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Fair Play To The Board

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sun, 15/07/2018 - 16:06

We at the Org have been some of the most vociferous critics of the club's transfer policy and the over bearing influence the club's hierarchy have had on big decisions that have been made in the past, however it is time to congratulate the board for this year's business. From getting a high profile manager to actually funding a total rebuild of the squad, they have been as good as their word with the further bonus being that they have actually backed off of media soundbites and the like, get the business done and then talk about it!
Conspiracy theorists might say that the continuous circle that was displayed on screen throughout the 'screening' of the friendly against Wycombe on the West Ham you tube channel was actually a subliminal hypnotic message that will have convinced fans that the club have gone on a massive spending spree, only to find out that it has all been an illusion and that the spell had been lifted just as the transfer window shuts!

Dartford Bhoy's picture

on all counts. But its time to be less sceptical / pessimistic about our club, look forward rather than always back and move on. A few good early results and a bit of consistency and the LS will be rocking!!! COYI's!!!!!

158 users have voted.

With the new signings,new manager,Sugo quietly going about their business in the way that we were led to believe would happen once we moved from U.P
Though i dont think everyone is going to change their opinion on the stadium UNLESS its any where near what we were led to believe,so the pessimism on that front may take some time to ease,hopefully in my lifetime anyway!!;)

171 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

I will get you on the side of the optimists one day!!!! As you know I am in the minority regarding the LS but for me I am very happy with the view, location, transport etc. Put that with a winning team and this will be the club of choice for the fans of the future. Come on you Optimistic Hammers!!!!

169 users have voted.
cast iron's picture

I wonder where all this money is coming from Has Sullivan become Aborn again hammer ?? Has Gold and Brady Repented and Finally accepted that the fans weren't going to take all their porkies anymore and back they come, back as the prodical 3. Have they taken notice of the Messiah who is Pellegrini? Whatever it is Fair play to them, and maybe they have got the fans back on their side. I hate to say this, but it could be a cash injection from an outside party like Tripp Smith getting ready to buy WHU as I can't believe what is happening at the moment. Perhaps I should just enjoy the football and not be so cynical.

155 users have voted.

Don't forget mate these guys are very wealthy and they proberbly think "well we can't bring it with us " their both multi ,multi,millionaires ,I think the biggest change at the club besides all the dosh is Sully being persuaded to keep his north shut ,I have this picture of him being held somewhere against his will in a basement in a straight jacket and ,mouth gagged back to back with young Jack

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Burkie 1

Deluded Hammer's picture

If I don't sing the boards praises. What we are seeing is something that should have been done ages ago to avoid the 8/9 years of misery we've had to put up with. Preferably still at Upton Park. Maybe last season was an expensive wake up call, I don't know, but one swallow never makes a summer.

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