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January Loan Move Mystery Can Only Be Payet Or Tevez?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Fri, 12/10/2018 - 11:01

The International break is usually accompanied by a reeking of fetid rumours about players and their clubs, there 'leaks' are invariably driven by agents keen to see some action for their clients, because of course action results in the agent getting their hands on even more commision. Not all agents are devisive and some perform very well for their clients, but it is difficult to give much creedance to many of the comments attributed to players as that have actually been 'sourced' via quotes from agents rather than from the players themselves.

In amongst the malestrom of misinformation there is one particularly story doing the rounds that is interesting and doesn't seem to go away, therefore it would be remiss of us not to give it some coverage, even though it is sceptical and not viewed through claret and blue tinted spectacles. The rumour is rife among media outlets that an ex-West Ham player is being lined up for a surprise January loan deal, however no one is willing to really publish first as is often the case with 'breaking news', but as soon as one publishes the rest 'jump on board'.

The content of the story is fleshed out by certain details, the most pertinent of which is that the player is in the twilight of his career, has played for West Ham and wants to return for one last hurrah. Which beggars the question as to who the player might be? On the face of it there are very few players that could fit the description, as there haven't exactly been many stand out or World class players at the club in recent years, in fact all the 'greats' like Cole, Carrick, Ferdinand and Lampard have retired, this leaves very few options.

One player who has expressed a desire to return is Jermain Defoe, but despite him being forgiven for his ill advised Paul Ince like transfer request years ago, he is unlikely to figure in Manuel Pellegrini's plans which leaves just one of two others who fit the criteria, and that player could well be Carlos Tevez, if it isn't Tevez then it can only be Dimitri Payet because they are the only two top class players who are now in the twilight of their careers to have left the club. Each player would bring something special to the club, but which one is it?

Spanish speaking Hammers manager Manuel Pellegrini has long been an admirer of Carlos Tevez, however while he was manager he was not able to keep Tevez at Manchester City, this was partly due to the heniuos terms of Tevez's original deal with City which had Kia Joorabchian's MSI stamp all over it. Ironically it is Joorabchian's connection with West Ham that might see Tevez return, after all the English based Iranian born agent was instrumental in arranging the Jaoa Mario loan deal from Inter last January so he is obviously 'in' at the London Stadium. Tevez has always said that he wants to finish his career at Boca Juniors, the club that he rejoined in January of this year, however he has also dais that he had 'unfinished business' at West Ham, read what you wish in to that comment!

The only other possible candidate for the 'messiah' loan deal is none other than Dimitri Payet, or Gustavo Payet as BT Sports commentators like to call him on air, back in the summer the mercurial Frenchman was tentatively 'offered' to West Ham, there was a very clear opportunity to take Payet back, so much so that Manuel Pellegrini ran the idea past the club's senior players, many of whom are not at the club anymore or are on the long term injury list, the overwhelming response was Yes payet would be welcomed back in to the fold. The deal didn't occur because Marseille wanted a full transfer and not a loan deal, Hammers were unwilling to do that type of business and that apparently that was that, however in a new twist to the saga Payet has been quoted as saying that West Ham were now finally fulfilling the promises they made about player recruitment from several years ago, and that he would not have left the club if it had been so pro active in the transfer market while he was there.

Payet's comments may stick in some people's craw, as his reasons for leaving were definitley more personal than professional, however there is more than a modicum of truth relating to promises made and promises broken, and as Payet has said before, "West Ham made good money out of me, so why should they be bothered about me returning to my original club Marseille?" Indeed Payet thrived on his return to Marseille, being made club captain as well as captain of the French national team, unfortunately his World came down around his shoulders when he was injured in the Europa Cup final, which meant he was unable to Play for France in the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

Payet has worked his way back in to the National team, he came on as a second half substitute in their friendly against Iceland yesterday evening and is likey to feature in their next Nations League match, his position at Marseille is not as it once was and there is a feeling that he may have peaked performance wise, and at 31 years old he is no spring chicken.

Tevez is even older and 'weighs in' at 34 years old, the signing of either player seems completely counter intuitive to Manuel Pellegrini's ethos, weren't the bywords young and energetic part of Pelegrini's mantra? Then of course there is also the not inconsiderable wages issue, both players are on or have recently been on ridiculously high salaries, indeed Tevez was rumoured to have earned around £30 Million during his brief spell playing in China!

At this point we would usually begin to dismiss the story, but for some reason we think it could be a goer, perhaps this is just down to pre International break stress disorder? - Ed



Interesting reading this Nev,and could be a case of watch this space.Im still rather sour on Payet really,and am the same with Defoe,but Tevez always stated he had unfinished business at West Ham,but at 34 really?? We are supposed to be going forward,competing and winning games.It would of been good to of had him back a couple or three years ago,when he had something more to offer,but for old time sake,and to reminisce,isnt going to help us get up the league and win some silverware,but it will be good to see if anything unfolds.

88 users have voted.
Essexhammer's picture

Can't see it myself Nev,Tevez at 34 is surely over the hill,but I haven't seen him play recently ,he might still have it ,whether he still has that speed and agility for the premiership is unlikely..Why would Pellegrini be looking to replace Arnautovic who is approaching his peak, or for that matter Hernandez and Perez who are all younger and fitter.Payet is the more believable option ,love to see him back,but again,we have Lanzini and Wilshire ,our creative midfielders who are no mugs.There is the injury concerns for both of those players to consider come January,but its a long shot to think Payet will be wearing the claret and blue again..

129 users have voted.

Almost certainly a load of idle gossip. There is no way itl be tevez he must be shot to pieces and payet surely too much bad blood. I doubt the board would want the merry dance from payet again. I'd say players like these are just fill ins like Sanchez was. So they are unlikely to be considered until the last minute.

149 users have voted.

Billy Bonds............Perhaps Sir Trev is fed up watching in the stand,and feels he could do better,and got a new pair of boots for his birthday the other week.The pair of them West Ham Legends,great days.

146 users have voted.

Defoe makes more sense if and its a big if, we get shot of Carroll and/or Hernandez. Probably the latter in January. If it stretches to the summer window the chance should be gone. Of course Defoe might be looking for a last pay day.

153 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

Florin Raducioiu then double raise a Marco Boogers! my god what a strike force they would of made while on a roll what about samassi abou! ok starting to get the shakes now remembering those 3...lets hear the shout one more time
Abouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu......standing on the touchline thumping his chest shouting his name a bit of a character that man

163 users have voted.

Ive probably said it before,imo most frustrating player to ever put the claret & blue on!!he used to do my nut in...he invented the position wing back, problem was he would always forget the BACK part of the job!!;)

123 users have voted.

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