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Wheels come off wheelchairs season

hammergirl's picture
Submitted by hammergirl on Sat, 02/02/2019 - 11:40

Well surprise bloody surprise its being reported he will not play for us again this season due to a persistent ankle injury now call me a cynic but i find it hard to believe that he played last season injury free at Bournemouth but as soon as the old C&B shirt gets on your back bam his old injury comes back.
Now its not my money but i would like the club to let him go in the summer along with carroll thank god his contracts up sanchez who suffered a nasty injury but to me was a strange signing indeed masuaku who i would gladly sell on ebay if the club do not have the time snodgrass only because of his age as he has put in the effort and not bitched Adrian again out of contract i believe Ogbonna/Obiang my gosh they are so poor perez/chicarito because whats the point.
thankfully there is no football this summer but the club need an entire rethink on transfers and must realise no matter how good a deal it seems at the time a player with an injury record is a player you can do without.Eddie Howe puts many managers to shame with his ability to find nurture and develop talent whilst not breaking the bank and giving silly wages too under performing overrated over the hill last chance saloon players,if he can do it then surely we can to.

The Wilshere signing infuriated me.

He knew he was incapable to perform injury free at this level, and yet he has still managed to dwindle the club, to the tune of 100k a week.

Who signed off on this deal? Which medical professional passed him off as fit?

He will take £5 million in wages this year! That is a disgrace! He should be forced to give that money back to the club, or better yet donate it to some of our fans with serious health issues.

There must be a clause, whereby if a player lies about their wellbeing and are incapable of providing the service they have promised, they forfeit their wages? If so I bet he'll be back fit in no time.

85 users have voted.

If we know this Dicksy, then how do management not?

Did Pellegrini not follow Wilshere career, as he's been in China? Maybe he could pull the will over his eyes, but Sullivan is not an idiot. You don't become a multi millionaire making idiotic financial decisions, and he really has here.

Pellegrinis said Wilshere is a £40 million player that we got for free - we'll that doesn't add up mate does it? All that glitters isn't gold.

84 users have voted.

Obviously the dildos must be pretty shrewd to get where they are in life but to give someone like wheelchair a 100k a week-3 year deal beggars belief imo

69 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

I dislike defending David Sullivan, however in this instance I must. Sully was dead against giving wilshere a three year deal, it was Pellegrini insisted on the three year deal, apparently Wishere's very shrewd agent was insisting it was athree year deal or no deal at all.

69 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

well after sully's remarks about Charlie Austin because of his persistent injuries,it does make sense nev,poor decision by pelle then.

66 users have voted.

Shouldn't sully deduct half of wheelchairs salary from pels supposed 10 mill a year contract then? Thought not doesn't work like that I suppose

73 users have voted.

Your right 65 it does beggar belief ,you would have thought that prior to every transfer the Manager would sit down with 4 or 5 other people in responsible positions and thrash it out ,the pros and cons of the signing ,it's just the same as someone from the club goin in to the toilet every week and flushing 100 grand down the Lou

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Burkie 1

moore 6 legend's picture

I'd like to know eddie howes secret,he does better and better again us each season,if they finish above us yet again this season that's 3 in a row,for a small club in the prem with 10,000 home gate,and spend peanuts on players is nothing short of outstanding.i always wondered how they survive the prem with such small fan base, tv money in the prem today I suppose.

61 users have voted.

He brings through a core of outstanding british talent,i bet he doesnt have many problems with instagram loving posers!!;)

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