.

nevillenixon's picture

Thank you, but Madhammer aka Jimmy G aka James Gooding has put in a tremendous amount of work, without his efforts we would be well and truly 'Avram Granted!'.
Good times ahead for the Org! -Ed

141 users have voted.

The guys have done good and brought a lot of people back in touch, fantastic new site!

151 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

Cheers big ears Nev, compared to other sites this one is honest and more Importantly decent in character.

157 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Always pays to remain grounded in life... as we've already taken the Mick out of James regarding his "drug cartel hitman" photo, perhaps it's Nev's turn..... looks like Nev came across a tribe of head shrinking savages on his holidays! :-)

139 users have voted.
plaistow-man's picture

Nev and James , really missed the Born to be ...... banter, debate and all round laugh , missed it when it was not around. A great job and many thanks.

160 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

It's great to have the site back, and though I'm in a busy patch and can't post as often, I love the new-look of the site and the new functionality too. You've done a great job, Nev. Happy Easter!

154 users have voted.

Have to admit I visit one other site now due to our earlier interruption in service, but so glad we're all back on board. Cheers Nev and James, much appreciated...COYI

159 users have voted.

whenever I posted a reasonable comment/reply all I got was pathetic abuse from absolute numpty's so I gave up!

158 users have voted.

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