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Will you be going to the Betway Cup Match

cast iron's picture
Submitted by cast iron on Tue, 25/06/2024 - 13:17

Because i wont- and urge fans to sign the petition i have supported WHU since 1963 and I think what the board is is doing to the under 18s and people over 66 is disgusting. They would sooner see a tourist sitting in my seat than see a loyal supporter, Wonder if that Tourist will sit there if West ham get relegated like I have. I thought that WHU was a family club but not anymore, it seems that all Sullivan, Brady and Co are intrested in is Money and selling club merchandise, Its a Shame that they think we will be there come what may, and we will renew no matter what, this is a little different this time because I have taken this more personally and it is aimed at older supporters it has made me feel unwanted,2nd class, like we don't matter- all they are interested in is their returns and it surprised me that there attitude is so bad and they think supporters will put up with being treated like this, with total disrespect I would like to to see Sullivan and Brady come on social media and Justify their greed, treating loyal supporters in this manner, and acted as greedy , money grabbers who not interested in the football only the money and their investments.

Deluded Hammer's picture

Aren't exactly a top attraction anyway are they so not exactly inspiring me to go. Not sure what the board are doing to the under 18's or over 66 as gave up my season ticket when we left Upton Park.

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boogerscaravan's picture

They think people over 66 do not buy club merchandise. I'm 3 months off 61 and my kids still buy me the odd thing. I don't buy it anymore. Under 18's not sure but would have thought the new life blood of the club and the future. Would be treated better.

The over 65's are not loved and comforted. It doesn't fit Dildo Daves club demographic. Even though he fits into that category himself. The sooner he goes and takes that bint buttplug with him the better!!!

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Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

boogerscaravan's picture

Last time plod knocked on my door was in 1974 and they asked me if I had a red chopper??

I said leave it out I'm only 11 you wooden-top!!

25 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

cast iron's picture

Thoroughly agree with you deluded that this is a poor fixture -just goes to show you how out of touch with the WHU supporters they are -or perhaps they don't care. When the first Betway Cup was played it was against Juventus and I went to it. But even if they were playing Barcelona or Real Madrid I still would not be going, I think it is disgusting How they think they can treat supporters. Thinking of changing my name to deluded as well!
Just to clarify my rant the board have decided that they will charge all Children and OAP's full price for their season tickets which is going to be 100per cent for the 2025-26 season. Alternatively they will let over 66 years of age supporters renew there ticket up in the gods (zone 5) they hav'nt mentioned anything oxygen bottles or if the paramedics will be available, it must be 200 steps up thee and I am not even try to find out how many there are, I might sing "West ham till I die" but i didnt want it on the 1st day of the new season. If you are under 18 the same applies splitting the children up from their parents. So basicaly the board is cleansing the lower tiers for adult supporters and showing the young-guns and the grandparents the door and I for one think this is a liberty that is why I am asking supporters to sign the petition even if you no longer have a season ticket the principal of this "Stop the Concessions" is wrong, and is all about greed and how much money they can squeeze out of you.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

The first game against Juve, only time WH wore the Thames Iron Works shirt with the union flag, love that shirt!

Checked out my name on the Founders List / board, excited about a whole new order, a new dawn, a stadium fit for european champions... Ooops!

Stood next to Franco Causio, The Baron, tore England apart in Rome in the qualifiers in 78. In with the Juve fans in the bar in the Trevor Brooking end not with the champagne sipping twats in the board room... Juve through and through, proper fan!!

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

I would DEFINIATELY NOT go to the game. Support for HAMMERS UNITED is spot on!

I have kept my season ticket even at a time when I am out of the country but no longer. I am personally affected by the removal of the old age concession, I was looking forward to a half price ticket as I am 65 next month, they moved it initially to 66 and now I can no longer sit with my Brother (who fortunately has the concession) for the reduced price, I will be expected to pay full price or watch it in The Gods with some binoculars.

There is no love or interest in the young fans or those who have been committed to our club all their lives. I think Hammers United are right in their mission to stand up for the Fans. Im not convinced avoiding the merch will work, I would prefer something like "taking the knee" from the fans at the start of the game, maybe just tuning the back on pitch whilst still singing Bubbles with gusto! COYI's!!!

32 users have voted.
cast iron's picture

May have got a concession for this season but it will all be stopped in 25-26 and he will pay exactly the same as you unless he chooses to move to zone 5 (Don't forget the oxygen bottle)

39 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

I will book the oxygen bottle now!

You could be right, Big Bruv may have to pay full Monty but, I think that will be the final straw and he will also walk away.

I have some confidence in HAMMERS UNITED, I think they will rally the troops and get some concessions, just not sure how much and Im personally not going to risk any more money on WH... I'm totally pi**ed with poisoned porn dwarf

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