Manuel Pellegrini, or this 'Charming Man' as he was known to Manchester City fans while managing at the Etihad, was far from charming when he met up with his players for Monday's post match analysis of Saturday's dreadful performance against relegation strugglers Cardiff City.
Apparently there was some 'styrofoam damage' done to drinking receptacles, the players not being allowed to use real china for fear of freak injury, followed by a 'Bonzo' style work out the likes of which Rush Green has never seen before, it made Moyes and Psycho look like Yoga teachers.
It seems that the venerable and highly experienced Pellegrini has realised that he has credited several of his players with more intelligence than they actually have, and that some of them perform to a higher level when 'challenged' to do so on a regular basis, hence his 'falling out' with players like Lucas Perez.
At the end of the day it will be his way or the highway when it comes to Pellegrini's dealings with players, by this time next season his ethos will be firmly engrained in those players who remain after what will be little short of a cull in the Summer.
A 43 year old Billy Bonds regularly used to out run the 'young 'uns' during pre-season back in the day when the squad used to decamp to just near Southend On Sea in order to run up and down sand dunes, he did what he thought was expected of him despite having a dodgy toe that eventually nearly had to be amputated. Bonzo came from a different breed of player, they did what they were told and recognised how fortunate they were to be paid to play, not giving their all didn't enter in to the equation, they couldn't let themselves down, but above all the fans who had spent there 'hard earned' to be there.
Back to the future can be beneficial at times! -n Ed

A big dose of reality
A big dose of reality required for the modern day 'player'