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Ray Wilkins

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Wed, 08/11/2017 - 08:12

Listening to him this morning on talksh**e he made a lot of of the few on that station who does....talking about our situation he said we got it wrong and should of redeveloped the boleyn as it was a great football ground and an intimidating one as well the new ground is not a football stadium players no it fans no it but the owners didn't strange that...and on the Moyes situation having made the decision to employ him it was very funny hearing mr gold saying "its a gamble taking him on"...what kind of message does that send out to the players and we the fans....Chelski man through and through is Ray but he and many others see what is wrong our owners it because we all love football and they just love profit?

The freak show,will be at a venue near you soon!!

303 users have voted.
cast iron's picture

Heard Koeman wanted 5 mill so it's obvious that Moyes took well under that and an incentive bonus if he gets us mid-table. We got Dick dastardly who do you want Muttley to be, how about Shakespeare not the one from Stratford upon Avon but the one at that was at Leicester.

373 users have voted.

I could hug you mate...couldnt have put it better!!Now then when are you & tony gale going to head a consortium to take over...

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