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What If The Boot Was On The Other Foot?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Mon, 19/04/2021 - 11:31

Quite rightly football fans and pundits have been stunned by the sheer avarice and single mindedness of some of Europe's elite teams, the 'break away' Euro Super League will essentially become 'members only', and to become a member you need to be a part of the 'old boys wealth club'.

Despicable as the whole concept seems, we at the Org, perhaps just in an attempt to play 'devil's advocate', were wondering how West Ham fans would feel if the Irons were to be one of the as yet unnamed remaining five clubs to join up with the 'super rich'.

Would we be so quick to condemn the blatant attempt that these clubs have of making an elite competition that only caters for the 'chosen few'? With hand on heart it is a difficult question to answer honestly, but there is an overwhelming feeling that this 'projected course of events' could have a cumulative effect on professional football as we know it.

The fact that virtually all the UK protagonists are influenced by owners who are not from the UK, is damning indictment enough, but perhaps the fans of Manchester City, Man Utd, Liverpool, Spuds, the Rent boys and the Gooners will enjoy the 'exclusivity' of playing with each other (pun intended).

Maybe the 'super league' will be an astounding success, and the supporters of the 'dirty half dozen' will luxuriate in their pampered but virtually empty stadia, who knows, but for once West Ham have not stuck their noses in the fiscal trough much loved by American businessmen. - Ed



boogerscaravan's picture

When I mentioned this earlier Nev, I'd have to 100% agree with Dartford on his answer. We are past masters at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. He lists but a few of our failings in history. When I was younger we tasted FA Cup wins 5 years apart. To quote Stevie Nicks, I was on the edge of 17 and had managed to go to Elland Road for the semi and travelled through the night to get home. Back then I could only see greatness for our club, 41 years later, play off final aside, I'm still waiting for the next bit of tinsel....

32 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

Dartford Bhoy's picture

exactly Boogers! 41 years of hurt. Such gifts never drop in our laps :o(

P.S. Also love Stevie Nicks, Wild Heart still one of my all time greatest albums.

44 users have voted.

Im a British Traditionalist,jumpers for goal posts,beer on a match day,sheltering under the burger stall on a rainy Saturday,i wouldnt want us in that so called Euro Elite,i would rather us in league 1,good old honest English Football.The Premier League is suffice for what it is,the money that surrounds that is obscene,but this other business is disgusting.

55 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

Thats what it would mean to me....simple as has to be more than that more than just money but in todays world that is all it is about..the fat getting fatter and the rest scratching around for scraps...i'd rather us avoid this so called super league but the only say i have is by not buying into it anyway shape or form....but owners will do what they want like selling our ground our heritage why would this be any different.

42 users have voted.
Mr Green St's picture

Speaking for myself personally, I actually HAVE a moral compass as I was brought up with good working-class values.... so because that is who I am, the idea stinks of the 80's Greed and Gold Rush, of which Thatcher "There is no such thing as society!" set the ball rolling...
These clubs have been hijacked by that ethos and MANY supporters have been seduced by an impossible dream. This is typified by many supporters (including some of our finest) believing that the endless cash flow exists...
We have slept walked into this and the working-class fanbase has been kidnapped by owners who see the commercialisation of the game and money involved as Fathomless!
The trouble is the game has been stolen from us and is on the way to becoming too expensive to attend & unrecognisable to us as supporters.
Sorry, they cannot seduce me morally and never could, as it takes more than butter and sugar to make a cake.....
but as for this current generation who have only seen money sloshing around...
Here's a thought though, are we lucky to have British Owners who probably understand what many of us supporters would think of a plan like this???

45 users have voted.

Apart from the last paragraph,the dildos dont understand anything like us supporters who have followed westham for over 50 years

41 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

Despite all their shortcomings, the owners being british is a relevant point, there's money, and there's money, and then there's the bad money that eventually ends up 'costing' a lot more than first appeared!

37 users have voted.

Our owners destroyed our home; Upton Park for that circus tent, if they had asked them to attend, they would surely have accepted due to their hunger to inflate their wallets. I'm for good old football, work the week to get to the weekend, pre-game beer at the pub, cake, buy the match schedule, glee or cry for the result and then back to the pub. This super league and these jackals who want it are killing a football already sick for some time because of the money.

50 users have voted.

Do you think for one minute , that had we been invited into this abhorration, our sleazy owners would not have been all
Over it ?

36 users have voted.

The board today " we are the west ham family & we oppose the super league" the usual bollox from them...from day 1 the dildos & lady bonus have been in it for greed,the only reason they oppose it is because they havnt been invited...simple

49 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Spot on 65. The hypocrisy at the moment is incredible particularly from FA, UEFA and FIFA .

The FA barged out the Football League setting up a financial nest called the Prem League and as for those corrupt Bar Stewards at UEFA and FIFA looking after fans interest... what a joke! Like asking Prince Andrew to mind the kids!

41 users have voted.

Spot on Dartford...the "Big" 6 have now all jacked it in! What a shambles & embarrassment for their fans

36 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Did you see them last night?
One had a banner saying "You cant buy Dreams" What planet was that plum on? What do they think happened with Abramovich?

38 users have voted.

Probably one of those twats that has only supported them for 5 minutes

35 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Like Mr GS above, that moral compass has to mean something and I believe that I would turn my back on WH if they went down this route. It's greed pure and simple and a desire by American owners to turn football into some Euro version of their own countries competitions. It stinks

47 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

Good analogy Nev, I've not watched F1 for years. It's followed by anoracks who drive a Renault Cactus but aspire to being the next team principal!!

42 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

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