West Ham United’s 19-year-old defender Jeremy Ngakia will leave the club at the end of the month after rejecting a “significantly improved” new contract, the club said on Thursday. Who knows what went on behind the scenes, the issues involved are rarely clear cut when it comes to a young player, nurtured by the club, leaving despite obviously being wanted. Is it David Moyes' management style? Although a bit of a dinosaur, he has always sought to promote youth players from within, so it is unlikely that is the reason, it is probably because he was 'tapped up' but in a 'legal' way.
Argentine defender Pablo Zabaleta, 35, is leaving the club on June 30th when his current contract expires, retaining his services until the end of 'season restart' would have cost an additional 1/3 of a million pounds just to have him sit o the bench. 'Zaba' has been a good servant to the club and deserves praise for the way he encouraged the young defenders around him and gave his all when required, unfortunately his legs just didn't have it in them any more for him to be a competitive player at the top level.
Colombian midfielder Carlos Sanchez, 34, will also depart when his contract expires on June 30th, his time at the club was little more than a disaster, he got injured virtually straight away and spent most of his time in the sick bay or 'trying' to get fit again, the few occasions that he did play were strewn with costly errors.
The 'one that got away', Academy graduate Ngakia, who debuted for West Ham in a 2–0 defeat by Liverpool in January, had made five starts for David Moyes’ side this year and was on the path to becoming a regular first-team member before his head was turned.
“Jeremy was offered significantly improved terms to reward his breakthrough into the first-team squad this year, along with further contractual enhancements linked to his future progress and success,” West Ham said in a statement.
Perhaps he will go on to do great things, but his departure has left a bad smell, one which may come back to haunt him! - Ed

Or does he know we are already down
So might as well jump ship now!!
Thats the one 65,he isnt
Thats the one 65,he isnt going to wait and see like Defoe did,hes wasted no time,and pissed off quick.
Apparently liverpool were sniffing
Not long ago,but rumour has it now Essex hes Watford bound!! Which is a strange one if true
Exactly H65, he's not about
Exactly H65, he's not about to be 1st choice at one of the top 6-10 clubs. So wherever he goes it's not an improvement. My fear is this club now stinks to high heaven from the board down and it's thoroughly toxic through and through. Therefore he's decided via his agent also, not to stick around. I for one don't blame him..
yep... gotta agree with that.
yep... gotta agree with that... from board to players its a shambles
My thoughts
Exactly boogers!