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Bruno signing Stalled

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Thu, 30/05/2024 - 08:43

Contract issues and the player has refused to sign whats we go a low ball offer by Prem standards accepted so no doubt the poison dwarf and his offsider martini woman brady have offered a lowball contract and player has said to laugh really and if this deals not done how will that make the club look to Jlo then if this is one of the targets he wanted.....ahh well lets strap in for a wonderful summer of smoke mirrors and the usual bollox we expect.

Bubblegirl's picture

Not heard that before mcbikeman care to educate me on that?.But yes it does seem to be frustrating when you think a deal is done and although the window does not open until 14th June this would of been a great boost to the whole West Ham family seeing things done in a different manner to what we have been used to in recent time.

25 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

As you say Bikey, the lopmeister will soon sling is hook if Dildo Dave and Lady Buttplug get up to their old tricks. Especially as Loppy has no line in to them. Ze German is going to get one hell of an earache por favour!

17 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

It says West Ham can't pay him anymore. We are at our limit? The report also states he is being offered a little more than he is currently on?

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moore2come's picture

Things will never change with the dwarf in charge. He's happy to pay over the hill players a fortune because they were good, once, way back when he had a few less wrinkles, but if not you get offered a pittance by PL standards.

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Bubblegirl i will answer for you.....Martini is Karen Bradys favourite drink,and the offsider meaning is,it was reportedly stated that she sat next to Trevor Brooking during a game,and they were discussing events,and Sir Trev stated that he is OS,meaning offside,and she replied i havent heard of him before when did we sign him.

16 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

Well lets see what we do...paying to much for a player in wages has cost us before so if he was being greedy then glad to see we are not getting suckered into it.

19 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

I did hear a rumour, Lady Buttplug pulls out the stopper. Ties a bit of string to it. If it swings to the left deal is done. If it swings to the right deal is off.

17 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

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