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It's Bilic as our manager,let's all get behind him and support him.COYI 'S..

NorthHertsHammer's picture
Submitted by NorthHertsHammer on Tue, 09/06/2015 - 12:47

It'll be interesting mate if everyone does get behind him. I think on the terraces they will, but on sites like these I think there's still bit of an Allardyce hangover. It'll be interesting to see if those that criticised others a lot for not giving Allardyce a chance will now do the same themselves with Bilic. Personally I would tend to see how the team plays for the first 10 games or so before making a judgment. I know others on here are qualified FIFA coaches so they have a better understanding and can predict the future, but I'll keep my powder dry for the time being on whether he's any good or not. I will say though that some of my criteria for manager would have been someone in their 40's or 30's to come in and build a project, from youth to senior level. I think it's the owners responsibility to dictate the football philosophy as Huw Jenkins has done at Swansea, stick with it and then bring in managers to fulfil that philosophy. So hopefully that is the case. Clubs now buy the players because the manager position is so transient, and they buy players to fit into their philosophy. For instance last years recruits in comparison to Allardyce's when he was buying players, reflect a different philosophy between owners and mangers. On the whole they get what we want as fans and try and get players to fit that bill. I also don't buy into the Judas thing. Maybe 20 years ago would have felt like that, but now i'm afraid the romance of football and the involvement of money precludes me form feeling that players would love the club more than I do.

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I was one who felt Sam didn’t always get a fair hearing, but as far as I'm concerned he is not manager of West Ham any more so that ends the debate, if Bilic comes in and has us playing good football and challenging for trophies, or at top end of the league I will be bloody delighted. I never got this thing where people seem more concerned with being right than us doing well, what I do sincerely hope is that Bilic can unite the club because when the fans are on side the whole aura of the club changes. Hopefully the start of a bright new era

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plaistow-man's picture

KentHammer I think you hit the nail on the proverbial regards Sam, he brought promotion and PL stability yep at times not pretty but he did it, I hope Slaven hits the ground running and he is given (unlike his predecessor) a fair crack at the whip.

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Congrats Bilic lets hope for a happier chapter in the Hammers story book

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