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New kit

darrenharry's picture
Submitted by darrenharry on Thu, 18/06/2015 - 16:37

So the new kit is upon us in a few hours time.
Over the years I've grown to attach more importance to the kit we wear. Our sponsor is usually a joke or a firm on the brink of insolvency so lets disregard that.
The kit design however can say much about a side. Have we let some snotty post grad design architect loose or have we thought about it?
The adverts today suggest the affiliation to 1904 (our first season at the Boleyn) and I worry.
I'm all for drawing on the past, but I cannot abide round necks and laces on the chest. I really hope it doesn't look like that. I remember Villa having something similar and they looked like refugee pirates.
Also lapels are horrid, so I hope we don't see that. We don't need anything flapping in our faces as we pursue total football.
A classic 60s design, ala Bobby Moore in his pomp would do me. Claret body, blue sleeves, white shorts, white socks.
Less is more and the fans will mop it up.
Look like clowns, play like.....

The retro look will do for me!My best mate (whos a spud by the way!!),bought me a retro hammers top recently for my 50th.I bloomin love it,its straight out of the seventies...mind you him being a spud & a wind up merchant he probably got it from a bootie that was selling off second hand gear!!

250 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

A simple design will do .

    I got a retro kit from Toffs the other week back, it's the same as my '75 kit but without the badge...The one kit ( out the norm ) I did like was the design we had in the back end of the 70's I think it was Admiral.
280 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

Might buy this one, last one I liked and bought was the one that Dagenham sponsored us. Like we have gone back to white shorts and have always liked it when we have played in coloured socks . Good kit for last season. Ps Ian see we are playing your boys mid Oct are you coming up for that game? .

275 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

Ist time in years I've pre order a new kit from the shop....

    Dave I've seen the date it's fell on the wrong Saturday for me, what ( few ) days off I have till march I want to save them for some fixture at the Boleyn ..
258 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

I would if I was you as it's our last season at the Boleyn . Do you think you will be able to get any tickets for any of the games.

271 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

I think you'll get Bob Hope for the last home game. The away fans will want to make a last visit, my Chelski mate said he's doing it and he hasn't been for 20 yrs ( said the area was a shite hole then ), My Villa mate was looking forward to a visit, till he found out it's on a tues night so that's buggered it for both of us..I'll let you know ( email ) which ones I can get tickets for....

280 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Think it looks great bully 1904 style without the lace don't like the betway logo but what can you do, the junior version is perfect!

270 users have voted.

Sponsors name could have been smaller,but hey money talks.I like the retro kit all it needs now is the players to wear a monocle whilst standing with one foot on the ball...

253 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

lol... brilliant! I remember that Villa shirt and it looked a mess! having now seen our new kit it looks great although I still prefer the white socks. The shirt looks like it pays homage to Vic Watson and as my bruv said "lets hope someone scores as many goals as that man!" Cant wait for the new season and the Europa League.... bring it on COYI's!!!!!

250 users have voted.

like the design wish we would have stayed with adidas

262 users have voted.

like the design wish we would have stayed with adidas

255 users have voted.

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