Hot on the heals of the Haller 'loss bombshell' incurred by the striker's move to Ajax, word has reached us from a disgruntled member of staff that the 'deal' wasn't quite as straight forward as it first seems. The world and his brother have 'lumped on' about the huge financial loss, including ourselves, however it now transpires that West Ham insisted on a 'massive' sell on clause, rumoured to be 20% but it could possibly be as much as 25%, in order to sanction the deal.
Of course there will still be a massive loss, but eventually it may be mitigated should the Irons receive the 'brucey bonus' from a sell on, provided Haller doesn't continue to play with the lack of passion while he was at the London Stadium. The club have been rather coy with regards to the exact details of Haller's transfer, with the official statement being surprisingly short. "West Ham United can confirm Sébastien Haller has joined Ajax on a permanent basis.The Ivory Coast international centre-forward ends his stay with the Hammers after making 54 appearances in all competitions and scoring 14 goals across 18 months, following his summer 2019 arrival from German club Eintrecht Frankfurt.The 26-year-old returns to the Netherlands, where he previously spent two-and-a-half seasons with Utrecht. West Ham United would like to thank Sébastien for his contribution to the Club and wish him all the best for his future career.
It should be noted that there is no mention of the fee, how it will be paid, and what sell on details if any. Usually clubs hide behind the 'undisclosed fee' statement when the details of 'sensitive' transfers are made available, but there wasn't even a mention of that. We have even heard that Ajax are going to pay the transfer fee in instalments! Albeit over a twelve month period, as opposed to the up to three year period involved in many European transfers.
The club statement regarding the departure of Haller is hardly a shining accolade, possibly one of the reasons for which being Haller's first interview following his move to Ajax, during which he made it plainly obvious that the move had been in the offing for some considerable time. “To be honest it’s already a few months, a few months that I knew it (about the move to Ajax). So I always stay in contact with the coach, we spoke because we know we had a good relation before in Utrecht. We always spoke between each other so of course when I knew that the deal was possible, I was happy. I just had to be patient with the situation, then things were possible so they made the move.”
These words will not go down well with Hammers fans, many of which questioned whether the player wanted to be at the club, well they have their answer now, his lackadaisical approach always looked as if he wasn't interested in playing the lone striker rule, and apart from the odd spectacular goal, fans were more used to seeing the big Ivorian fall over on his backside after hardly being touched.
Haller will probably be a success in the less demanding Dutch League, his value will more than likely go up again, and Hammers might just recoup a further £10 Million in sell on fees, that is of course assuming that the information we received was correct and they DID have the good sense to insist on a healthy sell on Premium, they wouldn't be so stupid as to not, would they? - Ed
NB: Andy Carroll cost the Irons £236,440 per match to appear over the course of seven injury plagued seasons, with each of his goals costing £1.5 Million, total cost, a staggering £54 Million in wages and transfer fee of £15 Million! Haller's brief spell cost the club £550,000 per appearance, each of his goals costing just under £2 Million! Fortunately Haller wasn't at the club for a lengthy spell, otherwise the figures could have been even more damaging.

Knew it all along
It was written all over his face,disgusting imo...on a kings ransom & didnt matter how shit he played ( god he was shit too!) he knew a club was lined up...
It is disgusting when you see
It is disgusting when you see it on paper,Carroll on 54 mill in seven years,and haller on half a mill a game,how this has got to this stage is beyond me,you have NHS keeping people alive,just keeping their heads above water only breaking even,in a way i blame myself for paying for a season ticket for all these years.
Nice 1 Essex
Dont blame yourself mate,you have loyalty! Something these prima Donna's will never possess
Well said essex priorities
Well said essex priorities are all wrong mate.
Tapped up it sounds like
Thought there were rules about that......and what a surprise a greedy footballer taking money and not giving a shit.
Jeff off Haller to la Merde
Jeff off Haller to la Merde Maison.....
Dont matter , point is he's
Dont matter , point is he's gone ,it may educate the people at the club responcible for transfers to be more carfull in the future ,we were done up like a kipper on this one, i still say someone shoul loose their job over it ,a few people were on a big earner
i think
el pel and his side kick definitely did us up a kipper burkie and made a mint out of us but this just goes to show how bad the money situation has got in football and out of step with the average man on the street most of them earning more in one week than we can in 1-2- years
The eye's don't lie.....
All has now been revealed...
I still find it strange that what was obvious to me, wasn't obvious to many. Surely, it's not possible to pull the wool over so many supporters eyes? Yet some believed he was playing in the wrong system...blah blah blah... The Eyes Don't Lie... what I saw was a lazy uninterested player who felt that he was better than this club and had a right to be treated like a superstar.
Now we know why? As big as the loss is, you sometimes have to amputate... which is what we have had to do. Playing with Haller was a negative before the team even stepped onto the pitch.
We can now get someone in who wants to be here at this club and is willing to get paid for doing the basics which Haller Never did... put the work in.
It's funny how so many red flags in the way Haller went about his business were repeatedly raised, but they kept on being dismissed by those who couldn't believe that he was as bad (disinterested) as our eyes were telling us.
Spot On Green St
Could not have worded it better said it loads of times weve had more than our fair share of dross in my lifetime,it comes with supporting westham.But what got my goat about this bloke was the attitude,the laziness,it was written all over his face & people still said hes being played in the wrong system blah blah blah you are correct mate.So we get a new striker in be it king,giroud or anyone else will they be spared the same excuse if it doesnt work out,strikers that dont fit our system??The whole ethos about being a westham fan is to hope that players at least put a shift in,be proud to wear the claret & blue even if they are a crap player
Well said Green Street and 65
Well said Green Street and 65,to be honest im not as anxious as i would be in the replacement,as whoever it will be,will be much better than him,because he didnt take part in the game for us.
Exactly mate
No fear of anyone being any worse
Well said everyone ,i myself
Well said everyone ,i myself cant believe its so simplistic, El Pell gets word of this guy playing in the German league, so he knocks on the door of messers Gold & Sull and say " can i have a word in your ears guvs ,ive heard theres a geezer in Germany thats absolutely spiffing ,can i have 43 million to buy him "
and the dildos say " certainly me old sparrow ,a kite or cash ?fancy a glass of brandy while your here " .
If thats the case then acquiring Pell was a big mistake and that in itself should be looked into ,what i mean is if he really did line his trouser pockets with lots of lovely dosh then good luck to him,the world of buisness is full to the brim with crooks ,while should a multi billion industry like football be any different?