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Weight Off Noble's Shoulders?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Tue, 16/03/2021 - 13:22

Mark Noble's comments, regurgitated by the Star, in which he discusses announcing his retirement and the club's potential to be playing in Europe next season, seem to make little sense, which is probably due to some amateurish copy and pasting!

We hope so, because if not, dear old Marky seems to have lost the plot, if the current Hammers captain thinks he will be playing in those possible European games then he really needs to take a large dose of reality pills. 'Nobes's' showing against Manchester United surely proved the point that, whereas he is indeed an inspiring presence in and around the dressing room, he no longer cuts the mustard out on the pitch.

The situation is hardly going to dramatically change between now and the summer is it? If Hammers are lucky enough to get in to Europe, they will need to exploit the main virtues of the team which are pace and power, combined with a gritty defence that is well screened by the Rice and Potatoes combo.

Someone needs to have a word in Mark Noble's shell like, it would be undignified if he says one thing about his fitness and game craft, but everyone else says another that is totally different. Mark has been a truly great, and loyal servant for the club, a club which has learned from it's past misdemeanours when it comes to respecting players who have given their all, but the truth is that times stands still for no man, or woman, especially in the incredibly competitive and physically demanding upper echelons of elite football. - Ed



I dont think he's to blame for that debacle on sunday its down to Moyes ,im sure Mark would play ,if chosen in 2 or 3 years ,he's used to bleedin C & B and proberbly cant see that his servises to west ham are non compasmentas ,Moyes stated not to long ago that he would love to win the F A cup this year for the sake of Nobes ,he clearly still see's some thing in him .
Please dont do that again David ,not only is it most annoying to watch it makes ejits of us ,theres all the media talkin us up and then we go inviting them on to us thinkin we'll get a sneaky goal from a set piece ,
wake up and smell the coffee Moysie

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Deluded Hammer's picture

One may think of Mark Noble and his ability to play at this level, one cannot pin the loss to Utd down to him. There were worse performances in that game from other players on that pitch, and not for the first time was I wondering why the hell Moyes picked Johnson. Once again, I lost count of the number of times he gave the ball needlessly away, his reluctance to go into a tackle, standing off the player and wtf he was doing for the Utd goal only he can know. At the end of he day, Moyes bottled it and not for the first time. The only surprise for me was that he bought on much needed forward thinking players so early on in the game, but as usual, only because we were chasing the points and even a blind man could see that the starting line up was never going to register a shot on target, never mind a goal. I tell you something for nothing, If Big Sam had laid that team out his head would have been on a platter. Somehow Moyes gets away with it.

50 users have voted.

On moyes getting the line up wrong,I dont see any favouritism towards him,just think you do like to side with sam for some bizarre reason

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andycarrollstyle's picture

Let's see who's really behind the mask Scooby... well I'll be - its Sam Allardyce! Deluded Hammer (aka Sam Allardyce) "Garrr! I would got away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids!" Another mystery solved

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moore2come's picture

I don't think this is credible If Big Sam had laid that team out his head would have been on a platter. Somehow Moyes gets away with it. Moyes has been called out almost everywhere on this. the difference is regardless of the opposition BS would have put a team out to defend and defend some more

38 users have voted.

All these comments are fair ... Moyes set up too defensively and paid the price ... but most times this year he has got it right ... that’s football ... on to Arsenal and hope he learnt the lesson.

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To be fair hes only been a bench warmer this season , not sure he deserves to get the blame, he needs a few games to get his mojo back but yea hes a bench warmer at best these days

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boogerscaravan's picture

I have to say and I cant believe I'm saying it. I agree with deluded on this one. Moyes cannot bottle it again in my opinion. He has to go for it, not sit back and invite the Alamo otherwise it's the same end result. Up poo creek without a paddle, unless it's the one I've shoved up his arris!!!

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Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

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