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Mince pies!!

Submitted by Hammers65 on Tue, 05/12/2017 - 21:17

Its the silly season again,although its gets earlier for me each year,i had my 1st mince pie in mid october!!
Heres a few :
Waitrose spicy shortcrust mince pies,lidls almond mince tarts & my faves Sainsburys bakery shortcrust mince pies!! so come on whats your faves??

mcbikeman's picture

for me its mr kiplings mince pies as we all no you can't beat your mums cooking....what i dont miss though is her home made pickled onions with plates of the peeled onions stinking the house out as she set about prepping them ready for pickling.....that said they were bloody good come christmas

313 users have voted.

Pickled eggs yes! Did anyone on here experience the fad of a pickled egg in a packet of cheese and onion crisps after a game of football on a Saturday? As for Xmas anyone had that Heston blumental xmas pud with the orange inside? From wait Rose? Bit pricey but well worth a try. The only time I shop in waitrose.

281 users have voted.

Can't stand Christmas pudding (what a heathen I know) with everybody passing the cream and everyone saying yes to a coffee, sod that. I just want to leave the table, go outside, one massive fart then back inside for the big sleep (always a good idea to remember to leave the table first).. M&S (new recipe) mince pies are well nice.

301 users have voted.

Rather than coffee!! ;) I suppose xmas pud is a bit like marmite you either love it or hate it - me i love both!!ill have to check out the M&S pies mate....

314 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Yeah,i remember round me old nans,sixpence in the xmas pud, for good luck,i was more interested in finding the old tanner lol

337 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

in our house the person who got that then had to place it between your knees walk without it slipping to the floor and try and drop it into an egg cup on the floor....ahh those were the days none of those electronic games for us!! then the traditional game of monopoly that left family members trying to do deals with each other only to find out because you had the last roast potato certain others would not deal with you and rather mortgage properties than do a deal lol

311 users have voted.

Monopoly? Is that still your 1 St game still in progress m6? Bloody game takes hours, months, years to play! Can you believe we put sixpence in those puds? Surely that's the thin end of the wedge that ended up as Russian roulette! As for games even now my other halves family still play games at Xmas and I can't wait to play! I ordered a dance mat for this year for a laugh, but have realised it is coming from abroad and should arrive by January the second! P.s do you want me to recycle that suitcase of white fivers?

291 users have voted.

What would happen if your old nan got the sixpence?could be bit worrying for the egg cup if she was suffering from incontinence!!

274 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

Loftus pies are mince pies made by a smallish, but still pretty widely distributed pie-maker in the suburb of Loftus in Sydney's South (BTW, the amateur football club from down that way is called Marton Hammers and uses, probably illegally, the old West Ham logo and colours on its kit: But I digress: Loftus mince pies are pretty good as mince pies go. The only truly delectable ones, though, were made by a Mytelinian Baker in Oatley, now retired.

310 users have voted.

Lidls luxury brandy butter mince pies,saw them today & they had my name on them...just had one this evening with double cream,no wonder im getting a double chin!!

294 users have voted.
North Bank Hammer's picture

The brands I see in this thread I know but not available here in NZ unfortunately. Just bought a dozen mince pies in the Ernest Adams brand, a local (to here) that does a decent mince pie but not quite the type of memories from days gone by back in dear old blighty. How's that weather? Going to be a white Christmas?

297 users have voted.
North Bank Hammer's picture

Looking at your signature image I wouldn't have had you down as a pickled egg man. Clearly you are a man of broad tastes. Good on ya as they say here.

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