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West Ham United v Astra Giurgiu Confirmed Team Sheets

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 25/08/2016 - 19:06

West Ham Utd: Randolph, Byram, Ried, Ogbonna, Burke, Nordtveit, Tore, Obiang, Kouyate, Antonio, Calleri, SUBS: Adrian, Collins, Oxford, Browne, Diangana, Valencia, Fletcher
Astra Giurgiu: Lung, Alves, Fabricio, Seto, Alibec, Morais, Lovin, Niculae, Sapunaru, Ionita, Teixeira, SUBS: Gavrilas, Raileanu, Florea, Moise, Oros, Stan, Balaure



asheshammer's picture

Haven't seen anything in Nordveit to impress and Winston is way off his best (and has been for some time). Have to say, though, that Burke gave it away.

372 users have voted.

He is absolute shite,so is calleri...our scouting system needs sorting out!!also i know there was apparently a gypsy curse on the boleyn,but there must be some sort of curse on the O.S,apart from the odd glimpse of decent play against bournemouth we have been absolutely dire so far!!

336 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Absolute joke... Nordtveit doesnt have what it takes and doesnt look like he ever will, neither does Valencia but we knew that already. Byram didnt play bad but feel he isnt ready. Calleri has yet to make any impact, Tore is coasting and we are in dire need of a striker. Not acceptable to go out at this level of conpetition, even with our injuries

401 users have voted.

Not good enough to progress to europa group stages...this team is crying out for lanzini & payet(if hes match fit!!)...
tore is not good enough,also byram was very poor this evening...woefull performance all round!!

229 users have voted.

Have to admit I couldn't be bothered watching it earlier somehow when I saw the starting 11 it gave me bads vibes ! .. Obviously I'm disappointed about the result especially wit it being at Home but in one respect I'm very glad we are Out .. Personally I don't think Bilic was that bothered also if the truth was only known .. We need to get the "Real Team" out Asap and also Buy at least one more proper proven Striker Asap !

283 users have voted.
Essexhammer's picture

Is Bilic a one season wonder? Team selection,formations,fielding players out of position,tactics,transfers,performances, all open to question.At the moment he is having to deal with a really horrendous injury situation,but having said that,the squad should be able to deal with these circumstances,he has brought in enough players,he has had money to spend.Bilic has proven in the past that he can mix it with the big boys,but it can all unravel so quickly,success to failure.

347 users have voted.

I very much doubt he is a one season wonder .. This is a bit similar to last season .. "imo" to date we have not put out a Balanced Team albeit the alleged Long Injury List doesn't help does it .. But at least we have no more Thursday Night Games .. As previously we need a Proven Striker Asap .. In anycase what's the News on Sakho is he still Injured .. I do like the look of Young Fletcher but I think it will do him good to go out on Loan this Season to a half decent Championship Club .. I have a feeling this Season we will be somewhere around 9th or 11th in the League .. But lets wait and see no doubt time will tell as always !

409 users have voted.
North Bank Hammer's picture

I hate losing especially at home to weak teams and this doesn't make for a confidence builder in league matches. Then on the other hand we don't have anything like the size of squad quality wise to take on two games a week over a sustained period and enjoy positive results. When we got dumped out last year I was just as annoyed but loved the season knocking over plenty of the big clubs. Hopefully a repeat of last season for this one.

385 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Where does the fault for the squad size lie though. We have purchased several youngsters to add to the ones already on the books who are champing at the bit to play. Added another today for 5.5mill, when it's been bloody obvious from the off that we needed strikers. Not ones for the future (although obviously you need them too) but ones NOW! We seemed to come flying out the blocks with offers for Europe's finest but should have had at least a plan B,C D and E. Think Ayew may have been plan C, but surely waiting until the last days of the window is just asking for you to end up with others cast offs? Surely they knew Carroll wouldn't last a full season, Valencia proved last season he wasn't prem quality and actually seems even worse this season so we should have ripped Villa's arm off for 15mil. Sakho is obviously pissed off and injured and we get more loans in. Must say I am underwhelmed with the transfer window so far.

357 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

but as more and more came in, I started wondering: what about NOW. I can't believe that Bilic didn't have his eye on a lot of creative players including strikers, and Tony Henry is supposed to be a top scout. The only conclusion I can reach is that the club weren't willing to pay the asking price and wages for the best targets. I understand their position: they have a valuation and they don't want to go over it. But historically the Dave's have a record of being pennywise, with the occasional sense for a good bargian. That's not going to be the business attitude that takes us into the top four.

339 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

Don't think Bilic is a problem, but still a bit worried about this season. The injury list is long and includes absolutely key players: Cresswell is sorely missed, especially crossing. Without Payet and Lanzini there is no creative spark. There was no Mark Noble tonight -- the absence of leadership cannot be underestimated. Nordveit came on a free, right? Well, now we see why. Tore is also not cutting it, and Winston is far from his best. Byram is a work in progress and shows flashes, but it is hard to tell whether he will turn into a good RB. Calleri needs that goal to get himself kick-started, but he doesn't flash like Fletcher did. Fletcher was the one true bright spark tonight, and I hope he is rewarded with more playing time. Valencia, well we all know about him. So we've got no striker, no creative mid, junior fullbacks and half a spine -- not surprising we lost to an enterprising Romanian club (but their gamesmanship left me feeling sick about what people accept as football in the world).

311 users have voted.

Read a theary on F B that there s more going on with Payet than meets the eye , "out of Europe and im off " doesn't want to get cup tied thats why?hes out .hope its wrong

332 users have voted.

Burkie 1

asheshammer's picture

Doesn't make any sense. I think there's more to the story that he gorged himself on KFC after the Euros and isn't currently in very good shape. (Not saying I'm completely unsuspicious, though, just need more evidence.)

310 users have voted.
cast iron's picture

Thought Bilic was taticaly naive tonight Astra had to score I think he should have parked the Bus and let them come to us instead we took the game to them and we get caught on the break . He cant say he did'nt Know what was coming we got knocked out by them before. Leaving out Nobes and Collins was Bollocks he all ready knew we were gong to get beat by Man city on Sunday with all the injurys and even if we got a draw it is not as important as the game tonight so why rest anybody. Something else I don't get is why he keeps playing Vallencia. he ought to have got rid of him ages ago. As soon as he played Fletcher things started happening but unfortunatly far to late and Astra drew the fouls run the clock down we Know the rest. Cant blame him completly he can only pick the players he has but it just did'nt look like we come out with the wrong attitude - All we have to do is turn up and they will be over welmed by our massive stadium, but once again they were under estimated and I will gobsmacked if we even make Europe next season a chance of Eurpean football just thrown away Makes you wonder if he wanted it

400 users have voted.

If you are targeting the Europa League why not have a game plan in place? This would include a proper striker. The way West Ham dilly dallied through the summer was evident with the team that lacked a proper striker especially after the injuries to Carroll and Ayew. The signing of Zaza seems to be a little too late. No Payet, Lanzini, Ayew, Carroll, Feghouli, Cresswell. It is not looking too rosy for the Man City game. Wonder if I should even bother taping the game, as I will be away and wont be back home till late in the evening.

261 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

it's not often we have a season like that -- and even at the end of last season we almost threw our European chance away. I don't think chances like this grow on trees!!!

378 users have voted.

I think they may be trying to emulate the payet and Lanzini move by brining in unheard of s and they become goldmines ,that only happens rarely, i know one thing ,if they dont nip this in the bud then its going to go south very quickly and our worst nightmare will materialize ,playing to half empty Olympic stadium ,get your finger out Sully and Gold ,go get a big name striker with a PROVEN record instead of these lightweight s ,you got a brand new shinny stadium for nothing and in the last two years the two of you have quadrupled your wealth dont piss it down the toilet at this stage .COYI

278 users have voted.

Burkie 1

metbobby1's picture

me why, if European football is so important to our club, why the heck to we bother????
All we get is an injury list as long as your arm.
I'd love to be tired on their wages!!!!

379 users have voted.

Call me a depressing old conspiracy theorist but i think theres somethin else goin on ,specially with Carroll ,could be drug or alcohol related ,even the "black dog " (depression ).
And if Payet is not in the starting line up against shity then theres defo something goin on

378 users have voted.

Burkie 1

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