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Moyes To Face His Nemesis Twice!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 10/05/2018 - 00:09

We couldn't actually work out the correct plural of nemisis, but whatever it is, it is what is facing current Hammers' manager David Moyes in the next five days. Since his incredibly successful stint as Everton manager Moyes' stock has taken a brutal battering. His succession as the chosen one to take over the mantles at Manchester United from Sir Alex Fergusson went very badly, of course it was only to be expected, and one wonders why on earth a fellow 'canny' scot did not realise the Hearculian task he had taken on.

Having been dismissed (with a healthy pay out) by arguably one of the biggest clubs in the World Moyes' path was always going to be one of descendancy as opposed to ascendancy, and so it proved. An ill fated move to Spain and an even worse ill fated move back to the UK to manage relegation sureties Sunderland compounded Moyes' fall from grace, then along came the ailing and asthmatic entity that was and is West Ham disunited! The 'Barons' in charge saw a cheap and viable option to keep their beleaugered club afloat, by this time any illusion of 'going to another level' had already been buried deep in a pile of hierarchycal bullshit as usual.

This 'safe pair of hands' did deliver the club from the most evil, but seriously is this what the majority of fans want? Moyes did a good job under difficult circumstances for which he will be handsomley paid, more in six months than most of you reading will earn in your life time. But moving forward what do fans want and expect? Realistically the move from the Boleyn to the London Stadium has not proved to be the fiscal success that it was supposed to be, the loss of the Boleyn's atmosphere is a factor that seems to have been ignored by the number crunchers during their research, but it is a key factor in why the club is struggling both on and off the pitch.

For the next few years, unless Paul Allen takes a lot of drugs and decides to buy West Ham, the best fans can hope for is mid table security while beating their local rivals in derbies and a good cup run here and there. There is nothing to be ashamed in that desire, just ask Stoke City and Baggies fans soon to be joined by Swansea City fans what they would rather have! But if it is to be just a realistic midtable objective then why not try to make it an attractive proposition? One might argue that Stoke were safe under the guidance of 'safe but boring' Tony Pullis, but at least they stayed in the top flight year after year, but without wishing to be presumptuous West Ham are and always have been a far greater club than Stoke despite Stanley Matthews, Ralph Coates, Gordan Banks and many others who played for the Potters.

There are plenty of managers who are on West Ham fans' hit lists as a possible new manager, but pragmatically the potentially huge list can probably be narrowed down to just a few candidates especially bearing in mind the current structure of the club, it's finances and what plan if any is in place to move forward and to avoid a repeat of what has been a disasterous season.

David Moyes will face two clubs that he has never beaten as a manager in the next few days, if he gets a couple of wins his stock will rise, but even if he attains those results maybe it is better that he leaves the club at the end of the season with his reputation restored and moves on to a new club that needs his particular style of old school management.

Prospective managerial candidates that would be wiiling to come to the London Stadium are few and far between, but Hammers' might benefit from the uncertainty surrounding the proposed take over of Newcastle United by luring Rafa Benitez into there maelstrom, after all he was the preferred option to Slaven Billic but turned the club down to go and manage Real Madrid, an appointment that ended very badly in the end.

Some might say Benitez 'dissed' the club by reneging on a deal at the last minute to manage West Ham, but the option available to him was to go and manage one of the best teams, if not the best. team in the World!
What would any person with a brain do? Especially a Spanish speaking person.

If by some stroke of fortune Benitez ends up as the manager of West Ham next season, he will possibly have swapped the devil for the deep blue sea. - Ed



asheshammer's picture

would be: nemeseis (3rd declension Attic Greek noun, nominative and accusative plural take ending -eis, e.g. "poleis", "cities")

But the answer is actually more complicated since the word "Nemesis" in ancient Greek is a proper noun, the name of the goddess of retribution. So there is only one Nemesis, thus no plural.

Brought to you by your local Classical Specialist, "If it's Greek to you, call us"

155 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

This is what I like - educational and relevant! Now which Greek tragedy can you compare our club with?

164 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

Which tragedy? I think Agamemnon. Basic story: Guy assembles greatest army ever seen in order to go and get back his brother's wife for him. Wins the war, sacks Troy, comes back in glory, only to be killed by his own wife who now has other plans. --- "Just like my dreams they fade and die," right???

170 users have voted.

Verdict on the move 2 years on,i thought it was interesting that all the people who dont like the new stadium & preferred U.P had east london/essex accents...what a surprise that was!!sign of the times also some american woman on there,the editor of blowing bubbles magazine??yeah me neither!!i wonder what Gary Firmager thinks of that!!honestly i despair of what has happened to our once great club

171 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

I watched this before coming on the Org but thought of you immediately when the American Lady spoke and immediately your preferred expression of "plastics" came to mind. We agree on many things West Ham but here I side with the "plastics" because I think our support is a broad church and I embrace them all what ever the accent or class. I saw on a Facebook page a lad from Turkey, studying in the USA posted a picture of Seattle Hammers... I kid you not there must have been at least 100 of them and they are all welcome. We are all West Ham arnt we?.... oh, for the record my West Ham background is classic working class family from East London... COYI's!!!!

173 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

May 10 2016: West Ham prepare to face Man United celebrating last game at Upton Park before embarking on journey to ‘the next level’

May 10 2018: West Ham prepare to face Man United celebrating having avoided relegation with two games of season to spare

Well done all concerned

165 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Sums it up entirely mate, sad but good point. The frustration is that we have all the raw materials to hand to make it better but uder the leadership of the Porn Dwarfs I not see it improving :o(

163 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Im also old but prefer the look of these new schools :o)

As I just said, we have all the ingredients to make it better. Time and time again I hear (and read) West Ham Fans not wanting the earth just some consistency, mid table and not fighting relegation. Some decent home form from some very good individuals that need to work as a team and emphasis on WORK. All the ingredients are there.. History, Support and IMO a good stadium that increases the capacity and revenue that all suggests to me that we are only held back by the two muppets in charge. According to Deloitte we are the 17th biggest club in the world so expecting just mid table mediocrity is not too demanding! COYI's... Will be there on Sunday with the Plastics :o)

149 users have voted.

You don't support westham for 50 years to crave success.
If you like the new place Dartford good for you mate,it's just not for me,imo we didn't need to move & I tell you what the more time goes on the more I miss the old place

139 users have voted.

Remember at uppers the mancs used to get the right hump when the chant came up "you only live round the corner",tonight they are singing "your not westham anymore" & theres a few westham fans applauding them!!;)

155 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

That chant,is becoming the norm now mate,that intimidation at home has gone, they know it and we sure bloody well know it.

189 users have voted.

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