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Toothless and Potless

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Tue, 11/03/2025 - 08:39

A summer ahead where we need strikers and we need legs in the middle of the park.. we all know it so does Potter but the cupboards bare is the cry from the board and if we are to believe it what do we do about it?.

Promote some youth and hope they can step up and player sales obviously......So Mavs first out the door i think we all agree on that and maybe £12/15million at best Mr Marmite man Soucek rumoured to be wanted by he who shall not be named well a possible £25/30million at a stretch Kudus would love his buyout clause to be activated but it wont so say £65million so with three players taken out of the squad & Genoa want Cornet! snatch there hands off at any price we could be sitting on a pot of just over £100million add to that the alleged £50million+ that if you believe it Sullivan bid for that Villa bloke then things maybe not as bad as it would appear.

With contracts up at the end of the season a hell of a lot of work will be needed to be done on the squad and faffing around till deadline day will not cut it this time around so stop teasing supporters with names that we are never going to be able to sign and be more realistic and build a team not a squad of names or just players because they are cheap no proper due diligence has to be done and it had already better of started.

Pacman what a Conundrum even if his name is cleared would he want to stay? would you want to keep him? and of course the Aguered Question which IMO really is not a biggy sell him on and if R.Madrid are interested try £40million see if they bite if they do then a very healthy pot can be used to build the team that Potter wants.

Deluded Hammer's picture

Potter isn't planning on building a team around Ferguson. Talk about Bambi on ice

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Bubblegirl's picture

Me my Dad and couple of his friends were pondering the very same Mr Bikeman and a lot needs fixing that is 100% for sure.

Whilst i will not say that Ferguson is rubbish i think we would do well to steer clear as he is not fit and clearly not the player that i am sure Potter remembers and having looked at him in training to not start him in any game really shows that he clearly has injury and fitness problems we can well do without.
Playing Kudus and Bowen up front did not and does not work we all know where they are best on the pitch and unfortunately it is in the same position and whilst you try and accommodate both it just does not work and i do think Kudus will be sold this summer to help bolster the kitty somewhat.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

and every summer we seem to over spend attract problems. Look at the last summer intake, average at best and the worst being the new coach. Sullivan does everything on the cheap.

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