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Does anyone feel sorry for Big Sam Allardyce ?

chubbyTURK's picture
Submitted by chubbyTURK on Sat, 23/05/2015 - 00:19

Yes he is stubborn and annoying quite arrogant too, probably talks a lot of excrement after a game as well, and he has never for many of us fitted our club well being so negative in his style and tactics.
But as I watched him probably (Who really knows), walking around a quarter filled Upton park for the final time as the West Ham manager on MOTD for what to me looked like lap of shame, he looked like a broken man chewing his gum reticently and applauding the few thousand fans who chose not to run away from seeing his supposed smug mug, which I felt this time did not look as smug as normal.
No one can deny that West Ham are in a far far better position than we were in when he first took the reigns, and I for one Thank him for that, and I have to say although I am not a fan I like him in bits and bobs, but I could not eat a whole one as they say.
The money should help to kill any misery he feels, and I am sure he will be welcomed well if not very fondly back to West Ham if ever he chooses to go to watch a game.

Bullyhammer's picture

He did seem a bit forlorn, as if he really did want to stay on. But I find it hard to feel sorry for somebody who has been paid so much. And if he had just been willing to be a bit less negative, had tried harder to get back to the way we were playing in the autumn, I reckon they would've renewed. But he just couldn't do it. I can't feel sorry for a guy who thinks of trying to score a second goal as 'gallivanting forward.'

345 users have voted.

I'm sorry but the sympathy that some of the writers, although well meant, and showing what I have always believed that West Ham fans can show better traits than others. Accepting all that. it comes down to the fact that for the second half of the season he has shown no sign of trying to change or motivate a squad which to all seemed to be leaderless and playing like amateurs. Face the fact boys Sam knew he was on his way, all the rhetoric was cobblers and for the media, we fans saw through it every time the team played, or should I say "turned up". I have never believed in "Dead Man Walking" and it shows a lack of leadership at the very top. Anyway its all past now , we have next season to look forward to, lets hope the new manager can instill confidence and the will to fight in our team, as it was bloody obvious the last bloke could not.

307 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

Weather you like Sam or not he has been very very well paid for his time . So No.

333 users have voted.

Not as bad as Lou Macari was in eneptitude and negative longball football but too close for me to ever want him anywhere near our ground again. When he had the chance (Carroll and Nolan injured) he found rather than changed his style of football that there was another way to play (using a diamond with two strikers). Did he learn! as soon as Nolan was fit back he came into midfield so we went back to 4-5-1 and the rest is dismal boring history! He knows times up, we know times up and by Monday afternoon SUGO will come clean and announce his departure imo! and within a week we will have a new Manager (Bilic is my bet). I look forward to that and pre-season and Europe! but sorry for Allardyce, Im afraid not!!!

335 users have voted.

A D Bonds

moore 6 legend's picture

When we was knocked out the cup,i lost all faith in Sam so NO but i did feel sorry for our fans who witnessed such misery

354 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Exactly, how about all those people paying a large chunk of their income to watch Allardyce's negative style, especially those fantastic away supporters? People who are on MUCH smaller wages than him!

325 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Yes I do feel sorry for him! He has done everything he has been asked of and more and yet he still gets heavy criticism from fickle fans - the man can do no right. The start of the season we had a good string of results and the luxury of a fully fit squad and expectations were raised but unfortunately we dont have the reserves to replace the players when they got injured and the performances petered out! A lot of stick has been given to the Zarate situation - why does nolan start over him being the argument... but sam didnt like zarate that was clear - why we dont know exactly, but then having gone on loan to qpr - how many games has he started and none other than joey barton called him a bad egg! If joey barton thinks someone is a bd egg then what does that say? Yes Sam earns a lot of money but its a high pressure job and everyone ls an expert on telling him how to do it but if its so obvious how comes we arent all managers? Despite what you think I can safely bet theres a lot going on behind the scenes in the day to day running of the job that you will never see or appreciate that requires a high level of expertise and warrants the sum of money he gets... keeping a premier league team in the competition and competing with clubs who have effectively monopolised the game with money is not easy and the gap is ever expanding. From someone who has worked before not in football but in a so called glamorous job theres a lot of sheen that covers the s**t behind the scenes that goes unnoticed - you think he looks like a broken man, im not surprised - hes been through the meat grinder and out and taken it from all sides of the opposition and evem the fans who are supposed to be behind him

322 users have voted.

Who the hell are you to call our fans fickle? I dare to stand at the coach stop and wait for those fans that have just done a 7/8 hour journey and tell them they're fickle. Coz guess what the majority of fans that go to games want him out. Obviously apart from the 100s that sit next to Jeff. I love posters like you. You come on here having invested what all season, a bit of broadband and electricity? You're not a supporter you follow West Ham, you have no skin in the club. Talking of fickle you soon ducked out of the live page when we went a goal down didn't you? They're are others on hear that share your opinion but not one of them would call our fans fickle, well apart from one and he's a total knob.

303 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Okay mate next time Im at Upton Park il make sure I pay penance to the Betty Swollox stand. If you want to pay for a season ticket or go to every away game and feel miserable about it then more for you!

340 users have voted.

The next time? Has there been a first? I'll let you into secret supporters "support" no matter what. I detect from your moniker your a Johnny come lately to the West Ham party? Who you supporting next year?

358 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Im not gonna justfiy my support to you - or get into a debate of who is more west ham than the other. If you think its reasonable to assume I'm a Johnny come lately due to the name of my profile on here than its reasonable for me to asume you are talking bollox as your moniker suggests! Maybe i will go on to support QPR next season and follow on from my obvious glory hunting with west ham all these years!

333 users have voted.

What a brave poster you are... making the points you have made.... Ooops I better shut up before I am ripped to bits for saying what I have said.

363 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

He did everything that was asked and more? Can you elaborate on the more?
He's been bleating on about 50 points and a top half of the table finish for weeks now, yet for some reason persisted in playing Cole and Nolan. He fell short due to his own ego, thought he knew better than thousands of fans who have seen for some time these two couldn't cope anymore with the pressures required for Premier League football.
Zarate wasn't the only option to King Kev. Amalfitano, Poyet, Nene. Anyone of these would have provided something different but no King kev, first name on the sheet as you know what you'll get with him. Nothing! Reduced to 9-10 men before we even kick off. The Zarate one was funny, but you can probably bet that he fronted the manager wanting to know why he wasn't being played and Sam as the man in charge made a decision. When you're the man in charge that's your call, but you live and die by the sword and his preferences restricted our ability to win football matches which is his primary objective. 3 in 20. He failed in mine and many others opinions.
I'm sure he'll appreciate a thankyou card from you. Don't forget the 3 kisses at the end!

313 users have voted.

I'm in bits after reading that piece from ACS
Oh dear...
Bye Sam, oh, don't forget to take Carlton and Kevin with you, eh.

361 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

To ausiron : Yeah im not surprised Mr Perspective... you've hated Sam from day 1! If only we'd listened to you from the start and signed Messi and Xavi with our hidden supply of Nazi gold then we might of shot up the league table and won trophies. Oh well, things will be better next season when we get Mourinho to take over

344 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

I thought we were classier as supporters. Sure he cupped his ear, I was there and lost a lot of respect for him that night. But I'm human enough to know we all make mistakes. He did more right than wrong.
Hope we've made the right decision but I'm wary. We can be the Kings of fuckups.

306 users have voted.

Glad i was on holiday!!Hes gone,regardless of opinion about him,so a new chapter starts now...whoever is in charge,does it really matter??We will always support this bloody great club of ours....COYI

260 users have voted.

For a while way back in 2011 it was still fun to meet up with mates have a few beers and predict the outcome of the game as we started our life in the Chumps. But after the play-off win, realism hit most of us who know our football. Negative, simple longball football was going to be the way forward to keep us in the Premier (at all costs and to the detriment of entertainment). About a dozen of us stopped going to games around New Year as we could see what was going to happen as Nolan came back into the team and gave us nothing in a 4-5-1 formation set up to help him.
In all honesty it's been this way ever since we got back into the Premiership and gradually it has worn most of us down except a few naive fans who in my opinion know very little about the beautiful game and how it should be played and are happy with mediocrity and points. I am not fickle as are any of us we just want our West Ham back and thankfully we now have!
Role on pre-season, new signings and getting back to entertaining football......and yes European football!!!
Lets hope we get the right manager :-)

112 users have voted.

A D Bonds

nt_hammer's picture

To be honest yes I do. I agree with Darren that there seems to be a lack of respect for whatSam has achieved during his time in charge. He really did want to finish the job.

Having spoken to him the other week he seemed to genuinely want to stay and continue the road to the Olympic Stadium. I think he is pragmatic and felt what would be would be, but deep down, if up to Sam, he would have stayed and we would have continued to progress under his tenure.

A new manager is a risk, no doubt about it. It could well work out and West Ham lift itself to European places playing wonderful football or we could struggle and digress and maybe even fight for relegation.

Knowing West Ham as well as I do I think we can safely say that....

107 users have voted.

God, reading your posts from the very day he took over you seem to have shall we say an unnatural attachment to the man ,your not a relation i take it , a bit like one of those politicians who in the face of massive hostility keeps pumping out the same old rhetoric, just curious nt but how long is it going to take for you to get over him ?

109 users have voted.

Burkie 1

" Finish the job" NT ? How do you think he was going to do that? Progress. What do you feel" has progressed" hugely under his tenure? I would certainly say Sahko looks a very decent acquisition (though has already proved injury prone,potential to disappear in games and we still have to find out what "2nd season syndrome" brings). Some have been known to disappear after bright starts!! Kouyate is again "a decent acquisition". No more and no less IMO (think he could be very good but what is currently being asked to perform surrounded by isnt conducive to that)!!! Cresswell again comes into the "decent" category (young but looks very frail defensively at times) . The long term signing of Reid is positive as is the more consistant form of Tomkins and Adrian. But outwith that?! I still see a team shorn of good fullbacks (and any real cover for them), a midfield devoid of pace,agility and goalscoring threats and virtually no width save some galloping runs from full backs!!! I see a forward line pretty devoid (if Sahkos not playing) of goalscoring options due to the almost inevitable injured plauged Carroll not being available and a striker that he brought in who looks as if he is really going to struggle to hit the net at this level!! His teams "form" in the last 20 games was absolutely hidoues!!! What he would have done with funds available (should he have stayed) would be anybodies guess)!! Its not so much what he would have done with it that concerns me its "what would he have done with the players he seems to be able to get next to nothing out of but insists on playing"!!! I mean the Jarvises, Downings ,Nobles,Nolans, Coles, Valencias etc!!! Of course any new manager might have to work with said players but from what I witnessed from them with Allardyce "motivating" them in the 2nd half of the season Im not sure that I would have liked to have seen then run out under his tenure again!!! He also was very much "oh we have a heavy fixture list" kind of guy. WHAT ON EARTH WOULD HE HAVE PRESIDED OVER WITH A EUROPA CUP CAMPAIGN BEGINING IN JUNE/JULY!!!! Jesus he would have been moaning about "exhaustion" in September (dont get me wrong Im no fan of the Comp) particullary when you have the debacle of the qualifying that we will have!!! But IF he had ben building a squad with up and coming youth etc he might have been in a stronger position to deal with it but given the fact he brings through next to no youth (save possibly young Reece Burke) then this is what you store up for yourself!!! He did" what he was initailly asked to do"....progress?!! Mmmmmmmmmmmm

135 users have voted.
nt_hammer's picture

Hi fanno, or whatever you call yourself these days. Nice to see you back mate.

As always, a good insightful post and worthy of debate - often lacking on here lately.

Sam has made tremendous progress at West Ham and deserves recognition for his efforts IMO. Big progress made. We were a relegated mess when he took over and looked like we could well do a Leeds, Portsmouth or Sheff Utd with horrendous debt and wage bill.

I look back and look where we have come and thank Sam and the owners for their efforts. Progress. They have turned us from a joke of a club into a stable Premier League team looking forward, who is looking to play in Europe for the first time in years. Relegation is a distant memory. Progress. We move into a new stadium soon and I think Sam had earned enough credit to be the man to lead us out there.

It clearly, is not going to be the case and the main factor behind that is fans like yourself who re unhappy. Whatever, it is we find ourself taking a risk and appointing a new face and funding a change within the club. I just hope the right decision is made - don't we all. I me excited by the challenge ahead but if it works out then all us fans can be looking forward to a bright claret and blue future.

112 users have voted.

How I chortle at the thought that im Fanno (a certain irony there) but your right to a degree. Regarding "progress" again I think its in the eye of the beholder. You say "relegation is a distant memory"....would you like to have seen another say 7 or 8 weeks to the season? I know I wouldnt have!! I think he made a rod for his own back. This "50 points bollox"!! Thats like somebody owning a resteraunt with a 100 covers and saying "we need 40 customers a night to make a tiny profit" then shutting the door when the 40th customer walks in with 4 hours serving time remaining and shutting the door" followed by saying "we have a good Chef whos 90 years old but I wont train these great enthusiastic young Chefs who are desperately trying to impress"!!!!! As for "moving to a new stadium" YES THATS PROGRESS....but nothing whatsever to do with Allardyce (my views on the Owners are actually legendary lol). You make some valid points re Leeds et al and yes he does take credit for some of that (but again would he have done it without the serious financial backing of the owners? What players do you feel he has nurtured and brought on that have had a major impact in that? He leaves us primarily without a right back, no cover at left back, a midfield devoid of any real flair or attacking prowess and a forward line where I dont feel (save Sahko) that anybody will comfortably get to double figures in a season!!! Yes" theres risk" but im afraid the way he finished the season there was a hell of a risk should he remain!! Did you feel that the players were really rolling their sleeves up and running their heart out for him?! I personally feel that if he remained he woudl have been bleating about "fixtures and squad" before our summer tans had worn off and possibly continued our horrific slide that took place from January onwords. Of course we will never know. All I know is that by March I could barely watch even the merest glimpse of us such was the apathy and lack of entertainment provided by his troops!!! Anyway good to engage in debate with your good (rational) self again.

126 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Even in his last presser he reckoned we were in a "fantastic position" and took all the credit for this alleged fantastic position for himself. Not even now can he take any of the blame for the last 5 months, and to say we are in a fantastic position either shows he is greatly deluded, or his idea of fantastic is VERY different from mine. I am NOT sorry in any way that he is gone (and I'm usually a soppy sentimental twat! LOL)

105 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Haha yeah, exactly! Who was crying for we poor WHU fans having to watch some of the rubbish he produced? Not those twat pundits who never watch us anyway.

105 users have voted.

Well! we all talk cack on here according to nt and do not give intelligent insightful debates :-) I for one am over the moon with Allardyce leaving my club as are about 95% of fans and that includes David Sullivan, David Gold and to a limited degree Ms Bradey! I think someone else is talking cack here and is deluded nt and it's not us!!!
It looks like we are going the right way to get the right replacement by the statement issued by the board yesterday, Attacking football, West Ham way, entertaining, good cup runs were all mentioned and most importantly, bringing on the youth in our Academy. To me this is the way forward and to that degree I hope we get the right manager which I am sure we will. Even Bilic fits this criteria as do most who have been mentioned in the last few days.
SUGO have contacted most on their short list but stated today they will take their time and probably in a weeks time or so we will know who it is going to be. We want a manager who lets face it will be the complete opposite of Allardyce and one us fans can get excited about with a team playing the beautiful game the way it should be played and want to go and watch again!
With Allardyce still at the helm nt it would have been dire to say the least and on current form definitely relegation contenders next season.

115 users have voted.

A D Bonds

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