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DeMoyesing West Ham

Bubblegirl's picture
Submitted by Bubblegirl on Tue, 11/06/2024 - 17:05

Heard this today from a young West Ham fan who works in the postroom and i have to say i loved the sound of it i mean just the thought of a different way to play makes those dark clouds break up and the rays of light come beaming through getting brighter as the days go by.

Hearing the rumours of players to be moved out and the possible ones to come in start to peak your interest again where as the thought of Maguire/McTominay and co coming in under the previous regime just made those clouds get darker but not anymore.

Like all of us we are wondering how we will line up how we will play what will the new signings be like and that is so refreshing compared to what was a very very predictable line up week in week out under Moyes.

I hope we do well but i really really hope that for once we do take the domestic cups seriously this season after all it is a good way to get back into Europe.

DeMoyesing ahhh yes i feel like a great weight has been lifted from the fans and the club exciting isn't it.

boogerscaravan's picture

Well praise the Lord. According to Boogerscaravan Jnr. Zouma is on the transfer list.

My offer still stands. I will gladly drive this raspberry ripple, wherever the Jeff he wants to go!!

My Martini cab ride stands. Anytime, anyplace, anywhere. On me, now faaaack off out my club!!

18 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

Dartford Bhoy's picture

said it before, probably the worst footballer I have ever seen in C&B when the ball is at his feet, looked like Banbie on ice.. shocking. Could make a tackle and decent header of the ball which means Sandy Clarke is still the worst player I have ever seen :o)

19 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture good with his hands or feet shocking and by far the worst ever player to of worn the shirt a free transfer to boot and that was to much....first time i saw him play i thought the club were playing an April fools joke on us what a terrible player he was

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

.. I was going to say, I'll see your Roberto and raise you a Alan McNightmare but... I think you win the hand! Mainly because I have met AM and he's a really lovely guy!!!

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Hear what you are saying about Maguire and McTomshite however, i think they would have saved Moyes, as bad as Maguire is he would still have been our best CB and I would take McT over James Ward Mouse anytime. IMO, we could have seen a better run in EConfL and finished above Chavski.

J Lo is in the Honeymoon stage, still as I type we have no signed new players and according top Hammerchat, or one other, we are now linked with 100 different players.

Hope to be proved wrong... lets see, keep the faith!!

18 users have voted.

I agree Dartford,Maguire would of strengthened the back more than what we had,though i do feel we have had much worse than Zouma over the years.

22 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Could be right Essex, we have had some shockers!!

23 users have voted.

Me and Hammer65 used to go on about Haller.......I would like to know what happened to 65,all went a bit weird,then he basically disappeared over night.

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I didnt know him off of here mate,but we hit it off,we came from the same area Ilford and Romford,and knew the same pubs areas etc,i know he lives at Southend,but he just went,not long after we won the Euro,he did say he had been in Hospital for tests from what i remember,and that was that,very sad.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

He came across as a decent bloke.

I thought you might know him as I thought you called him by his first name.. Dave? Unless you are Trigger and I'm Rodney :o)

hope he's ok given the Hospital comment :o(

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Deluded Hammer's picture

Whats wrong with him? I'd take him on. And with hindsight Moyes was probably right in trying to get Maguire and as most of you know I NEVER defend Moyes.
AS for deMoysing West Ham, from what I hear and read, then Loopy isn't the man to do it. Sadly the Premier League is no longer the attraction it was when it started out and the football across the board seems to be one of incessant sideways, backwards sideways passing til you drop off to sleep. Football is crying out for a George Best, a Rodney Marsh, Gascoigne or a Stanley Bowles type of player and the only player in todays football who comes nearly close to be that type of player today for me would be Foden.

21 users have voted.
Bubblegirl's picture

When he gets the ball he is exciting to watch and i do not see the new man demanding the player sits defends and chase a long punt upfield hoping he can turn it into something

19 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

I'd agree with that Deluded. Although the pace of the game is unrecognisable these days..

19 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

Dartford Bhoy's picture

Southgate is Moyes in disguise!

23 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I am not surprised at all. Every pundit worth f all said we would win the tournament but half of them played in England teams also expect to win tournaments and never did. I think the only chance of England winning something again is if there are 3 West Ham players in it. It's like a curse and each time you try to squeeze a Manure or Liverpool players in that is shit or injured (E.Heskey, P Neville, J. henderson) etc you shoot yourself in the foot.
I said quarters before and see no reason to change my mind. It's the same every 2 years

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