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darrenharry's picture
Submitted by darrenharry on Tue, 25/08/2015 - 21:55

Simple as Nev.
If you block or edit swearing, I'll not post again.
Not a hardship to many I know, but that's it.
Swearing is language.
If language is banned im off chief.
I love you and the .org and you know that, but any type of editorial that takes that out is basically anti democratic.
It's either the best forum warts and all or not.

nevillenixon's picture

Don't you remember how funny it was when people kept asking who 'clint' was? Admittedly it was when it was an open forum, but it was good for a laugh! The auto system won't stop swearing but will make it easier to monitor if anyone really is being over the top on a personal basis. -Ed

232 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

I agree with the sentiment but careful consideration needs to be given to the fact that too much in life is over monitored through false guises of "it's for your own good".
In abhore bad language and my children know this, however I understand there will come a time they will use it. As for the written word, if someone is expressing themselves in this fashion, it's valid. It may be upsetting to some, but this is a big bad world.
For me it's like sex and alcohol. This country has a huge issue with suppressing both - don't talk about sex it's rude, make the laws tighter on drinking etc. whereas if these subjects are discussed early, all myth and mystic is taken away and it becomes nonsensical to consider it anything other than another facet of life's fabric.
My children read swear words, giggle, over with. They know the difference between knowing them and using them. Job done.
They already know about sex and what happens. Sure it'll take more education, but by knowing the fundamentals, I hope it's not such a big deal when their time comes. Same with alcohol. They've had a sip of cava or my beer, giggled, don't like it and move on.
I agree about the personalised attacks and overuse of bad language as an buffer for lack of intelligence, but curtailing or managing expression is dangerous. Plus, as alluded to. I think enough of us on here can wheedle out those arseholes ;-)
Rant over.

228 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

I totally agree with you Dazza,
my 15 year old doesn't swear, partly because he gets annoyed when I swear at other road users, and finds me embarrassing!
as was mentioned before, we just need to keep an eye out for serial malicious offenders. (that does not include someone having a rant about a player, ref, manager or anything else related to the game) All our children will be exposed to industrial swearing sooner rather than later, it is up to us to ensure they realise when it is appropriate and when not. Cheers my dears - Ed

238 users have voted.

If this thread has spawned out of my comments apologies Nev. I wasn't poo pooing so much the use of swear words, as someone who's family worked the docks, nearly every other word was a swear word going to football or even at Sunday dinner. Like you and Darren my kids would hear swearing but no not to use it themselves. My 6 year old old recently was horrified when other 6 year old told him, as he puts it" fack" off on holiday. He had to whisper the word to me, which was sweet.
My main point was that this weekend's loss to Bournemouth brought a lot of swearing and name calling and made it aggressive. As other posters have pointed out, would you call someone a c*** to their face? We may pretend that we know each other on here, but it's only virtual and for that reason I think calling people names and using swear words to emphasise that is typical of hiding behind the keyboard. I added my comments to your thread about the Org posting old users, because surely we need to encourage new and younger users? You and James are doing all this hard work, surely to build up memberships and create a thriving place for debate. The point about middle aged men ranting was more that younger fans who read this site say 16+ may feel intimidated in posting if stalwarts are going around calling people f*****s and c***s. We need to hear what the newer generation has to say, otherwise we just have this bubble of 40+ers recounting the limited halcyon days of the past. Just saying.
227 users have voted.

I totally agree Betty, I don't see the need for writing swear words, in my opinion it's an aggressive type of speech, in fact I'm asking myself would I write an ultimatum thread because of it, definitely not but I'm not the angel of the forum

254 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

You do not agree with swearing and I do.
I've seen other forums enforce this and it's ludicrous. Makes every debate vanilla and beyond bland, IMO.
As for the ultimatum, I was just being up front.
Not the angel of the org by any stretch, in fact, to many probably the antithesis of that, but then i make myself sound as though I think others think about be, which I don't.
I just happen to be very opinionated on freedom of speech.
Now get back to that tractor as that straw won't collect itself ;-)

210 users have voted.

Respect your opinion mate, for me though society is going to the dogs, I've never heard my mother or father swear and I never swear in front of them, just as I wouldn't in front of kids or women, particularly the four letter word which is in my opinion aggressive, if somebody called me a c**t face to face it would lead to confrontation. I was at the footy on Saturday and behind me was a bloke in his mid twenties with his son who was probably no more than 5 or 6, the father did nothing but swear for 90 mins, if the player messed up he was an effing c**t, I was mortified if I'm honest, how is that a good example, years ago blokes wouldn't swear if there was kids near and if he did somebody would pull him up for it, don't get me wrong most of my working life I've been around the building game so I swear like the best of them but there's a right place and a wrong place for it, some people can find it offensive

254 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

My Eastend family swore like troopers during my childhood, at and around women and kids!
I totally agree if your at a match and know there's young kids next to you. But the counter argument is that they've paid for their ticket and have right to vent?
Plus if it's aimed at Nolan it's fully justified...

222 users have voted.

maybe, but I'm guessing that even though your parents swore like troopers you don't swear around your kids? If so that's kind of saying that's it's inappropriate, it's all opinions mate ain't it, I'm not overly bothered either way, I know I'm a c**t ;)

240 users have voted.

have you had genital warts? there not nice and something nobody wants as the freezer gun treatment is painful....apparently....

247 users have voted.

People who dont like their kids reading the swearing must,when they bring them to a match. Mdake them ware ear defenders . i dont think a little bit of self expresion does any harm,its part of the game

228 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Bullyhammer's picture

I understand people not wanting swearing 'asterisked out' or otherwise edited, I'm against moderation of online forums in principle. BUT, having been a user of newsgroups for several decades, my experience is that unrestricted freedom of speech inevitably leads to abuse of the privilege, and the effective death of the newsgroup: i.e. it becomes pretty much unreadable, and people leave in droves.
We have to self-moderate our behaviour and speech in all other walks of life, if people can't or won't do that 'in real life' they'll end up facing sanction of one kind or another. Why should an online forum be different?
As to swearing or use of 'Anglo-Saxon' being part of life, I think that argument is a bit ingenuous: if people used some of the language I've seen online, face to face, they'd often end up being punched in the face! Online swearing is, apart from anything else, cowardly.
I would also just add that life has previously been made very difficult for this forum by the great power, and world policeman, that is Google! Some things are not entirely in the hands of Nev if he wants a successful forum.

239 users have voted.

Interesting debate you have here. Forget about freedom of speech for a minute. Does swearing actually add anything to the debate? Would the reader have any problem understanding the post if it lacked four letter words?

I have a personal rule when posting, and that is to assume that I am actually standing next to you in the pub when I make the post, so if start getting abusive, I can expect quick retribution. I am not going to tell you that In am a 7 stone weakling or a Navy Seal. But I am going to assume that if I let my mouth run away with itself or talk aggressively, that the person I am talking to in the pub is going to escalate. These blogs are 99.9% opinion. Do I really want to go to war over a subjective opinion?

241 users have voted.

Moderate and well placed swearing is part of the colourful fabric of modern language. Some points can only be made with absolute clarity by using the occasional expletive...I'm with Darren on this one...serial offenders who use it to either abuse other user's or via a racist,homophobic or sexist manner must be removed but for people of 'working class' backgrounds the odd 'f' word or two is part of the way we express ourselves.

243 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

But in all honesty that is why I like this site, the non acceptance of swearing is good I can swear like the best of them but it cheapens language and is lazy for the mind.

257 users have voted.

im afraid i agree with ditm , maybe some little token of an appleoggie ( blackadder ) might be in order DH , i dont know ,or care what you were smoking Saturday night but go back and read a couple of your comments , way over the top , im no angel when it comes to the odd cuss but you were like a man possessed

220 users have voted.

Burkie 1

darrenharry's picture

I was very upset with the whole day.
Do you need a cuddle?

231 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

Is for those with a limited command of the English language. By all means, swear and show everyone your limited intellect.

251 users have voted.
NorthHertsHammer's picture

swear by all means,but for me thr c word is a no no.When in text put f*** simple but no c word.Sorry ,I used to work on a building site for years but never swore at home or in front of the kids,it stayed at work.Not like today..I can put up with being called and have been called many names over the years not bothered but draw the line at being called the c word,witch is not acceptable,ever.That is my view rant over.

322 users have voted.
Cathammer's picture

I know people that I've worked with, meet them on the street, even have a few pints with and they are the nicest people in the world. But put them in a stand or on a terrace and they become the most horrible person you would want to be with. You would rather sit somewhere else in the stand. I'm no angel but you have to be able to control it especially around elderly people and children.

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