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Submitted by Zummerzet on Wed, 27/05/2015 - 14:12

The shenanigans in Switzerland ie the arrest of several FIFA representatives must highlight to even the most loyal follower of our illustrious leader Mr Sepp Blater that things do not seem to going well. The alleged dodgy dealing and the questions over the awarding of the tournaments to Russia and Qatar are apparently coming to a head with the actions of the FBI requesting the apprehension of above mentioned representatives. How can anyone believe that the outstanding Russia well known for its straightforward dealings in international politics and sport would countenance dodgy dealing is beyond me. Qatar known worldwide for its excellent reputation in football is the natural choice of any freethinking member of FIFA. The questions of slave labour to build the stadiums and the nonsense of where the fans will stay is a red herring and of course must be ignored. To all and sundry it must be obvious that FIFA is a shining light of truth and decency in the shady word of sport politics.
ps The application is in the post.

Bullyhammer's picture

FIFA is a stain on world football. It's not just Blatter that needs to go (to prison hopefully!) The organisation needs to be destroyed and rebuilt from the ground up. Hopefully these criminal proceedings will make the big sponsors, like Coca-Cola, Adidas, and Visa withdraw all their support. And maybe that will give the big federations, like England and Germany, the courage to demand that world football needs a new organisation, NOT based in Switzerland, that haven for crooked money-makers.

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moore2come's picture

Problem the big sponsors face is making a decision that doesn't come at an immediate cost. I'm sure Pepsi, Nike and Amex would immediately swoop to replace this organisations and become the global brands of football, same with Macca's. It needs to be proven and quickly that the corruption is rife, filters through all levels and that Sepp Blatter is involved. Once that happens, only then can the image of the game begin the long road to restoration.

166 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

For blaster to remain in charge and not be kicked out must mean he holds some info on someone up high somewhere that he has threatened to reveal if he gets arrested etc. it will be interesting to see if he gets re-elected which I expect him too. visa have already said they have too much money invested in FIFA to pull out. So doesn't look as if much will change.

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