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Positive Police Presence Promised For Southampton Match

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Wed, 28/03/2018 - 19:40

West Ham fans, particularly those with young children, will be relieved to know that the Met Police will be in attendance both inside and outside the London Stadium for the crucial six pointer relegation clash against Southampton, the match that will take place in an arena that might well become very toxic, could also be a platform to protests similar to those seen during the three nil defeat to Burnley FC three weeks ago. The general consensus from most Hammers' sites is that any planned protests will be held outside the ground, but with the realistic caveat that if things go t*ts up during the match that anything could happen, such is the obvious displeasure of many thousands of West Ham fans.

There is also a growing ground swell of positivity building about 'getting behind the team and leaving behind, but not forgetting fans' grievances until the suitable time, which is after the team's perilous battle against relegation, when there will be plenty of time to practically protest by deciding whether or not to make season ticket renewals.

It may seem very cliched to say that this is a time when we must all stand together, but this is a time when we must all stand together! - Ed
NB: Further details about 'impromptu passive' protests will be made available ahead of the game by the West Ham Forum fraternity, the links for many but not all are on the left hand side or our site.



But they have got to do their bit & earn their stripes,a good performance will stir the fans,but go a goal down & i reckon it could get nasty again...good job the extra police presence i reckon

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