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Caution Doesn't Always Favour-Rice Fear

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 01/07/2021 - 17:38

The 'Declan Rice scenario' has taken on new impetus, courtesy of an article in the Telegraph which has been amplified and regurgitated by the general media, but also backed up by the usually reliable Ex WHU employee. To those not in the know, the situation is quite simple and is a classic example of both time moving and the recalcitrancy of a once bitten twice shy board of directors.

When another youngster, Reece Oxford, was catapulted at a young age in to the spotlight, virtually every top club began to hover, consequently Oxford was awarded a pay deal that was way in excess of the norm, actually it was SIX times higher than the normal wages awarded to a youth player breaking into the first team.

Unfortunately, as has been well documented, the money and potential fame went to the lad's head, and he lost his direction, a similar thing happened to Ravel Morrison, and look where they ended up! So, mindful of past experiences, and but still having a dinosaur mindset, the hierarchy at West Ham decided that they wouldn't go through the same situation again when it came to Declan Rice's future.

Now there are those that will argue that the board's stance was understandable, in some ways it was, but Declan is a completely different kettle of fish, both in personality, but more so in his maturity and raw talent. Dec's was being paid £3,000 per match to play IN THE PREMIER LEAGUE! That 'pittance', in football terms, was increased to a 'reasonable' amount with the promise of constant reviews which was fine at the time.

However, Declan Rice's progress had been dramatic, his profile has gone from being a West Ham kid to becoming a potentially global star in a matter of a couple of seasons, the 'new' deal that he signed now seems 'paltry' especially compared to other squad members like Andriy Yarmolenko who receives TWICE Rice's wages.

It doesn't matter about the past, Yarmolenko and players like him are the past, Declan Rice and other youngsters are the future. Technically there should be no need to panic, as Declan's contract has another three years to run with an additional year's option, but the big clubs are circling like vultures and Hammers attempts at fending them off must be more focused to avoid a situation that shouldn't be allowed to develop.

The club has made two offers to Declan, both of which have been knocked back, it has been suggested that he seeks parity with the wages of the other big earners, and why not? Please don't mutter that old "should be more loyal" chestnut, the fact is that loyalty in football ceased to exist before most fans now were born.

As if to add a bit of additional jeopardy to what's been doing the rounds, we at the Org DO have a good Chelsea insider, who is as good as our original Doris the Tea Lady was before her retirement. The news emanating from the Bridge is NOT good, in fact it is dreadful. We have been reliably informed, that a Declan to Chelsea move has been authorised by none other than Roman Abramovich himself, furthermore that his club will pay whatever it takes to land the England International who began his career in West London.

We're hoping it's all drivel, but fear the worst for the first time, giving Dec a bumper new deal should be a matter of high priority and might just settle things, at least for a while. It might even be too late, but the clun must try it's hardest to hold on to it's major asset, an asset that wil only increase in value.

The Board's plan is to either stump up the cash, or bank the £100 Million or so they could receive from Abramovich, we have a feeling all will be revealed a lot sooner than later, and hope, rather forlornly, that they somehow do the right thing, which is to NOT take the filthy lucre! - Ed



mcbikeman's picture

Is if Rice did put in transfer request and he leaves is how much of the money would Moyes see and just how long will Dithering Dave take to find a replacement?....Everyone of us know Rice will leave in time and i expect it to be next summer but if a player wants out then let them go but at the price we want not what buying clubs want....forget cash and players just ask for the cash....and i hope the board then realise if they got the £100 million for him they can then know longer harp on about the El Pel disaster and the club will with one player of wiped that from the books...but lets wait n see eh.

21 users have voted.

He should be on par with the best earners,or should be the biggest earner!But as I've posted elsewhere & have done many times if you want loyalty own a dog!!

25 users have voted.

Well said 65, every season he spends here is a bonus,his potential is un imaginable ,with the odd exeption we have never been able to hold onto talented young players ,its the way of the world ,i make the Russian money bags the favourite by a mile

23 users have voted.

Probably chelski bound,its a real pity because he would have been captain for us for years to come,but like most things westham enjoy it while it lasts

22 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

You can understand the once bitten, twice shy position only if it reflects the clubs other business, but it didn't stop the parasites in charge continuing to but shite players year after year. Jesus Reece Oxford saga was in 2015!! 6 years ago and we've signed plenty of dross on inflated wages since then and done nothing. An England international, captain at 22, the player that makes us tick and a level headed young man, is so different to Reece Oxford. It's like comparing Simone Zaza to Ronaldo or Andre Ayew to Messi or Gokhen Tore to Michail Antonio or Jack Wilshere to Keiran Dyer.

24 users have voted.

He should be our top earner,Sugo shouldnt even be debating this,if he goes anywhere it will be Chelsea,we wont see another Sir Trev one club im afraid.

25 users have voted.

You're right Essex,nobes was the last

24 users have voted.

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