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Tired? do they know what that means

Oldtimehammer's picture
Submitted by Oldtimehammer on Wed, 12/10/2022 - 05:56

Manchester City Manager Pep Guardiola said that his players were Exhausted after the match against Copenhagen i would ask really? do they know the meaning of exhaustion? whilst i understand that they are top level sportsmen they are in there prime and with the squads and rotation nowadays i just find that and excuse.

In my working life i used to work 12 hours a day for a meagre wage and walked to work that was around an hour or so and the same in the evening but you did it to provide for your family so to say you are exhausted after 2 maybe 3 games in a week i truly find laughable try living a real working mans life 6 days a week and for a lot nowadays 7 days and on wages that would not come close to an average premier league players weekly wage.Harold Macmillan once said "you've never had it so good" so please all these players an managers keep quiet about Exhaustion you truly do not know what that means.

Makes you laugh doesn't it! I'm 57 still in the construction trade working as hard as I did when I was 21! Have to drag my sorry arse out of bed every morning to earn a crust,but that's life you get on with it.These modern players & managers havnt a bleeding clue

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mcbikeman's picture

Truly 65 says we drag ourselves out of bed each morning because it is what you do any of todays players want to swap they are more than welcome.

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Hold on let me get my crash helmet… right that’s better. I think it’s all relative mate. I’ve got a son who’s trying to play professional sport and watching the sacrifices he has to go though at such a young age on his body and mind, sometimes I question is it worth it. I think the main problem you and many would have is the money they get. Just because they earn lot of money doesn’t mean they can’t be tired. And yes you would’ve had tougher working conditions but it’s all relative. You probably came form a generation where you put up with that because fear of not earning kept us and our parents generation in jobs they didn’t like. These kids and young people do jobs they like and work in places they like, it’s our greatest achievement as a generation they are allowed to do this. Times change and when you watch old clips form the 70s although wonderfully nostalgic the game is so different at the top level. They’re fit and healthy because they’re working all week to be like that. Factor in travelling and then the effort that goes into a game of course they could be tired.

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boogerscaravan's picture

It's an interesting debate. I'm 60 next year and have worked all my life doing long hours. But during that time I've learnt how to be work fit and fairly sharp.

Having said that, I wouldn't say I've worked hard, as I've always been a bit of a ducker and diver. Never had any time off sick or played the system. But always tried to play it crafty. I'll say no more on my ethics.

Thing is no matter how you earn your money, it's things like Saturday match days that kept you going. It's pretty much what we all looked forward to, no matter how hard you graft.

Saturdays and match days have changed for me though, whether thats because the game has changed I don't know. Whether is because I'm older and a day in the pub and on the terraces isn't the same as it was. I don't know. But somehow the two are linked.

As for being tired, at my age comments like that go over my head, If I stayed awake wondering and pontificating about the correlation between the two, my head would probably explode. Everything though, is relative I guess?

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Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

I like what all the yuppie press says about "entrepreneurs" ,they suffer from burnout at 40 ,that they are workaholics F F S ,flying to Singapore for a metting and coming back the next day ,working lunches with other CEOs ,flying off for another meeting in New York ,make you fall about laughing, you dont ever hear them referring to guys down a trench with a pic and shovel entrepreneurs, standing outside Murrys butcher shop in the Kilburn high road ( now gone )on a cold December morning at 7 am with 20 or 30 other Paddys hopping to be picked out for a days work when the van drew up ,and if you were one of the lucky ones ( 5 or 6)not getting back untill 7.30 that night so fekin tired after breaking hardcore with a lump hammer all day ,you just fall into bed ,why didnt i learn to be a footballer.
Theres an old saying ,footballers are people who roll arround for 90 minutes pretending to be hurt ,rugby players play 80 minutes pretending not to be hurt .

52 users have voted.

Sorry mate couldn’t let this one go. You maybe anti-capitalist which will probably answer my question, but do you know any entrepreneurs? Or any that live this lifestyle? And if you did you would also know that most of the successful ones go through huge upheaval and work loads, stress, financial distress and fight to get where they are. The end result maybe swanning around as you put it but if you’ve got brains and you can use them, why would you go out at 05:00 to smash hardcore. 99.9% of entrepreneurs are not born with money, that’s why they’re entrepreneurs.

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Not sure you're background Betty,but I come from a working class background East London & Essex Council estates in the 60s & 70s,I passed my 11 plus but I didn't want to go to a grammar school with all the toffs ( admittedly i thought a lot different in those days!!),I was more than happy being with my mates at the local comprehensive having a laugh every day,playing football & girls ha ha..I've done pretty well for myself in the building trade with my own business & stayed close to my working class roots all my life,so i dont regret anything.Sorry mate but entrepreneurs work hard to get where they are? Normally it's a leg up from mummy & daddy!!

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Sorry mate you are an entrepreneur. Look up the definition. Why did you start your own business? Why don’t you still live in a council flat? Do you kids live in council flats, do they have menial jobs, their partners? You’re aspirational, you probably think that the only entrepreneurs are entitled silver spoon brigade, they’re not mate they’re normal folk who aspire to do better that’s all. I’m from a working class east London docker family. Always poor, always on strike, my grandparents wanted their kids to go out and be more and they all did. I still consider myself as working class, but this them and us thing is crap now. Anyone with some brains and balls can make something of themselves. You yourself have proved that.

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Yes mate,but might have to be Westham v leyton Orient in a cup game! I won't mind wearing a half & half scarf then!! ;)

43 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Would be a privilege to buy you a sherbet at the supporters club and I will stomp up for a lovely half and half scarf :o)

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All arguments and or debates are basse on one of 2 things undisturbed facts or perceived notions ,ie ,ive never been to the moon but i know its there because i can see it ,ive never seen mount everest so how do i know its there ,well you could say ive been indoctrinated ,teachers and books and things ,in fact if you think about it nearly all our thinking is because of indoctrination ,why are some of us socialists and some of us Tories .?because our mum and dads were ,sure there are people that have made it from scratch ,but i would say that most of the wealthy are of inherited background, same thing is true of football supporters , your west ham cos it runs in the family or all your mates were groing up ,one of my best mates was always manua ,he got married and had 5 kids i remember when each was born, now their from 35 - 48 and ,you've guessed it thier staunch manua fans .
What im trying to say is ,well the reason im a socialist is because my dear old dad was a staunch Labour supporter ,if we cant sit down and confront one another with our arguments and discuss them there is only one other outcome ,withdraw behind the barricades .
Sorry Betty ,never addressed your questions no i dont know any wealthy people ,its just a perception ,but if you look at the reason the tories are in trouble, and the pound is going down the toilet according to the visual and print media its all to do with capitalism's temple ,the markets ,it appears if we are to save the pound and keep your country from going down the tubes theres only one thing to do and that is appease markets ,in other words cuts in welfare payments and more cuts public spending , in other words put the working man back on his push bike where he belongs .
Sorry for the rant .

57 users have voted.

Sorry Burkie can’t agree. Politics shouldn’t be tribal, that’s madness. Football is tribal, an “in the blood thing” where you’re from thing, but politics is too transient for that. When your dad supported labour it probably meant something totally different to now, it’s just the label has remained the same. Same for the Conservative party 60-70 years ago. The thing with politics is they’re all a bunch of useless tossers. They’re the unpopular kids at school that got picked last for everything trying, either worrying about their egos or feathering their own nests. Socialism doesn’t work and it why we’ve not had a labour government for nearly 50 years. Before you jump up and down, Blair was a Tory with a red tie. If all the country has, is the shambles that is the current government and the prospect of the most uninspiring man in politics ever, we’re doomed. So switch off the old Sky News and do something else coz they’re not worth the worry mate. Live your life how you want and to what standards you want as none of them are gonna help us. Ps you answered my questions about entrepreneurs by saying you didn’t know any. Ta

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Betty got to say you make some fantastic points, the reason i talk about tribalism is in fact because im a staunch evolutionist ,the old argument about the chicken and the egg sort of thing ,its fascinated me for most of my life , its debatable at what point life on this planet developed a consciousness ,some say it was just before we came down from the trees ,others say it was long before that , thats my point about tribalism ,it was only when we started to live on tera firma that we formed alliances ,when we formed borders and defended them with our lives ,visa vie the start of war ,and we've been waring among ourselves ever since .the point im trying to make is from then on we formed allies to help us in these wars , and we still do today , we pidgin hole ourselves ,labour ,conservatives, greens and whatever your having yourself ,i firmly believe that empathy with others that perhaps arnt so lucky as i am ,isnt a political doctrine or even a religious ethos , maybe its just a stage on the evolutionary scale .

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I think most decent people in society feel like this and there are a lot with money who actually do some good with it, probably more than those that don’t. But pinning our hopes on those twats in Westminster isn’t the way forward. You carry on as you are mate you’ve got the right idea, the so called experts couldn’t care less

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Well done Betty for your intelligent insights! As a kid all the people I knew were staunch labour,the party for the working class in those days & say what you like about the trade unions in those days at least they gave the working man a voice! Then up rocked Blair & new Labour & you are correct 100% Betty he was a tory with a red tie...I've never voted Tory in my life out of principle,they are an utter shambles but i havnt voted labour for donkeys years either - a party that has moaned so much over the years they are on a hiding to nothing! Betty again is right they are all useless twats

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Yep... yet again go along with that!

Labour / centralist politics my bag. I loved Blair, he was electable unlike Kinnock and Foot before. My wife was a nurse in the NHS and saw great improvements under Blair and Brown, I was a school governor at the time and again saw the same, huge improvements in Education. In Sir Keir Labour have an electable leader and only the Tory press could bring him down.

I also havent voted labour in years, Corbin was useless but I live in a town (not Dartford) where a hat stand with a blue rosett would get elected so vote LD as a protest!

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Still a nurse mate,god knows how she does it? It's not for money thats a fact!! ;) Funny you should say that Dartford in my Dad's later years he actually became a L.D candidate!! I couldn't believe it as he was labour all his life,but there you go he was disillusioned with it all!!

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

My Dad was was also Labour through and through but one year, 1979, voted Tory as Maggie was going to be hard on crime and Dartford had become the Wild West! It was my first chance to vote, knowing I was voting Labour he refused to give me a lift to the polling station :o) Happy daz!!!

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The human body can only take so much. How many top players have we seen drop dead. Footballers in their prime. The game is a lot quicker today also but the human body remains the same. They might also be suffering with mental fatigue which can be worse than physical fatigue. I know these players are well taken care off and get paid well but they xould have underlying issues etc.

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