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What Is It With Levy And West Ham?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sat, 29/08/2015 - 13:00

As Daniel Levy puts the brakes on Emmanuel Adebayour's move from Tottenham to West Ham for a second time, it is worth considering why the Spurs supremo has such an apparently pathological dislike for the Irons? The roots of the problem stem from way before the Olympic Stadium bidding process, but why? Tottenham, rightly or wrongly, have always thought of themselves as a top club who have the history, wealth and negotiating power to 'plunder' players from less well financed teams than themselves. Nothing wrong with that, it is just business, the problem is that Levy and his advisors became so accustomed to getting their own way that it was assumed the status quo could be maintained, this approach was evident on both recent occasions when West Ham were relegated, Levy was quick to do bargain no sell on fee deals and plunder the talent available, the Michael Carrick deal being particularly galling to the Boleyn faithful.
Apparently Levy took umbrage with the way he was portrayed by the media, and incorrectly assumed Hammers had set about a negative disinformation campaign against him, this was not the case. However the perception that Hammers 'had it in for him' carried the inertia that lead up to Tottenham's obscene attempts to get their hands on the Olympic stadium by fair means or foul!
It doesn't matter how good a player Adebayour could be for West Ham, dealing with the odious Levy is too high a price to pay, it is time to walk away! - Ed



I can't think of one Tottenham fan that I have spoken to that has a good word to say about Levy? Considering he stole Defoe for £6m when we went down and Carrick, which netted them a £10m profit, what is his problem?

249 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

we have opened a guest account for a spurs fan using the username : SpurredinDublin this is in the hope of a decent dialogue! If it goes pete tong we'll lift it!

189 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Got a few mates who are Spuds fans, so I'm unable to hate them all unreservedly :-) Just so long as he doesn't try to make excuses for Levy...

224 users have voted.

To some extent, I am surprised that the OP has posed the question.

There is a convention among Chairmen that "dog does not eat dog in public". Instead of this, Sullivan, Gold and Brady, instead of acting like boardroom executives, have behaved more like they were on the terraces in realtion to Spurs.

Remember when one of them said, "I will move heaven and hell to get Robbie Keane". Reading that anyone would have thought that Spurs were being obstructive in stopping you from buying him, but it turned out you only wanted to get him on loan.

Some months later, we get Sullivan: "I am telling Spurs that Scotty is not for sale". Again, it looked like we were trying to tap him up.

Then there was "If we don't get the Olympic Stadium, there will be riots in the street".

Then there was public cribbing about the fact that we took you to court. Seriously? It would not have mattered if we had taken you to court or not. As soon as the illegal behaviour of Newham Council became known, the European Commission were all over it, but it suited the West Ham board to blame Spurs. But think about it: If you heard that your rival was going to get an illegal loan of £100 mill do you honestly believe that Sullivan and co would have done nothing? More to the point, Newham Council and the gov abandoned the case before it got a hearing because it was so blatantly illegal. If the courts did nothing about it, the EU would have, so why was it Spurs fault?

So you can see that a pattern of taking jibes at Spurs is prevalent, even though the convention is not to slag each other off. Then you want to not only borrow a player, but expect us to subsidise his wages as well. So imagine that you have an obnoxious neighbour who suddenly asks "Can I borrow your car and GIVE me £50 quid for petrol money", how are you going to react? You can't behave like the ASBO neighbours and then expect favours.

Lately, we have had Brady announce that we cannot use the OS while WHL is closed, even though we have not even asked.

It appears that every time one of this trio opens their mouth, it's to be nasty to Spurs. In spite of what was written about me above, I have not come here for a troll, but it strikes me that what is going on in your boardroom is that they accept that you are going to have another season of finishing well behind us and not winning anything and Sullivan and Co have developed a strategy of "We can paper over the cracks and keep the fans happy if we are seen to be taunting Spurs in public".

I would hope that if the roles were reversed, we would have the sense to say to Levy, "It's all very well you winding up West Ham, but we don't pay £40 a match to watch you annoy Sullivan". Isn't it about time somebody in your org said, "It's all good fun trolling Spurs, but when are we going to win something or qualify regularly for Europe, and if we can't do that, how about finishing ahead of Spurs regularly"?

260 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

You probably picked a bad day if you expect a cogent reply. I will merely say that at present we appear to be doing better than you. Perhaps your tenure here might have started better had your post contained some small praise for our victory today.

226 users have voted.

The lack of praise was due to the fact that I tried to post several hours ago before today's games but had to wait several hours to pass security. So what you have seen are my thoughts from that time.

Nevertheless, I would say that based on your EL performance, I thought you were certs for the drop, and then you go and beat Arse, which had me eating my words.

225 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

About your own club than ours. All the millions you have wasted over the last few
Season and your still not a top side . Your well behind Chelsea and Arsenal and we are closing in on you as well now. Good luck staying up this year mate .

276 users have voted.

Have I indicated anywhere that I am at all worried about your club?

And what has that got to do with the question posed by the OP?

198 users have voted.

You should look at the post by Nevill @14.51 yesterday. He allowed me on the site in the hope of a "decent dialogue". So what exactly has been your contribution to this debate?

257 users have voted.

@Neville Nixon.

Thank you for your courtesy. As you can see, I did not come here to troll or abuse.

I note nobody challenged my explanation. I also saw the poll which referred to Sullivan as "Rent a Mouth" and I suspect my post actually fits in with other West Ham fans views of Sullivan and co's "outspokenness".

Just one other thing. If I was you, I would not want Adebayor. The man is a cancer. I've never booed a Spurs player in my life, but I'd rather cheer Charlie Adam playing for Arsenal, than this wage thief, and I despise Adam.

Anyway, I think it is now time for you to close my account. Good luck and best wishes.

224 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Hopefully Levy will continue to play hardball on this one as I do not want Adebayor at West Ham. If he's not good enough to get into the Spud lineup when they are short on strikers and Kane is firing blanks then that says it all for me. He may have been worth a punt 5yrs ago and has played for both Arsenal and Man City which shows some pedigree, but he's on a serious decline now and not what we should be targeting if we want to progress. So I'd agree with the poor fellow above that has chosen to support the 3rd best club in N. London and steer well clear.
As for Levy, I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire. Bad for football, no class and a perfect fit for the Spuds.

202 users have voted.

Adebayor is still good enough to get into the Spurs team. The reason I despise him is that he acts like a spoiled brat as soon as he is disciplined for misconduct and effectively goes on strike to punish the manager who has the nerve to take action against him. I genuinely believe that has he not done this under AVB, he might still be managing Spurs.

But this will give you a measure of the man: When AVB was sacked, he collected £10 mill and within months, was in another top job. During the meantime, the people who paid his wages, the fans, were badly let down. Unlike managers, fans can't change their allegiance. So who do you think Adebayor punished, the fans or AVB?

234 users have voted.
blackpool hammer's picture

Have a close look at your own board. Your chairman was willing to move from North London to East that tells me a lot about him as no other club in England would even think about doing that. Plus he has gone to his mate Boris to get tax payers money for your new ground to go away quietly. Your club hacked into our boards private accounts and phone accounts to try and get some shite on them. And the best one of the lot funny how a local business suddenly burnt down so your new ground can suddenly go ahead. Staff had calls young girls I might add what would happen to them if they did not sell up , yes great club the spuds . So please don't come on here running down our board they are like angels compared to yours.

213 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

SpurredinDublin is now a blocked account. It was an experiment to see what Spurs supporters really think of Daniel Levy. - Ed

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