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Irons Dodged A Lingard Bullet

Louis Nixon's picture
Submitted by Louis Nixon on Mon, 25/09/2023 - 22:13

Well the Jesse Lingard saga appears to finally have run its course as the player pursues the riches to be found in the Saudi Pro League. For many Hammers fans this turn of events is a blessed relief as they viewed Lingard as a mercenary who was just looking for the biggest pay packet available.

In reality few people would turn down the opportunity of earning massive amounts of money as they come to the end of their career, of course modern day 'elite' footballers exist in a completely different world to 'normal' people and as such their actions are hard to fathom on occasions.

Like it or not Lingard spurned numerous opportunities to re-join West Ham following his successful loan spell at the club and his final rebuff may well turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Lingard's high profile 'so shall' media presence was never going to sit well with 'old school' David Moyes, in fact when he initially arrived at West Ham the first thing Mark Noble did was to tell Lingard that mobile phones were banned during training!

Hammers fan base was split between those who saw value in lingard and those who saw him as a disruptive influence, even those who wanted the player to have a second chance eventually began to come to the conclusion that he was a bit of a 'rotten apple' and that the club should drop its interest in the midfielder.

On reflection, a player who turns up at a club's training ground wearing a watch that cost more than some people's homes should have triggered some alarm bells, the fall out created when his watch went missing had a profound effect, with an unnamed highly thought of youth player having to leave the club as a result of an internal enquiry, this sort of crap is what Lingard brought with him irrespective of his football talent and as such the club are well rid of him.

Hammers dodged a bullet with Lingard, in a similar way that it dodged a bullet by NOT signing Harry Maguire, hopefully David Moyes will now concentrate on getting the best out of his impressive squad that he has available to use, without any 'billy big bollocks' players who think the sun shines out of their proverbial! - LN



Like him or not who really gives a monkeys??
No ones died & I for one will not lose any sleep..Good people/ bad people christ!! luckily the era & places I've grown up in there's a damn sight more good people..The Bad people...that's their fucking problem!

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