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How the squad helps each other

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Sat, 12/12/2020 - 15:41

During the Leeds match did anyone else notice how young Johnson whilst waiting to come on took time and care to help Nolan with his Tablet...showing that the younger generation are not so bad helping the elderly with Tech

Typical bike lol, when you said help him with his tablet i had visions of of him giving Nobbs a drink of water to get his pill down and putting away his walking frame for him

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Old Nolan would know how to nick one :o)

Jokes aside its clear that the spirit in the camp is the best its been for many years. Just need old sourpuss Incredible Sulk to start scoring and the only way is up! I think the backroom staff are also having a big effect and for that Bug Eyes takes the recognition!

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