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Protest Outweighs Purpose

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sun, 03/10/2021 - 08:56

We at the Org, along with many other fan sites and fans have made it very clear how annoyed and disenfranchised we are with the owners and their spokeswoman, however it doesn't mean that we have suddenly lost all our logic and common sense!

The proposed Hammers United protest ahead of the must win home game against Brentford, is 'admirable' in it's conception, but seriously flawed in it's planned execution. Timing can be everything with important actions, those who are organising the protest against GSB are doubtless aware of the implications of their actions but feel fully justified, citing that NOW is the time to protest because the team IS doing well!

Many are saying, including ourselves that NOW is NOT the time to protest, it is the time to really get behind the team and help push the players towards targets that seemed unattainable 18 months ago. We fully understand the reason behind the planned protest, but there is the rub, we use the word reason in the singular because as far as we can see, currently the only possible grounds for complaint are the ground, or to be more accurate the Stadium itself!

The move from the much loved but extremely inaccessible and ageing Boleyn Ground is the main bone of contention for most fans, it was nothing less than a mismanaged unmitigated DISASTER. So when Lady B came out with her most successful stadium move ever' statement, it was obviously going to put a lot of people's backs up.

Bit by bit, the London Bowl as we call it, HAS started to resemble a football stadium, more by default than design. A winning team brings a winning mentality, both on and off the pitch, the general feel good factor is extremely contagious and can only be brought down to earth by 'valid' protests conducted at the completely wrong time.

It SHOULD be remembered that there are a host of media observers desperate to knock the wheels of the Hammers bandwagon, protests like those planned for today only help fuel the fire and might detract the players from securing only their 2ND Barclays Premier League victory at home!

The Europa League successes and the victory away to Man Utd in the moose cup have somewhat masked the club's league record at home, which is relatively poor and is bettered by the club's away record. DON'T help with the negativity, it's NOT clever and will serve NO useful purpose other than to perpetuate the protest organisers' agenda.

Having 'found' a media platform for their cause, it seems that Hammers United will pursue their agenda IRRESPECTIVE of whether it is still needed, what is the saying about power corrupting? “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”, ask the owners, they know all about it. We find it rather ironic that just as the owners seem to have finally got the point and have shut the **** up, the Leaders of the protest are manoeuvring to fill the vacuous void! - ED



Deluded Hammer's picture

Will NEVER be a football ground no matter how much fiddling about with the scaffolding is done. Its a poorly thought out stadium built for a one off athletics purpose and although it held the crowds was extremely poor for viewing even then. I was totally against the move from The Boleyn, still rankles but what is done is done and protesting will not make one iota of difference. We're stuck with the old shithole with the result they have lost at least one season ticket holder in me. I'm back today for only my second visit to the ground since that day in 2016 against Nk Domzale and I don't expect the view to be much better but at least I will be making an informed opinion. As for GSB, if the protest gets them out then UI'm all for it. Winning team at the moment or not, this is not the West Ham I grew up and loved from my very early years.Winning isn't everything.

32 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

Moving the ends closer has certainly made it more compact. But they have done nothing yet to improve it from the sides, which is still too far, some 15 -20 metres from the front of the stand. I was in my favoured position, on the halfway line, row 13 which is similar to what I had as my ST at Upton Park. So I was still too low and too far.
Crowd noise was still disappearing into the void but certainly better than my first visit 6 odd years ago. No improvement leading up to the ground and still a crap walk all around the Shopping Centre to get to the trains so no real improvement on queueing at Upton Park. If anything, it takes me longer to get home.
Oh and Nev. I heard all the blurb about sightlines being comparable with Wembley at the ST induction meeting. I said at the time, if that's the case I won't be renewing my ticket.
PS. Saw a couple a few rows in front of me with their halftime hotdogs. They surely didn't PAY for them did they?
PPS. That roof is about as much use as an inside out umbrella. Got soaked

42 users have voted.

For me as long as the atmosphere is getting better then that's a plus,the rest I can put biggest gripe was being in a stand full of hammers with no passion...Essex & Dartford are endorsing the better atmosphere,shock horror I may just give it another go!! Dartford will probably need a lie down after reading this..;) lol

33 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

You are correct the sight lines are crap, but not much crappier than at wembley! I have been involved in several non football events at both the london bowl and wembley and can assure you that with the right investment it WILL be possible to polish the turd that currently exists. All the tosh about not being able to dig down because of toxic undersite is absolute rubbish, it can be done but the club's owners won't sanction it until they either (a) buy the ground or (b) sell the club and leave it to the new owners.
IF the atmosphere is anything like it was on thursday evening you are in for a treat....enjoy

34 users have voted.
Mr Green St's picture

Regardless of the Boleyn, the past is well and truly in the past and anyone who no longer believes in Santa Claus should understand that.
The very reason for Hammers United's existence was to put pressure on the owners to do the right thing going forward. Many well-intentioned supporters backed that organisation in the naive belief that the well-spoken and articulate organisers of Hammers United were of the same opinions.
Can someone force you to sell your home because they want it to be owned by ANYONE other than you? In the Real World, this is as ridiculous as it gets.
What they are doing to our club during the best period this club has seen for as far back as I can remember, is much worse than Anything our owners have done during their tenure.
The owners have made mistakes, over-promised and over-reached (something we have ALL done), but everything that they have done was with the best intentions because no one would willingly sabotage their own business worth millions. I am NOT a fan of Brady and can't stand her, but during my time as a supporter, I have NEVER known better or more proactive chairmen of this club.
"Idle Hands" Hammers United have had the wind taken out of their sails as the owners have stepped up to the plate by re-employing David Moyes and backing him in every way possible, which we are benefitting from now as a club.
Hammers United must be operating from inside a bubble as they seem to have lost contact with the real world and they are kicking this can of nonsense down the road, long after everyone has gone home. I can't believe that many of those supporters who initially signed up with Hammers United, still back them in any way.
I also agree that the sympathetic backing that Hammers United was given by a portion of our supporters has gone to their heads and has Corrupted them... They have nowhere to go with this but yet they persist with making this club a laughing stock in the media.
Hammers United, it is time to slip off quietly and take up another hobby before you become figures of hate by the true supporters of this club.

36 users have voted.

If your happy with them fair enough but I can't be doing with liars ...cearns family were proper westham people not plastics like this lot in charge,all the bollocks about it makes no sense to buy westham when they took me a favour they knew they were going to get the L.S & probably buy it outright at a rock bottom price because of the continued drain on the taxpayers pocket!!They have & will make a fortune out of our club & couldn't give a monkeys about our heritage

30 users have voted.
Mr Green St's picture

The Cearns were decent people but they may have lacked a little vision which is why were ended up being the bargain basement club and eventually ended up where we are. Businessmen buy clubs and you need to be able to see it for what it is....maybe you forgot that they had intended to buy the stadium and that Hearn & Levy put a stop to it.
Fortunately, I don't have to deal with anger or angst and I feel for the first time in years (yes before GSB) that there is progress on every front at this club, by accident or not. The last time I heard taxpayers mentioned was by PAI... It is what EVERYONE signed up to. Strange as it may seem, players, seem to be attracted to the club because of the stadium.
We haven't got a time machine and we will not be going back to the Boleyn anytime soon. Time to move on I think?

29 users have voted.

They've always wanted to buy the stadium but only at a knockdown price...I don't agree they are the best chairmen we've ever had but they are certainly the luckiest! They knew they were going to get the L.S because of the Sun columnists tory connections,have a great team now because Moyes didnt tell them to poke it after the pel fiasco & the atmosphere at the ground was always going to be better after the pandemic...I'll give them credit they are keeping their mouths shut at the moment & our club is better for it that way

32 users have voted.
Mr Green St's picture

It's all about opinion and every man woman and child is entitled to have an opinion from birth. It's what makes us all unique.
I'm never gonna convince you of what is obvious to me and many others, as begrudgingly as the facts may be. I've tried to be factual in my assessment and your assessment seems to be personally driven, but it is what it is.
We will just have to leave it there as there is nowhere to go with this. Hammers United are of the same opinion and they make up a minority albeit a vocal one.
Let's all enjoy the main reason why we are here...... to support West Ham United, who despite yesterdays blip are doing well and the future looks brighter than it has been for many many years.

38 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

I think some balance is required here folks. 65 makes some really good points, he knows exactly where I sit on this subject, I am all about the future but that doesn't mean we have to accept second best. The BoM is far from perfect but like it or not its OUR ground so please, if you are truly West Ham supporters refrain from calling our Home a Shithole, we have away supporters for that!

As for the balance, I challenge MR GREEN ST to give logical response to all the points raised by HAMMERS UNITED in the following:

Look forward to hearing you response

29 users have voted.
Mr Green St's picture

If you don't understand my point of view, then more fool you...
Carry on getting eating up, whilst I will carry on supporting West Ham like I have done since Ron Greenwood was manager of West Ham.
Don't be so ridiculous, I owe you Nothing. Your point of view doesn't bother me one iota..... The End!

32 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Well, your short response completely sums you up. Unable to offer a logical reply, I never said you "owe" anything, what a gave was a challenge to all the points raised by HAMMERS UNITED and you side stepped it.

Im not eaten up. I dont necessarily agree with all the "ambitions" of HU, you could appreciate that from my past posts.

Supporting since Ron Greenwood, well snap, so have I.

P.S. No one calls me a fool. ... at least not to my face!

90 users have voted.
Mr Green St's picture

You voiced your opinion and I voiced mine... when you said that you awaited a response... That is the same as saying that I owed you one in the first place.
Stop being childish and throwing your toys out of the pram.

40 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Nothing "owed", it was a challenge, an opportunity to find a counter argument to HU, which again I stress i'm not a supporter but believe in free speech and democracy. Unfortunately you chose to run for the hills, not prepared to give a rational debate.

65 and I quite often have differing views but show massive respect for each other as fellow Hammers. You could learn from that.

last chance, are you willing to give a counter response or just throw mud?

30 users have voted.
Mr Green St's picture

Just understand in this world that we live in, people have different views and opinions and NO Explanation is required. The sooner you understand that, the happier you'll be.

22 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

I'm made of happy sterner stuff, I wear the claret and blue and these colours don't run!

26 users have voted.

Is entitled to an opinion & that's what makes this site great,Mr Green St you've let the side down

42 users have voted.
Mr Green St's picture

What by having an opinion different to you? Stick to "Everyone is ALLOWED to have an opinion which is RESPECTED by other posters and that's what makes this site great". I have NEVER called ANYONE out on this site for having a different point of view to myself... EVER!
How could I let the side down by voicing my point of view?
It's getting a little silly now.

18 users have voted, including you.

To your comment to Dartford "your point of view doesn't bother me"...we've all got different opinions,me & Dartford have disagreed for years but still respect each others you say we are all westham & maybe let's just agree to disagree

38 users have voted.
Mr Green St's picture

I live in a world with many different views and opinions to mine and I fully understand that as our environment and the people with mix with shape our views. I also agree that we can all exist although we will probably always disagree on certain issues.

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