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Ings Ain't What They Used To Be!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 19/01/2023 - 09:37

The 15th richest club in the World are currently trying to make a desperate attempt at staying in the World's richest League, that team is West Ham United and the 30 year old player they are after to help them surive is Danny Ings, who is a striker at Aston Villa.

West Ham's young and hungry template seems to have been put on the back burner as the club scramble to ensure Premier League survival, Champions League aspirations have been replaced with Championship nightmares that have real potential of becoming reality.

Whichever way you look at it, the Iron's dream of consistent European qualification is a busted flush at the moment and unfortunately the buck has to stop with the manager. David Moyes has looked beleaguered as he fends off questions as to why his expensively assembled squad is NOT firing on all cylinders!

Far from strengthening the squad, the new additions seem to have sucked the life's blood out of the team. People are legitimately asking who exactly sanctioned the new players? Was it David Moyes, Rob Newman or the Board that pulled the trigger on such an extravagant recruitment plan.

Of course injuries HAVE played a key part in this protracted season, but it is the same for ALL the other clubs, so why have the wheels come off the Hammers' bandwagon? Try as we might, the only conclusion we can come up with is that it HAS to be the manager.

David Moyes has performed wonders for the club, but HAS is the operative word. Moyes no longer commands the respect he once did and is in danger of ruining his reputation if he remains in place, whether he admits the fact publicly or or not, he HAS lost the dressing room and the only outcome will eventually be his dismissal.

Because of the amount of 'credit' he has in the managerial bank, Moyes WILL be offered the option of 'falling on his own sword' by resigning rather than being sacked, but either way it seems inconceivable that he will still be the club's manager by this time next week!

The times they are a changing and things aint what they used to be! - Ed



Ings will be a stop gap he is still good but we do need a new manager but not benitez please that is a backwards step

19 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

A proven "I'm a winner" manager as his track record shows, unlike Moyes. Would he play the West Ham Way? No, probably not, but Moyes hasn't done the West Ham Way in his entire career but Hammers fans were quite happy to put up with him whilst we were winning so what DO West Ham fans want? A winner or a style of play that may not win anything? Right now we ain't getting either and you certainly won't get the style of play from Tuchel or Poch either.
As fot Ings, a pointless signing. Another player who is not really a one up front striker.

24 users have voted.

did fat sam either just like ur photo ,you don’t know what your doing,and got sacked from everton for being useless

22 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

Benitez is a busted flush. He's had his time. A proven winner back in the day. But we're not back in the day anymore. We are in the here and now.

I fully expect a new manager to be installed post Everton result, whatever the outcome.

Ings will score goals, dirty scruffy goals yes. But what the hell. We have nobody to score the poachers goals and thats what we need a goal poacher. Will he be here for the duration? Will he be a part of West Ham going forward?

These questions don't really matter at the moment. We just need to stay up.

21 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

Than some foreign import that is good in a 2 bob league but can't cut it in the prem,we've certainly had a few of them recently.Only problem is will he get the service? I doubt it very much.If the board are waiting for Moyes to resign then they are as deluded as him!

21 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Absolutely spot on! Untested imports is crazy. Established English league players, understand the footie culture etc dont have to be specifically British... easy transition!

19 users have voted.

The Ings signing isnt bad,i would rather him than some foreign set up as 65 says.......The thing that is going on in my head is,Ings coming in may be a sign that Dyche is on his way,as he had him at Burnley,and remember when Allardyce appeared he got his man in Nolan.....Who knows must wait and see.

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If the rumours that Moyes is gone win lose or draw against Everton then I think that Sullivan has already approached Dyche and said what do you need to get us out of the shit. If as I suspect that this is what’s happened Dyche would choose Ings first of all as they have worked well before. The thing is Ings works in a two striker up front scenario and with Scamacca apparently out for a month I can’t see Ings and Antonio working together as Antonio is so out of form he can’t pass or shoot straight. There is also the rumour that a Moffi deal is still on as even though he would prefer to go to Nice, Loriant have stated that they will not sell to another French team so if we get both that would give us three strikers as I think Ant would be sold. As long as the Dyche rumour is only to the end of the season then I would be happy with all of this.

18 users have voted.

Wood from the Geordies,he's another one that used to always score against us.If we had him & ings up top there's goals there for a temporary fix! Could have been a Hartson/kitson moment,but you know moyes will play one up top...Read the Org Moyesy we are trying to help you ;)

19 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

I think he will be "OK" but the biggest nagging feeling I have is that I have absolutely no recollection / memory of him EVER scoring against us, which is odd for a guy who has been around the block with Burnley, Liverpool, Saints, Villa and must have played against some bang average Hammer line ups at least 10 or more times? He's certainly no Glenn Murray in that sense, when ever we played The Bucket n' Spades that muppet would score!

Slightly Worried of Dartford

16 users have voted.

Now thats one bloke who you could bet your house on he'd score against us! Good shout Dartford the great Glenn Murray always scored against us! ;)

20 users have voted.

Rumour has it that Antonio will be on his way to our opponents this weekend called Everton. Obviously, this will only happen after this weekend. But we have the FA Cup to contend with, and Antonio would be a good fit in that starting lineup. I would actually move Antonio as a regular on the left wing and switch Benhrama to a more central role with Ings. Antonio seems to be a nuisance to the defenders when he operates on the wing. In the Central role that is not an Antonio Fit!!

However, rumour has it that Rice may leave in this January window, to join either Arsenal or Man Utd. If true then the owners may be preparing for Championship Division football for next season.

15 users have voted.

Moyes can't see what we all can mate! Ants on the wing,benny to start it just won't happen under moyes

20 users have voted.

A half decent signing 'if' he gets the service,but why do the board insist on every signing doing the crossed hammers? Oh yeah I forgot Ings has a great,great uncle that moved from the East End to the South coast in the early 1900s!!

22 users have voted.

Lol sickening really isnt it mate,all Bollocks,heard Moyes speaking on Sky news earlier,saying what a great signing and asset he is,putting on a proper brave face as he would,as im sure i read he would be given 7mill as a handshake,no worries there paying the Gas Bill lol,ive stated somewhere on here that i wouldnt be surprised if still here come May.

17 users have voted.

They're just praying he keeps us up! Even though his teams have been shit for a year they,like him believe Moyes is the future for Westham!! This is just a blip,he will save us cos he's the he ain't he's a very naughty boy!! ;)

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