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Billic Payet (Piat) Bombshell

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 12/01/2017 - 11:25

Bang, there goes the 'beautiful' friendship between Hammers boss Slaven Billic and last year's hero Dimitri Payet. Billic came straight out with it during his weekly press conference, Payet has refused to play or even train with the rest of the team in order to force through a return to newly rich Marseille, the club that sold him to West Ham for £10.75 Million. Rumours of Payet's discontent have been rife, and these along with his recent body language and languid performances meant the player once seen as West Ham's talisman was always going to leave the club sooner rather than later. The question was when, who to and for how much? No player is without a price and to the hammers board's credit they did their up most to keep Payet but it was not to be. Marseille are not the only suitors for Payet, PSG are keen on the player as well, what is clear is that West Ham will not sell Payet to a Barclays Premier League club, they would rather he play for the reserves! Having only recently signed a new contract diminishes The 30 year old french star's bargaining power, but as is par to the norm nowadays, money talks and West Ham are not a rich enough club to afford the luxury of having a star playing for the reserves. A price of £30 Million is being mentioned, which would equate to Marseille paying an additional £19 Million to the transfer fee they initially received for Payet from West Ham if he eventually ends up there, alternatively West Ham could potentially sell Payet to a super rich Chinese club whether he wants to go there or not! Either way it is a scrappy way to end the 'Payet' love affair, perhaps it was just a holiday romance after all? - Ed
PS: Even before this news, it was interesting to note that Dimitri Payet hadn't received a single vote in our best player poll!



mcbikeman's picture

a player refusing to play for club again....on one front you think ok get the money on another front you think F U mate you signed for 5 years your staying playing or doesnt work that way but lets wait for a spuds £2million bid!..
seriously though the club can move on though now give lanzini a prominent role and bring on some fringe players lets see who mans up.

123 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

I feel stronger than ever that the club should not cave in...force him to sit on his arse if he wants and play no football from now till next season....he breaks club rules he'll be fined constantly...turn up work him in the stiffs shows other players don't come the bigman here nobody is bigger than the club.

115 users have voted.

Ok now it's out Payet would get lynched. But for me he has to pay the consequences. Agree his transfer on February the second so he can play his club football till next season! That way let the club have him and France won't want him as he isn't playing.

124 users have voted.

I dont see how you can force a player to line out the only thing that i would say it is imperative who ever buys him pays every penny of the fee, also stick it with selling on clauses ,
What a couple of seasons we had out of him

120 users have voted.

Burkie 1

mcbikeman's picture

Burkie,,Bilic come out strong saying he wont be sold and I bet the board are thinking Sh*t what if he goes to the press and says he had promises made and club did not deliver on certain things I.E. the better players do you pick a player who will not have his heart in it of course not because now the fans will turn on him...try and sell and you will not get anywhere near the money the club would wish for... so put him in the stiffs get Snodgrass in who can play wide left and get the rightback we need....of course the longer it goes the players value decreases.

122 users have voted.

What a surprise dimi wants out!! the only surprise to me is what happened to the good old transfer request eh??
No the modern player insists on not playing for the club...NICE!!
What a kick in the teeth for the admiring hordes of westham fans...
I cant see the point in letting him rot in the reserves,£125k a week to sulk...
Nah f*ck him off i say,get some decent money for him & move on.....COYI

115 users have voted.

If we let him go then what do we say when, Antonio downs tools for Chelsea? Or kouyate for Spurs, or cresswell for Liverpool? Or ayew or Reid , or Lanzini or Oxford etc. so we can't just roll over there has to be a hard bargain or consequence. We can just allow a cancer to grow, if so we deserve to go down and play at the London stadium in the chumps.

129 users have voted.

Let em!!i dunno about you Red but i only want to support players that want to play for one player is bigger than this club so if payet wants out,f*ck him off i say!!
I grew up watching the likes of bonds,brooking & devo who loved playing for the hammers all their careers,& im too long in the tooth for these sulking modern day players,if payet stays with us the whole bloody sorry saga will drag on & on...I say get rid & move on!

105 users have voted.

While I agree with you hammer and there is no way back for Payet as we have got long memories. I don't see why we should make it easy for him either! First I'd ban him from being around the other players and let him rot at home for 6 months and then sell him! Maybe we agree a deal for him on the last day and then oops our fax machine is working so we were just a little to late as the nearest one was in Bournemouth.

115 users have voted.

Ive got a sneaky feeling though that Moanrinho will come i the only one who noticed the pat on the back from him to payet when he was substituted against manure!!

122 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

If a player submits a transfer request he forgoes any outstanding wages on his contract. Clearly this is the new way to go about things, although hard to see how he can be expected to be paid out after chucking his toys out the pram.

121 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

FFS! Never rains but it poors,thanks dimi for us putting you on the map,and stabbing us in the back,get rid then don't need a Berahino situation here...

119 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

We've not got Payet, F*ck off Payet, I just don't think you understand? He's sent us down the pan, a greedy Frenchman f*ck off Dimitri Payet........!!!!!

127 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

Though i had a feeling it would all end in tears eventually.... superstars & their egos at westham have never been a great mix imo!!

131 users have voted.

Why on earth would a player of such talent want to stick around a club who's owners enter the pre-season transfer market and come up with the dross they did. No statement of intent from the club and Payet quickly learned that his ambitions for himself and the club are (as we fans know) just twaddle from tweedle dum and tweedle dee. Us fans are bonded to the club but players have no such ties. I don't blame him, all our transfer activity is pathetic, and carried out so publicly it shows a real lack of class from the owners. With these goons in charge we are light years away from a big six club and players of Payets ability will never come to us.If the best we can hope for is re-signing over the hill has been strikers, who if truth be known are not that keen either, then its gonna be same old same old just in a shiny new stadium.

117 users have voted.

There is a lot of truth in what you've said there Spudgun but under no circumstances should a player hold a club to ransom - If ANY player don't give 100% for West Ham United, he should get out of the club....Sell him for top dollar.
His performances this year have been light years from what he is capable of, refusing to play is just the limit.
He's done himself no favours and by the sounds of things upset the manager and probably dressing room on top.
Then again, it was always fair knowledge that Payet liked to throw his toys out of the pram when the chips were down so maybe that rift he had with Deschamps in the national side weren't purely the French manager's fault.

134 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

disagree - we resurrected his career. he hasnt performed since he returned to the first team in the summer. think he thought he was going to get the big clubs coming in for him but it never happended. he wasnt prepared to put in a shift when required. now he wants to go back too marseilles as nobody else wants him. Piss poor attitude if you ask me. blame is firmly at Payet door and his agent.

131 users have voted.

I really don't get how anyone can blame the board and only the board! Firstly, tosspot signed his new contract when we were not in Europe and werent guaranteed getting into it by the end of that season. Secondly our lack of success in Europe, league cup, fa cup and league is as much down to him as it is anyone else! So Payet refusing to play or train is ok is it? Justified then? Wanting to leave is one thing acting like this is a different kettle of fish altogether! Defoe and ince acted their way as kids this w*nker is 29! Ok in hindsight our last transfer window was poor but without hind sight we bought a current Italian international that had been at the World Cup, tore had been at a team that had just won their league title. Feghouli came from a top club who played quite a bit in Europe, Nort was a regular at an established team in one of the top league in the world and we beat barca to the signing of calleri. Add ayew being brought in probably for him ala Marseille. On the face of things we and the board had every right to think 1 or 2 would hit the ground running but they haven't. This must be unusual and I'd expect one or 2 to get better next season if given the time. Some people no matter what won't blame the player whatever he does and will always blame the board whatever they do! No matter how you frame it Payet is resonsible for his OWN behaviour, no one else. Payet. Is just another billy big b...locks over rated Frenchman with a bad attitude.

115 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

at the start of the season the squad looked impressive and a combination of injuries and some blase attitude soon put us in the bottom of the table and it is up to the likes of Payet (being paid the big bucks) to help sort it out. For me, he should go but make it as hard as possible. NO play NO pay

133 users have voted.

Is it just me or does anyone hope bilic succeeds far more than I did a couple of days ago! For me it's just enhanced my urge to dig deeper! If a lot of people feel the same it might galvanise us fans far more than we have been.

144 users have voted.

I was thinking the same at work today,the payet saga has enraged the fans & rightly so,but it may now get us all to support the team & slav more...the bad egg is not there tomorrow so im hoping the fans going to the game against palace will get right behind the club...COYI

120 users have voted.

Those people who think Payet is justified or don't blame him or only blame the board for a poor transfer window, please tell me, was that the reason hid did the same kinda thing on 3 different occasions in his career! Of course not he is a grade A tnuc.

114 users have voted.

I am not surprised to hear this .. Albeit he was Sensational Last Season .. Best we just put it behind us and simply Sell him now for around £30/40 Million or so to the Highest Bidder and spend the Money on at least 2 or 3 Good Steady Players like "Sigurdsson" for starters .. In anycase Payet is 30 soon .. So in the meantime "imo" it's Au revoir Dimitri !

145 users have voted.

Wheres whatshisface that young blond Norwegian gone he showed loads of promise let get back some of these on loaners ,forget Payet

123 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Put's the Defoe Judas debacle into perspective - played half a season in the championship and never downed tools yet everyone hates him - whats gonna happen to Payet then

99 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

Reckon he'l go into the witness protection programme and end up as Emre Chans brother Charlie Chan in China........!!

122 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

The fans are pissed off with the team,relatively pissed off with the board,the stadium has had its problems & now the fans hero of late has wisely decided to go on strike!!He needs to up sticks back to marseille pronto me thinks!!

100 users have voted.

I agree with spud the Driscoll brothers are to blame we haven't had a bit of luck sinse moving to this giant macarno set ,this is going to have a terrible affect on the team and big Sam looming Saturdays game has just become crucial

112 users have voted.

Burkie 1

hammer1980's picture

I expected a different behavior from Payet, I was surprised and disappointed. This is a whim of "superstar." If he wants this, sell it to the best offer. It is unacceptable that the professionals have such behaviors, but unfortunately this is football today

128 users have voted.

why are people digging out the board when they don't even know why he has done it! Maybe he just wants a move marseille and have nothing to do with it. It's what he regards as his home. As for moano I didn't notice a pat on the back, maybe that's why bilic deliberately cup tie Payet! Because he already knew.

169 users have voted.

Players playing a career to have a nice life and not based upon the first 3 year contract. Loyalty, remember that word? A few strayed and chased the dollar but the majority had pride and passion when they put on the shirt for the TEAM, another word that fails most modern day players as we have seen this season with Payet as he couldn't give a t055 about his/our TEAM! The fans, he obviously couldn't give a 5h1t about us lot, and we pay his £125k per week wages and showed our appreciation to him week in week out, yet he drops us all without a care in the world and then feigns injury so that he can keep taking our money? He is now feigning injury so that he can keep on robbing us? the faithful fans of the Team that have watched him sulk this season then bulk? What an embarrassing human being to act like this and to treat fellow human beings in this way. The modern day footballer personified by Payet, a greedy and selfish waste of space in my opinion.

160 users have voted.

Also what about the thousands of youngsters with payets name on the back of their shirts??how must they be feeling at the moment... their dreams have definately faded & died!Nice 1 Dimi...
He may have pots of dosh,but one thing money cant buy is respect & he will always be remembered now for stabbing us in the back!!

122 users have voted.

The youngsters are just like any other professionals they want to be the best and they know that if they do make it then it will bring riches beyond their wildest dreams when millions of buckscome roling in loyalty goes out the window its not their fault ,society has indoctrinated them to believe that greed is good

119 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Made me laugh at the end,bit of a similarity to the driscoll bruvs,dont you think...;)

116 users have voted.

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