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West Ham United v Hull City FC Confirmed Team Sheets

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sat, 17/12/2016 - 12:01

West Ham: Randolph, Kouyaté, Reid, Ogbonna, Antonio, Noble, Obiang, Cresswell, Lanzini, Payet, Carroll Substitutes: Nordtveit, Adrián, Ayew, Fletcher, Fernandes, Quina, Feghouli
Hull City: Marshall, Elmohamady, Dawson. Davies, Robertson, Snodgrass, Livermore, Clucas, Mason, Henriksen, Diomande. Substitutes: Maguire, Meyler, Huddlestone, Jakupovic, Weir, Tymon, Bowen



La Vida Hammer's picture

We need a good performance today

188 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

But wtf do we go from here? That looked close to are best side and we were so vulnerable at the back and someone said Hull had more chances yesterday than they had all season. Boot camp would do them the world of good

208 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

but I agree it was close to our best side, so we need some better players in January, and we also need to play up to our potential not down to the opposition.

233 users have voted.

One of the worst 45 mins ive seen by a westham team in a long time..should be losing,what was cresswell thinking of!!
Also what is carroll doing in defence!!sort it out slav FFS...

189 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

Awful game to watch. We are going to lose at this rate

198 users have voted.

Is wrong with our Team luckily I'm only listening to it and not watching the Total Rubbish so far .. Imagine Paying Good Money to watch this load of *hit .. Talk about Embarrassing !

207 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

will be lucky to come away with a point

150 users have voted.

We certainly did and I suppose a Win is a win and all that .. But how can we be so poor bearing in mind we are the Home Team it's more like Witch Craft what's going on this Season so far ? .. Albeit at the end of the day it's another 3 points on the board !

221 users have voted.

Jeez we were awful, terrible. What the hell does bilic do during the week we weren't even organised at all! Couldn't pass. Does he not realise he is looking for a new contract! Win or lose he won't be signing a new contract based on that horror show! We look a mess and based on that performance and the African nations cup, we look in a very worrying state! First time this season I fear relegation. Glad the crowd did their best in the second half to get us going.

205 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

Watching the game it looked like. We were on top first 20 minutes and then complacency sets in. They all need a kick up the ars.having said that Anthony played is hart out

191 users have voted.

Good for him. I would go with our twelfth man. He was outstanding in the way he kept us in this game. If you guys are not aware, his name is Goal Post. It could have been four or five against us, if it was not for Mr. Post.

209 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

that makes all the difference in the world. Slav needs to make sure the ugly performance is not repeated, but if so, this match will soon be forgotten (it certainly was forgettable). The point won't be forgotten, but. We need them desperately. After our terrible start and terrible haul in the transfer market this was always going to be one difficult season. A few more twists and turns await because we are far from out of the woods. Every point is sacred now.

163 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

when you play so badly in 2 games and end up winning both then then its a sign that things are turning in our favour. the performances will improve. now how about that for positivity from someone who is usually very critical of the team.

191 users have voted.

About the performance yesterday,but TBF we all would have taken these 2 wins before play...imagine being a hull fan this morning,they must be gutted!!
I reckon we can beat swansea at their place,we seem to play better away...onwards & upwards!!COYI

212 users have voted.

I'm going to the Swansea match but sitting in the home end with my wife and daughter (I live 10 minutes from the Liberty).
Something I'm managed to avoid everytime West Ham come to Swansea, never fancied it (unless I was in the away end of course) and I've got mixed feelings about it now....My 10 year old is a Swans fan so I got 'persuaded' to go - I'll be a massive bag of nerves and I know I won't enjoy it much.

244 users have voted.
Essexhammer's picture

Even though it was a welcome 3pts,it has left me wondering what the heck is happening to this team.That was awful to put it bluntly,the first half was a team playing some of the worst football I have seen in a long while,no effort,poor passing ,no movement,no closing down,the last half hour of the game perked up but nothing to rave about.This is a team playing with low confidence and the opposition is really capitalising on it.Bilic is saying all the things we want to hear in the post match interviews,appreciate the honesty, but nothing seems to change ,the team is a shadow of last season.The team hardly looks like scoring from open play,seem to rely on set pieces and penalties to score these days,clueless opening teams up and creating chances.The formation doesn't work,surely Bilic can see that by now,the team is crying out for more fire power up front,two out and out forwards like Kitson and Hartson,....Cottee and Mcavennie.....This one up top does not offer nothing up front it's toothless and yet Bilic persists with it.Einstein stated that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results ,....I think Bilic has reached that point.The more I see this season fall apart the more I put the blame at Bilic's feet.It was the sham of that pitiful summer transfer window that set the ball rolling, now we are seeing the fruits of those labours,not one of these new additions was in the side today,that says it all.We are a club that has gone backwards from last season where we were riding the crest of a wave ,now we are plummeting the depths .I have big doubts whether Bilic has the footballing brain to get this side firing on all cylinders,last season we were attack minded and scoring ,with some concerns about defence now we are a team with major issues in both areas.I think the board will be very hesitant to renew Bilic's contract,like Sullivan said earlier in the season ,we have to wait to see whether Bilic was a one season wonder, he ain't far wrong! I think this article on kumb by Paul Walker is spot on.....

199 users have voted.

I agree Essex regardless of the six points we picked up, I don't see any sign of bilic getting or knowing what it is that will turn it around. We won't ride this luck for long then we are in trouble. A loss of form is one thing from last year but we are playing like we don't have a clue! Swansea won't miss the chances hull did! There is so much wrong with this team it's down to bilic and his coaching staff! I seriously don't believe anyone in the prem would play so badly. For me to play that way after burnley shows it's far more than just confidence. Something is fundermentally wrong on the coaching side.

203 users have voted.

Well somed up Red Neck ,bang on you cant fix what has gone wrong if you dont know why its gone wrong, i was wondering maybe its the presents of Payet i know that sounds stupid but could it be an over Reliance on him ,?kinda complacency "oh fuck it Payet will get us out of this shit as soon as he clicks into form again ,I'll just take it easy untill then ". At this rate Nobby will end up our top scorer

254 users have voted.

Burkie 1

harrythehammers's picture

Something has been wrong on the coaching side for years and for succesive managers none of whom have come up with an answer or tactics to improve things ( other than for parts of last season). We have played poorly for years now although this year we are also defensively inept.

224 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

It's deeper than coaching -- it's at least part the culture at West Ham. What else can you blame it on when it lasts through managers like Pardew, Curbishley, Zola, Grant, Allardyce and now Bilic? I've seen it time and time again: lack of cohesion, lack of team play, inability to read each other's movements (hence the terrible passing), and the worst of it all (thankfully only occasionally) not appearing to give a toss. And now I dare say a team that does not have a culture of graft and winning has completely lost its identity. It's going to take time, but I do believe it will get better.

247 users have voted.

I don't care how good you are personally or as a team if you don't put in the graft you will perform poorly! There is no excuse. Having said that there was so much wrong. Since last season our intensity is poor we attack so slowly for most of the games, can't pass, miss tackles, lack creative ideas, even lack identity! West Ham? No identity! When every one is fit does bilic know his best 11? Or even his best formation? I don't think he does. If he doesn't then how does he know who to bring in in January? Personally I struggled to tell what formation we were playing at what time yesterday! I still don't know! We had midfielders playing upfront and Andy Carroll just back from injury playing in MIDFIELD. It just got ridiculous. That HAS to be a manager who doesn't have a clue. Ok maybe Carroll w as kept on to help at set pieces, but this isn't Sunday league, either order him back upfront or sub the guy if he is struggling, before he breaks down again. Bilic and his coaching staff should be ashamed of themselves to coach so much out of those players to revert to that! Yesterday there were no excuses on earth to justify that mess! Not the pitch, not injuries, not the crowd, not lack of confidence nothing. All those excuses may effect teams to a degree but to play like they haven't got a clue isn't one. Personally I believe a team plays in the image of their manager and at the moment bilic is confused and unclear on things and that's how we played

166 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

Yes but the zola pardew curbishley allardyce all had the same issues so its got to be deeper than just poor coaching. Perhaps its the way the club is run , icelandics before and the current board now. Its baffling

219 users have voted.

Harry whilst I agree the club do suffer bafflingly like you say, personally I don't feel we have ever been so shambolicly organised. It's like no one knows what they should be doing or they are just doing what they like, and bilic is allowing it to happen. He needs to get back to basics. Organise his team and set out a clear vision on what he wants from his players in a clear formation. Each player should be told exactly what is required from them and if they don't stick to it get tough on them. When bilic arrived he gave the impression he was a tough manager who takes no sh1t but he now looks weak. I hated Sam at the club but the number one thing he made clear and done well was organising a team. He didn't have players of this quality either.

221 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

Agree but to be honest we don't really know what he is tellng them.he gives the impression post match he is not happy. I cannot believe he doesn't have a go at them but as I say who knows what's really being said. Still rings a bit of chelski last season when players wanted the manager out.I don't like it when players come out saying we are all behind the manager when they should be saying we are playing poorly and we need to sort it out on the pitch. Football Is a simple game keep it off the opposition and score more goals than them. The latter we can excuse perhaps due to injuries but no excuse for sloppy passing , tackling and defending

213 users have voted.

Good point I hadn't considered maybe the players are not happy with him? Ok we don't know he doesn't have a go, but he has the final say and he he wants a bit more team discipline to create a clear shape formation then it's up to him to get tough with them even if it's our top players. It's a team game and anyone who doesn't want to play as a team is out! ATM I'd rather a more disciplined performance as a team (than the mess we played last 2 games) on a regular basis then build on it.

188 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

Yes i agree. If our luck holds out and we win the next couple even though playing badly will the board sack him or back him i wonder ?

62 users have voted.

Being perfectly honest I didn't see much issue with our performance against Burnley. We were solid and Compact for most of the game while they spent the game kicking lumps out of our players. Shouldve been more then 1-0.

71 users have voted.

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