Helter Skelter, the Water Wheel, the Loop-the-Loop, the Runaway Train, the See Saw and the Trap Door could all be descriptions of Hammers early season form and it's possible consequences instead of being the name of snooker holes. Fast forward to now and what is blatantly obvious is the team spirit shining through the squad, they have bought in to Manuel Pellegini's philosophy and are now beginning to see the benefit of their belief. Nothing illustrates the tight knit nature of the team more than when you see them actually enjoying a group activity, in this case the Crazy Snooker Challenge with legends Steve Davies and John Parrot, judge for yourself.
Mark Noble and Marko Arnoutovic or the 'double M' showed exactly how much of their youth was spent at school and how much in the Pool and Snooker halls! Joking aside, the new found belief and confidence that Manuel Pellegrini has 'enforced' on his team really is starting to bear fruit. Match day anxiety is occasionally becoming a distant memory, unless the opposition is Manchester City of course, but all in all despite a humongous injury list that Arsenal would have been proud of back in the day, the 'Pele' bandwagon keeps rolling along.
With the defence decimated through injury there may only be three wheels left on the wagon, but in 'Pele' the fans and the players trust! - Ed