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Football violence

NorthHertsHammer's picture
Submitted by NorthHertsHammer on Thu, 26/03/2015 - 13:17

Football violence in the Anglia region last Saturday in Southend between Cambridge after the game,resulting in a 43 year old man a inoccent fan attacked by 8 thugs (wrong place and wrong time ),The thing is he might have brain damage etc.This is the second time this month,a Watford fan was seriously hurt by thugs in Wolverhampton.Apparently fights are organised on the Internet between thugs in the local area of the local teams for Derby match's.the thing is doe's this happen in other area's of the uk as reported on your local t.v ?

From southends ground,apparently cambridge supporters (now who would have thought that!)were causing trouble all day in the local pubs.I feel really sorry for the fan above but it looks like the locals got fed up with it.It always seems to be an innocent person who gets attacked rather than the troublemakers...

223 users have voted.
NorthHertsHammer's picture

I think he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.He was unlucky.But when he was down they just kept kicking and kicking,bad show.

282 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

I think Mindless is the word you were looking for North Hearts Hammer.

I have never understood why several people would want to beat on one man, for me and I am sure most semi Intelligent people that is cowardly.

I know many Hammers including family who love or used to love having a good face off and punch up with opposing fans pre and after games, personally I think It is crazy but each to there own I guess.

196 users have voted.
NorthHertsHammer's picture

It was all done on the Internet for meet to fight,and he walked into it.doe's this kind of report get mentioned on other regional t.v. ?

194 users have voted.
Cathammer's picture

What is it about soccer and the attraction of mindless hooligans to basically beat the crap out of each other. I think its the only sport I know of where fans have to be segregated . I know that the majority of violence occurs outside the grounds. Why dont they go join boxing clubs if they want to vent their frustrations. Then again alcohol plays its part too. I think burkie's suggestion above is the only answer and longer sentences with hard labour might make them stop and think.

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