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Tonight and events leading up to it

ANTKB's picture
Submitted by ANTKB on Fri, 05/08/2016 - 00:25

It's no wonder other fans call us 'pikeys' when it's very obvious that we couldn't run a piss up in a brewery! So why is that?:

1. The club hashed ticket sales to some season ticket holders because they didn't know if all areas of the stadium would be ready, I know of a lot of people that have been STH's for many years that had to sit in inferior positions of the stadium tonight.

2. Why did the club advertise alcohol and the ales/beers on offer on the official website when they knew that alcohol couldn't be served? My guess is that they wanted people to come to the shop/stadium early to spend money?

3. Why did we have to walk a long way round the stadium instead of a direct route that was available?

4. 10 minutes before half time my mate went to get us a pie each but 15 minutes later he returned empty handed saying that they had 'sold out' at all kiosks? WTF?? My 13 year old son returned 20 minutes later with 2 packets of crisps and a packet of M&M's!!!

5. The train from Stratford was only 4 coaches long, yes only 4 coaches long!

The above points are not acceptable and up for debate.


On a personal note it felt like going to Wembley or Twickenham. It's going to take a long time to settle in, I'm talking years. There were a lot of tourists there tonight and you could see and hear how the hardcore chanters were separated unlike in the Bobby Moore or old Chicken Run. The walk back from the ground to the station was chaotic. It took forever and ended up as people herding. If you're not great on your pegs you're going to struggle. They had 6 coaches back to Kent so again like Colin, a shambles. What's going to happen when rival fans come? It's going to be carnage. The stadium itself is magnificent. We look like a top club now, I just think we as fans need to realise that we are heading that way. The past is the past and I loved it, but I'll grow to love this as well, I'm sure. Hopefully all our gripes are first night teething problems and things can only get better.

202 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Not great on your pegs,is the reason I pulled out going betty,and hearing it took up to an hour to get from the stadium back to the trains,i think I made the right choice in the end.

212 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Alright dave,not to bad mate,hope your keeping well,yeah get there early take it all in mate,the official opening of the Bobby Moore,and sir trev stands,by mooros grandson and sir trev himself,at that game,have a good one COYI

159 users have voted.

Thanks for info mate,first of many games (i hope) to get to see this at the new stadium...heres to a successfull season for the mighty hammers!!

221 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Kouyate was great in every aspect of the game, although the opposition werent the best this time, with his consistency and composure I think he could walk into any team in the world. Glad he is with us

250 users have voted.

Now I have calmed down a bit I have to say all the homework on selecting the seats was well worth it, Oliver's face was a picture as he loved our seats which made it for me. The atmosphere in the lower section I thought was better than expected, but it's pointless comparing this to Upton Park as this stadium is 2/3 times the size and a totally different structure and setting. I wonder what the atmosphere felt like in the upper sections?

183 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

Hello Col, I was really surprised by how good the atmosphere in the upper section was, it was really rockin', not like the Boleyn, but for a first match it was good considering the stadium seating is still under construction, Negatives: There were a few but it was only to be expected, the main gripe from people (apart from the UEFA no alcohol ruling) was the incredibly poor signage from the Stratford station to the stadium and the ridiculous re-routing of people on exit. But apart from that it could have been so much worse!
All in all not a bad opening of a new era.

210 users have voted.

Did you meet to do the LWT filming? I was late so sorry mate, and I had a few beers by the time I got there so probably wouldn't have been wise! Have to catch up at a game soon mate.

201 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

I managed to find a grandad, father and son 'combo' which they used on the london news. However it took us a light year to find the O/B vehicle by which time it was too late to do a 'live'! In fact I was standing just out of shot as the guy was doing his piece to camera. They were very apologetic and gave Little Louis a programme to keep for our troubles. The positive was that we got to explore the entire area around the stadium and have already worked out the best way to enter and exit (the guys in green jackets knew bugger all) in the future. Your lucky you managed to have a few beers! Maybe Bournemouth we can meet up, when we can sample these famous bars!

235 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

It was really chaotic, I had a sweat on by the time we found the LWT people, on the mound near the twirl (k), they did manage the grandpa-father-son combi they wanted which we sorted out for them, and apparently they owe us one in the future! (whatever that means)
We'll be called to provide Hammer fans in 'ze' future, and zey (LWT) vill have to pay dearly! - Ed

236 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

After moving my day off from the wed to the Fri the 3 of us set out at 2.30 from the midlands and took nearly 3 hrs to Enfield lock station , only to miss the train by 5 mins..We had to wait 40 mins for the next so we were buggered in having time to look around.

    I'd been last year for the RL test against NZ so I knew then that getting out was going to be mega..I got a bite to eat near half time and thought the queues were ok and for the toilets as well, we were in the ( new ) Bobby Moore lower and thought the views were ok, If we ALL get behind with the singing I think the atmosphere will be second to non..
      Now getting out of the place to the over ground was a joke by the time we got to the platform our train was there but didn't go for another 1/2hr and that was getting near 11 o'clock ( ish ) . The journey back wasn't a problem and I got to my house at 2pm...I saw a mate this morning who got there early and said it was a piece of piss as he drove from Burton and parked in the car park near the club shop and got away easy as well. Now for Sunday, 6 o'clock start and hoping a bit more time to look round the OS. IMO I think W/e matches will be ok as most people will suss out the problems and hang about till the mad rush has gone. Where it's going to be a pain is an a mid week game pissing down of rain and that where the tempers will start to rumble...
        .I'm defo doing the rugby league test in Nov for a day out...At the end of the day it's all new and not everyone will be happy but it's up to us and WH to talk about the teething problems and come next season hoping it should be better.
233 users have voted.

Hi mate can you ask your mate how you can park in the car park near the shop please mate. My old folks won't make the walk these days and I'd like to get them along to do a 3 generations of Betty thing this season.

249 users have voted.
bonzo and the bov's picture

the guy who parked up I saw his dad this morning , he's going to let my mate know where about it is.. all he told me it was somewhere near the club shop ( end ) of the park. I wouldn't know as we got there late.

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