For many dyed in the wool football fans, the antics of overpaid players, and even more outrageously rewarded player's agents, have long been a bone of contention, the words greed and avarice being the common denominator, but news of the proposed 'European Super League' has taken things to 'another level'.
The 'Elite' teams will argue that it is 'just progress', and that the end justifies the means, and without wishing to decry the dreadful loss of life during the covid pandemic by using this analogy, what price a human life? The point is, a life is beyond financial value, and in this sometimes troubled country, we have one bright jewel, the NHS, which never ceases to shine despite the darkness it has to deal with on a constant basis.
Despite all the vast wealth on offer to Barclays Premier League teams, and those of the elite European teams, albeit at a vastly lesser overall fiscal level, the owners of most clubs, whether corporate or state funded, have no scruples about the 'state of the game', their modus operandi is either to 'make a Buck' or to gloss over the misdemeanors of a 'questionable' political regime.
It is indeed ironic, that during a season when 'young whipper snapper' clubs such as West Ham, and others, have dared to shake up the 'established' but vulnerable 'top order', that a restricted entry competition should be fast tracked, and it should be to the eternal shame of the co-signatories from the English League that they, along with their 'elite' European partners, have signed up for what might well be another step towards the final nail in the coffin of honest 'competitive' European football. - Ed

Those club owners
Think nothing about traditions fans competition etc so let them go if they want to...i will feel sorry for there fans but then let them know there is no coming back and Fifa/uefa/ need to make it clear any players joining this league will not be allowed back into any leagues/competitions run by the organisations....if this is not nipped in the bud then football as we know it will die
I think football as we
I think football as we currently remember it has been dead for years Bikey to be honest. Football now, has long since eaten itself and is already too elite. The money in the game has already killed the fun and passion for me anyway. They have been talking about this breakaway for years now. It's like when Man Utd were going to play a league game in China at the end of the campaign some years ago.
Personally as a life long Hammer, leaving the Boleyn was the final straw, now with Covid and the dreaded VAR. I've lost my appetite and can honestly say I get more animated about my FA Fantasy Football team and winning that league.
Now I might be a moaney old git as I approach 60 in a couple of years. Start saying it weren't like that in my day. These kids of today don't know they're born and all that crap. But I understand things evolve, nothing stays the same. You have to embrace change and not be a dinosaur otherwise you'll get left behind.
Interestingly enough though, playing devils advocate for a moment. I wonder how we'd feel as Hammers fans if like Chelski, we'd made the last 5 cup finals, regularly played Champions League Football and even won it? I think as one of our old members used to say, "the games gone mad"....
Totally understand where you
Totally understand where you are coming from boogers. But just replying to your last paragraph... We are West Ham, we will NEVER know what that level of success feels like!
Why .. we always seem to find a way of effing it up. Look at Saturday as an example. The Top Clubs would have first of all never lost to a team at the bottom and would have grabbed the opportunity to go 3rd in the league. Fabianski, a great keeper but will always have at least one nightmare a season... remember Liverpool last season at Anfield.. was ours for the taking against the Champions elect! Arse fans still call him Flabbyhandsski.
This... Is the real West Ham way, had it, like you, for many years, always seem to grab defeat from the jaws of victory..
League Cup Semi V Stoke
FA Cup Semi V Forest
The bond scheme
The Academy... cant keep hold of our best youngsters
icelandic owners
Cup Final V Bindippers
missing out on CL in final year at UP
The whole debacle move to the BoM
i could go on the shambles is a long list... but its still OUR shambles embarrassing as that may be!
Im off to kick the cat... swear hes a Chavski fan!
Spot on
Dartford mate lol
Says it all for me Boogers
I'm just surprised it has taken this you say greed killed the game a long time ago,I'll always be westham but greed was the reason we left our spiritual home,the only surprise for me is the spuds are in it as a supposedly elite club
Exactly 65... Spudz... What a
Exactly 65... Spudz... What a joke!
and now Mourhino has been
and now Mourhino has been given the gooner....PMSL!!!
I don’t know about you but i am fed up with the game now
game now ,the prem league is awash with greed from top clubs,agents and players,it is now got to the ladies football,all about money,money the game has gone rotton to the core,chuck out the so called big 6 now,we need to get back to the future,pre prem time,sorry rant over for the moment
Let the MOFO's go....
....and bring football back to its roots. Anyone greedy enough will not be allowed to play in the English leagues once they've signed, but hey ho, they'll have earned enough mercenary bucks not to worry....
As long as we don't have to join I'd be happy COYI
Brighton and Leeds supporter this week...anyone else?
come on leicester
What's so super ...
... about 4 of the 6 English teams not even currently in the top four of the Premier League? Arsenal are NINTH, ffs. Super my arse.
This has been the best season for WHUFC in a long long time, mates. Let's not let the worthlessness of money-grubbers spoil it for us. Even in the last match, the fightback from 2-0 down with 10 men was something special. Throwing it away was typical West Ham -- we've all seen that -- but let's live for the moments; there have been plenty this season. Come on you irons, always and forever, claret and blue, west ham till I die.
Great post Ashes
Nice 1 mate
This just epitomises what is
This just epitomises what is and has ruined our game,money,i agree with all what you boys have said,and yes 65,spuds supposedly elite........wankers.
The Chairman
Of Real Madrid on telly saying it's the only way his poverty stricken club can make money! Says it all
Other clubs starting to
Other clubs starting to compete at the top of the table so they move the goalposts to keep a status quo... they say the super league will alow more trickle down wealth, I highly doubt it.
It will Andy. The rest of the
It will Andy. The rest of the clubs will get a massively unfair share spread out across the rest of the league whilst these jackals take the cream, the milk and the curd for themselves. The end is nigh!!
i think
the reason they invited the spuds is because every league needs a whipping -boy-team