We once wrote an article entitled "weird scenes at the Gold mine" which paraphrased the name of a Doors album title, in it we eulogised but mocked David Gold's twitter messages that he would randomly add, later on as he got a bit older his account was 'highjacked' by the club's PR team in order to avoid too much of the truth getting out!
That is how we shall remember him, never afraid of speaking his mind and constantly voicing his opinion without pandering to political correctness. He truly loved West Ham and will be sorely missed, but he did have a good innings and rose from humble stock to being a very successful businessman.
Those ignoramuses at Porto who nicknamed him and David Sullivan the dildo brothers had no idea how much he chuckled, if they had done their research they would have realised that the Gold and Sullivan partnership was unique, they were competing against each other selling men's mags etc when they realised if they joined forces they could survive what was a very 'gas light' business where it was necessary to make all sorts of unofficial payments to various Police benevolent funds if you know what we mean.
David Gold was old school, the likes of which will rarely be seen again, we wish all his family well and hope his genuine legacy will remain, starting with a win tonight, the players owe him that! David Gold R.I.P - Ed

David gold
No matter what your opinion was of the man,its always sad to lose one of our own, rip
Agree Bibsgold
Regardless of one's opinion on the board.R.i.P
David Gold
Well said boys. I met and
Well said boys. I met and spent some time with him and he was a lovely bloke. He put his money up that he didn’t inherit but earnt, when we needed it. I find it sad that on a West Ham website some people have set out an agenda so strict that they can’t break cover when a man has died. But when some drummer or guitarist from a band 200 years ago dies, that has nothing to do with West Ham it’s all lilies and white doves
Someone's died
Hardly the time or place to start playing judge & jury!!
Yea totally agree
Yea totally agree
Thankyou Mr. Gold Rip
Thankyou Mr. Gold Rip
West Ham through and through.
West Ham through and through.......RIP David Gold.
Condolences to the family
R.I.P David Gold
thank you for saving our club West Ham through and through
Mr Gold
Respect your commitment to our club and you will always be a part of West Ham, even though there have been differences between the board and the fans you were always a fan. RIP, your watch over our great team is over but not forgotten.
RIP Mr Chairman.
RIP Mr Chairman.
A gent and proper West Ham
A gent and proper West Ham fan. Thank you Mr David rip
RIP Mr David Gold.
RIP Mr David Gold.
Always polite and well
Always polite and well mannered man whenever I met him RIP Sir David...
Rest in Peace David
A proper old school Chairman and never doubted for a second that he wasnt a West Han fan. Came to our rescue when Brown and Icelandic clowns had us on course for going out of business. Yes, he was a businessman and expected to make money out of the ownership but.... at the time, lots of TALK about this consortium and that consortium but none of them were serious and this man stepped up and put his money where his mouth was! GSB are / were not popular and made outlandish claims when leaving UP but just imagine had Tony Fernades won the bid!
Rest in Peace David and thanks for being there when others ran for the hills!
Good point Dartford
He did stump up his money to save us & deserves total respect for that! What came with it is open to debate but the fans went so quietly from UP so it's probably not his fault! R.I.P David Gold
Spot on 65!
Spot on 65!
Don't think
The fans went quietly as I recall. There were two "big" polls for the fans, one concocted BY the fans and the official club one, both which I signed (against) and both with wildly different results. I still question the validity of the official club poll myself. I also have often wondered how much input Gold had in boardroom decisions. Sullivan and Brady have no loyalty ties to the club other than anything monetary and I honestly reckon Gold would have been outvoted on the move. Hopefully he will have written some memoirs which can be published.
His memoirs will make very
His memoirs will make very interesting reading!
A hell of a lot
Of people voted against it,but whatever you say we went quietly & the protests after were too little too late! At the end of the day people call it an agenda but for some it was a way of life,yes its gone forever & its never coming back,but so are a hell of a lot of proper Westham,old school fans....like it or not they are facts
I reckon he was more sincere
I reckon he was more sincere than Sullivan and Brady,think Sullivan was major shareholder and probably had the whip hand.
Agree Essex
Out of the 3 he probably had Westham mostly at heart