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The Amazing Gareth Southgate

Deluded Hammer's picture
Submitted by Deluded Hammer on Sun, 07/07/2024 - 10:12

Seriously, Is it just me who is in total despair at the dross this man is serving up with this England team? I'm on a couple of England fan forums on Facebook and I am incredulous at the amount of praise he is getting from fans on getting us this far, Really? Never mind the piss easy qualifying group to get here, he has the easiest route to the final and is STILL making it excruciating to watch.
After a whole season of Moyesball I really was hoping for a bit of light entertainment. Spain for me as winners.

moore2come's picture

It's like Gareth watched West Ham all season and Moyes' success and thought "now that is a style of play and plan I can follow" It's a mirror of the last 2yrs at the BOM.
Don't know how I managed to sty awake to see ET and pens

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

I call it the WH Horse shoe, pass the ball across the centre backs, to a full back, to a winger who passes it back and goes up the other side... this happens with repartition until some idiot passes back to the keeper... who, under pressure punts it down the the throat of the opposition centre back to lose possession!

Ive never seen Declan pass the ball back so much in all his career.

All said, whilst we have had an unbelievably easy path through this, and other competitions, credit where is due... he gets the job done.. albeit half the job which is more than others!!!

We are consistently in the FIFA top ten ranked nations and for us old enough to recall the 70's, when qualification for comps was at best difficult.. I think we should take that!!!

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moore2come's picture

It has been dross and painful to watch right up until Friday morning. I think the last time I cheered as loud following the winner was Beckham's FK against Greece!! Was just walking into the lift at the office following a woman I don't know and she almost went through the roof I yelled so loud!!! She would have been glad I got out 2 floors before her still pumping my fists!!!

Been hearing a lot of commentary about whether he will be England's best ever manager should we win Sunday? With all the pressure built up over 58 years, (WH fans know that feeling), Golden generation players, some of which probably make up England's best 11, it is a fair argument.

17 users have voted.

Im right with you Deluded,its utter crap,i cant watch it,i was hoping they would go out the other night,to put an end to this total bore,i didnt watch the game,for years now ive been finding the England thing one big yawn,i cant get into this international stuff,and as for Gary Neville,its enough having to put up with him during our season.

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Bubblegirl's picture

When Bellingham scored that goal to save Southgates bacon i will own up to not even shouting or screaming Gooooalllll and jumping around going mad.All i did was sigh and say you lucky bugger Southgate.

It is sad for me to admit International football just not do it for me anymore and i think the reason IS because it is like watching a Moyes side we are just so poor yet have a lot of talent being passed over for the favourites.

Kane what has he done he stands around doing nothing then gets a goal all the strikers would of scored but is lorded as the best and that's why he is in the side etc, Bellingham way overrated for me Pickford an accident that's is waiting to happen i could go on but why you all know it.

Bowen Watkins Gordon Palmer if i were them i would be packing my bags and get the plane home woefully underused the only player who had sense was Ben White who wanted nothing to do with it and was Castigated for not wanting to play for England and yet watching that dire uninspiring rubbish not just us but the rest of Europe and the world to see i think Ben showed Good sense not to go.

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boogerscaravan's picture

Total shite. Which is a shame. Like Southgate I'm a Crawley boy. My kids went to the same school as him. His Mum was a TA even used to help my daughter with her Maths on the "thick table" It's crying out for Watkins, Gordon, Toney. God save me from watching this shite, let us win FFS and he can Jeff Off with a Knighthood!!!

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Oi big boy, what's your name?

I have just read that Southgate may continue with Trippier on the left? No insult to you deluded but Southgate is deluded. He's out there with Pluto. Lift does not go to the top floor. Trippier is so ineffective on the left it is unreal. Play 4 stick Shaw in there. Play a 3 at the back. Stick Gorfon as wing back. Kane needs to be dropped along with Foden. Try something the Dutch wont be expecting. Even Moyes ball was a better brand of football.

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Deluded Hammer's picture

We're in the final. Helped by a dubious penalty, Bellingham lucky not to receive a second yellow for kicking the ball away too. Someone must have whispered to Southgate that Trippier really isn't working so finally put Shaw on quite early. Not that it made much difference. What DID make a difference was finally, FINALLY, he dragged Kane off and put a goalscorer on who could do the business for England.
Slightly better performance all round, still not enough to get my pulse racing. I expect the same starting line up against Spain even after being shown in all matches so far it's not working and if w're lucky we might get to make it to penalties. Not going to hold my breath.

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boogerscaravan's picture

One more game to go before Southgate hangs up his waistcoat so to speak.

To his credit. Back to back Euros Final is no mean feat. Worst case scenario. We beat Spain and he carry's on to the World Cup. Please no!!!!!!!!

Only joking of course I want us to win irrespective of what he decides. Although a defeat will mean thankyou and good night, of his own choosing I believe.

14 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

boogerscaravan's picture

...................and there he was gone as predicted. Although you didn't need to be a rocket scientist to predict it. Hope Eddie Howe gets the nod - but I think we are in for International Potterball!!!!

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Oi big boy, what's your name?

Deluded Hammer's picture

Wasn't that long ago certain orgers were crying out for him to take over from Moyes ( Not me I might add)

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

at 66/1, I think he will get the job if not permanent than temporary.

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