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season tickets

Oldtimehammer's picture
Submitted by Oldtimehammer on Mon, 20/02/2023 - 08:40

My three sons and my grandsons and great grandsons are all season ticket holders at West Ham but now they are all of them considering not having another after this season they all feel let down by the owners who appear to be a puzzle nobody can solve.

They have invested a large amount of money into the squad but do not seem to be able to see that relegation is pretty much going to happen if they keep this manager.

So the time of year is coming around where season ticket renewals are sent out with little reminders along the lines of renew early and get a better price but what price and savings can be made when you do not know which league you will be playing in in the season to come

mcbikeman's picture

But i expect many are thinking the same....i am not a Season ticket holder as i refuse to go to that BOM again my choice not saying others should or shouldn't go but if we do go down i do not think there will be a problem for getting a ticket for each and every home game.

32 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

When we left The Boleyn and, my choice, had no interest in renewing at the Olympic Stadium. Just like the Olympic Flame, a little spark left me when we made the move and although I've been to a few games at the OS to ty and rekindle that flame, it's never happened. Even when I moved over to West London, West Ham were still my club but I don't know how to put it any better than what is out there now is not West Ham. Sure same colours, same name, same erm...... yeah Bubbles. But it's jut not West Ham United anymore

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It's not Westham anymore & it went with the UP rubble.I went to the very first 'showcase game ' v Juventus, I thought not a bad stadium but it will never be Westham,we don't do gimmicks! Gave it another 4 games,one v the Arse mid week they out sang us all game then the last 1 was v tottingham,an absolute embaressment! Me & my family almost got in a fight because we dared to show some passion amongst the sit down brigade!How many games has this place been rocking? Even in the European semi it went dead after they scored early on,I said it when we moved & I'll always say it those shysters have ripped the soul out of this club & Sully hasn't even got the bollox to get rid of a muppet that is sending us into oblivion

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newburkie's picture

I heard an interesting statistic this morning ,west ham are the only club in the bottom six who haven't sacked their manager at least once this season.

29 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

I still have my ticket, even out in Aus!

I will still get another. Why.... because Im West Ham through and through and would support them on the moon or more likely Hackney Marshes! Players, managers and boards come and go but the fans stay loyal........... Come on you Irons!!!

23 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Nice one. Haven't made it that far in me car yet. Plenty of tourists? Gotta love the summer weather. Currently up and down more than an English one! Enjoy

35 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Not many tourists, in fact less than you see at the BoM :o)
we get "Westies" at the weekend, kids from west Sydney that come for beaches. Weather is unbelievable and hopefully it stays that way as we have loads of visitors in the coming hours, days and weeks!

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Its really hard to believe Moore2come that this place had any issues. According to the locals it started with some Lebanese guys with local girls and it all escalated into a full on race riots but .... the trouble came from outside the town with right wing "westies" looking for an excuse for a fight. I think they even made a film about it! Today its all very peaceful!

25 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

It all kicked off a year after I moved down under. Thought I'd stepped back in time!! Good to see things get better. Are you planning on moving around anytime soon?

34 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

We are very busy with visitors, just had my eldest daughter and family here two weeks ago and now have second eldest with her family with us now, son and his gang here in April so mate traveling won’t start until May.. expect to migrate north at that point :o)

Where do you live?

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

My daughter and SiL are there now, the weather sounds ok?

We have their kids, 3 and 1 year old .. very challenging:o)

We are driving to Melbourne in a few weeks time, down the Ocean road, any recommendations while we are there?

Cheers buddy .. COYI’s!!!

30 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Just had a cracking weekend weather wise, great weather for cold beer or 3.
Great Ocean road is a great road trip. How far along you going? Check out Bell's beach just before it starts, and if golf's your thing, a round at The Sands in Torquay would be a must. Then Lorne (Lorne hotel pub) and Apollo Bay are two must see spots. Get to the Otways, never a disappointment, check out Triplet falls, the redwoods and treetop walk. Avoid being the driver, as you miss a hell of a lot of the views having to keep your eyes on the windy road! Depending how far you get, Port fairy is a beautiful spot towards the end and Cape Bridgewater.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

I will check these out. We will travel from Cronulla to Melbourne stopping off at a few places, we are not in a hurry as I tell people we are time rich and cash poor :o)

We were going to Canberra but will give it swerve and go there another time.

Golf is my thing so Torquay sounds great, i will try to book a tee in advance.

Defo avoid all the driving, the Mrs is happy to do a bit!

not sure if you saw this, we live across this bay, need to take care :o)

36 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I did see that. Funny thing is that despite all the venomous creatures here you really don't see them. I've seen a couple of snakes, almost trod on one just last year whilst taking a piss (thankfully not Eastern Browns) and a couple of redback spiders in my almost 20years here. I do tend to avoid the water though, and swimming in certain rivers, sharks aren't my thing. Saw one whilst swimming on Great Barrier Reef and although it showed no interest my heart almost burst out my chest!

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Agree about Sharks and the funny thing is my son in law was swimming yesterday in the great barrier reef and a shark popped by to say hello!!!

40 users have voted.

That tumbleweed doesn't blow past you mate when we are in the chumps! ;)
Seriously though I think we all would watch us on Hackney marshes! Certainly would feel more like home

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

mc, I think you are forgetting this is West Ham... like Essex says we will still have 50K unlike Chavski if they were ever to drop! Our support is phenomenal!

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