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West ham the musical

hammergirl's picture
Submitted by hammergirl on Tue, 01/08/2023 - 21:58

Sullivan to West Ham season ticket holders

West Ham season ticket holders to Sullivan

Meanwhile the transfer comittee of Moyes Newman Steiden Noble meet up

All the above leads to this reaction from West Ham fans around the world

newburkie's picture

Brilliant H G you should go into the production side of things ,i ve got a few ideas about low budget movies ,if your interested like .

51 users have voted.

Who were the actors in the driscoll bros? Oh yeah Mike out of the young ones other geezer in maybe the sweeney back in the day...moyesy now let me think oh yeah russ Abbott see you Jimmy.Brody Thatcher spitting image.the sons of silly Jimmy krankie & her twin.the orbit - London gherkin & stadium scaffolding on the job I am a few to come off me head give it time

47 users have voted.

Top man Johnny rotten,chicken kev one of Harry Enfields scousers.our loyal fans the fecking best in the world

40 users have voted.
newburkie's picture

Thats one of her better ones bike ,you should see the one where she's watching grass grow in in her dressing gown ,she'll defiantly be nominated for a Bafta , there's a sceen in it where she brings out her g & t and sits on the patio , suspense at its best , you have to look away .

40 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

I needed that laugh today...even better if you say it with a David Bellamy voice lol

38 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

Normally a thin cotton like material but they thrive in dark moist conditions....many species from the bushbaby quite rare nowadays to the brazilian to the most common bald growler

34 users have voted.

Mac,talking of baldies got meself a new shaven haven,when it said 5 cutting heads I thought 5 different settings..anyway whacked it over the bonce last night,smooth as a baby's bum...apart from a gash I got when someone swung a paint tin on rope at me when I was younger

39 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

How about a remake of Jurassic Poke starring Lady Buttplug????

35 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

Mac love it....he was a bloody weirdo that geezer out of sparks! Even in the anything goes 70s he freaked everyone out at my comp,on a Friday morning after top of the pops all the girls took shelter behind the bike sheds

37 users have voted.

now that's set a precedent for the rest of the season, got the old grey matter twirling now bet Nev has a few in mind

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