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Hammer Horror-Not Even Halloween Yet!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Mon, 30/10/2023 - 08:37

The 0-1 home defeat by Everton meant three losses on the spin, three woeful performances and another FOUR matches in quick succession that could ALL be potential Hammer Horror Shows and not the best of ways to start November, but it is probably more than apt for Halloween!

A young Hammers fan, a girl who was probably seven years old, bedecked in her newly acquired Betway shirt seemed to know a lot more than David Moyes appears to do by saying "don't pass it to Antonio" with only FIVE minutes gone in the game against Everton and she was right!

To single out Mikey Antono would be wrong though, because with a few exceptions the Irons were 'inadequate' to say the least! If criticism is due to be handed out, David Moyes MUST be included, how unmotivated the team that took to the pitch was plain to see. Perhaps Moyes needs to go on one of those 'motivation' classes so beloved by the Americans, a sort of managerial 'fight school'?

It beggars belief that a relatively expensively assembled team full of International players could collectively be so awful, in fact the opposite of a team, perhaps Moyes just can't handle 'top' players, instead relying on throw backs like Danny Ings?

In testimony to how dreadful Hammers actually were, the best home player on the pitch by a country mile was goal keeper Alphonse Areola! Had it not been for his intervention the scoreline of defeat could have been far more comprehensive, only Kudus, Alavarez and possibly Bowen looked even vaguely up for the fight.

Coufal put in a shift but ran out of puff and 'Pacman' tried a 'showboat' too far, too often. The rest of the team should hang their heads in shame, James Ward-Prowse had an absolute stinker, a CDM he is NOT! Antonio did his best 'Bamby on Ice' impression, repeatedly while the rest of the team looked completely disconnected!

Everton of course played the Ref like a salmon, there propensity to go down with 'head injuries' would have Harley Street specialists wringing their hands with glee in anticipation of a 'full house'. The Ref was crap, the football was awful and it rained and rained....thoroughly depressing and NOT want a fan or Press member wanted ahead of what is probably going to be a 'reral tonking' by Arsenal during Wednesday's League Cup match.

To add to Hammers woes, Lucas Paqueta and Edson Alvarez are BOTH banned for the away game to Brentford having picked up too many yellow cards in quick succession, but generally at least it shows they have 'fire in their belly's', unlike most of the rest of the team! - Ed



hammergirl's picture

That is the performance we put in yesterday and more worrying is the fact that JWP was poor but sitting him deep to defend come on.

Alvarez and Pacman out for the Brentford game i know which one i currently would miss more and it is not the showboater! the players honestly looked like most people on a monday morning commute as in not wanting to be there and rather do something else, This symptom keeps raising its head season after season and most worrying of all it is now in a run of games which if we had any ambition are meant to be wins not losses and if they have not got there first win by the time we turn up at turf moor then pile on at the bookies because right now we are there for the taking.

13 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

Do you know what? I'm so exasperated that I don't even know what to write. You cant use JWP in that position. He's box to box for Christ sake. We can see it, why cant Moyes?

A complete shower of shit!!

15 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

Deluded Hammer's picture

Be the only one not surprised by this. Seriously? I mean what's changed from last season apart from JWP and Alvarez now starting in place of Rice and Benni? Has Moyes learnt ANYTHING from last season's disastrous league campaign? If so, what's he doing to change it? Nothing! That's what.

18 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

No, I completely expected it as I said in a previous post. Dyche had his team up for it. We didn't turn up. As expected, the Moyesasaurus and his nicely washed hair as usual, went missing...

17 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

Now we are on a losing streak. Would it be in the best interest of the club should this continue and the club has it's hand forced into relieving Moyes off his position?

16 users have voted.

they say that 6 loses in a row brings you the sack lets see if it happens

15 users have voted.

is Moyes getting in players for their positions then changing those positions because in his eyes he knows where they are more effective. FFS it might have worked with the snake and it might have worked with pre Jamaican Antonio but it ain’t working for every other player he moves around. Paqueta is not a winger, JWP is not a DM, just wish he would stop trying to make players into what they are not and play them in their correct spots. Watching Benny and Bowen play on their wrong sides detracts from their natural abilities, how many time do you see them make a break then try to get the ball onto their natural foot and either mishit the ball over the bar or lose it. Don’t care who is Moyes in he is past his use by date.

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