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Defeatist Moyes Might As Well Not Turn Up!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Wed, 01/03/2023 - 18:52

Ahead of tonight's FA Cup game David Moyes was hardly the man to inspire his troops ahead of them going over the top! "I am hoping we can give them a good game, we have to defend against so many good players in the Premier League," Moyes told the media. "Rashford is one of them and we played them earlier in the season and we were really unfortunate. David de Gea played really, really well to keep them in the game or we could have had a positive result. It was very close in the league, and I am hoping we can give them a good game this time around."

Talk about negative Nancy, the way Moyes was talking was like the beginning of an Autopsy, NOT inspiring his team ahead of a fixture where the opposition might be vulnerable due to winning the Moose Cup at the Weekend and ahead of a crucial Premier League game against bitter rivals Liverpool!

Setting your team up to survive might have been valid when there were replays in the FA Cup, but there aren't replays anymore! Games go to extra time and Pens now, so why play for a draw by being defensive? Moyes might as well go for it, realistically no one expects a Hammers win so why not let his players have the freedom to express themselves, you never know what might happen. - Ed



moore2come's picture

Antonio proving once again he's not a striker. One on one with De Gea and hit's it straight at him. It's like he didn't realise he could try and put it either side. Why was Scamacca not played instead?

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Deluded Hammer's picture

There was a time not long ago he would have buried that, but lets not take away ythe fact the he was thwarted by a world class keeper. YOU know he's not a striker, I know he's not a striker and I dare say you won't find Mikey disagreeing. The buck stops firmly with the pratt who keeps playing him as a number 9.
One thing that DID stick out for me last night was that he seems to have lost that burst of acceleration that used to snap his hamstrings on a regular basis

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moore2come's picture

So he's not a striker, fair enough that is plain for all to see. But apparently he's a winger. Now winger's should know how to cross or pass the ball so where was the square ball to present Benrahma with the simplest of chances? I'm not Benny's biggest fan. I'd go so far to say I dislike him as much as you rate Allardyce! But that was Ants chance to show he plays for the team and not himself and he effed it up big time. He knows he's not a striker so why the fuck did he attempt a shot from such a tight angle?

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newburkie's picture

Sometimes prem players have the chumps written all over them ,i guess its a natural transition ,the likes of Chec ,Ant, Fornals ,its not a smear on any of them but as i say its a natural "moving on " and mostly it comes with age although loss of form can add to it ,in saying that some players survive late on in life in the prem .
Now a manager that doesn't know what he's doing ?, thats a different thing entirely .A dinosaur from the 80s & 90s , if he's still with us in the chumps ,even if we get out of this shite ,then im finished ,i can no longer take this shite ive had it sinse 64 and ive reached my limit ,last night was almost it for me ,the way we fell back to defence formation was sickening .

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