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News:Injuries Avoided-For Once-But Is Davey In Danger?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Wed, 28/09/2022 - 22:44

With players off to all parts of the globe, including Michail Antonio's ludicrous crossing over to the Americas to play in a dead rubber defeat to Lionel Messi's Argentina, the club's medical staff feared the worst of what is the beginning of the deadly dozen of games ahead, NINE of which will occur between the beginning and end of October alone!

Manager David Moyes could be gone before November if results keep going against his relatively expensive but only recently acquired 'new squad' of players, such is the pressure of trying to feed at the top table, someone always takes a tumble in the rush for the remaining 'chair'.

To continue with the musical chairs analogy, Hammers have been 'lucky' for the last two seasons in that their close competitors ALL set about paths of self destruction in one way or another, unfortunately this season they ALL seem to have got their act together in unison, which leaves West Ham very exposed and with very little hope of emulating the last couple of season's high finishes.

Many are saying is that the best the club can hope for is a bit of mid table safety this season in anticipation of a successful following season once all the new players have bedded in, the problem is that by then Declan Rice will be off, as will Jarrod Bowen and one or two others!

The light at the end of the tunnel for David Moyes is that ALL of the players who have been away have reportedly returned without any major injury issues, it's about bloody time! That doesn't mean most of them won't be a bit cream crackered, but it is the price you pay for having top class players.

Word is that David Moyes has only been given FIVE more games to save his neck, we don't think so. Having bank rolled Moyes substantially during the summer window, the board will be most reluctant to pull the trigger now which would leave any incoming manager with players that were Moyes's choice and not theirs and we all know what incoming managers like to do don't we?

Until things virtually reach the point of no return the board will stick by Moyes, realistically they have no other option, they have made their bed with Moyes and are going to have to share it, like it or loathe it, at least until January by our reckoning.

How much it would cost to terminate David Moyes's contract isn't exactly known, but the cost of bringing in almost an entirely new first team a new manager would insist on could bankrupt the club. Moyes is very close to being at the top of the 'chop list'. - Ed



boogerscaravan's picture

That is of course unless the devious dildos have been in contact with any free agents. Like Mr Tinkel who may well just about retrieved that blue flag firmly inserted up his jaxy.

Or even Mr Mopo Potch who must we wanting a return to London by now surely??

I think the dildos game will not be the long one. If we fail against Porto FC on Saturday evening, I can see the axe man coming that night!!

16 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

We can lose but if we lose playing the same old out form ayers Moyes will be sacked & deservedly so. If we lose & Moyes starts with Emerson, Cornet, Downes & Scamacca I think he will be safe. But I bet he will not be able to wait to get his favourites on.

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