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disgusting behaviour

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Sun, 04/03/2018 - 08:38

Just seen the Twitter video of David gold being abused by so called Fans outside swansea yesterday...what the hell is wrong with people he's an 82yr old man does it make you feel good to swear and abuse this man? yes he and his fellow chairmen and Brady are to blame for what is going on at the club but for gods sake if you are that angry don't go don't spend your hard earned cash go on the protest march that will hurt them more than just abusing a pensioner by the roadside because then you morons are dragging the decent west ham support who are equally frustrated at what is happening down into the gutter along with you and oh how the press are going to love this drama yet again...

Deluded Hammer's picture

They had already spent their hard earned cash and a good 4 hour round trip to watch that load of shite. Doubt he was all that bothered as he climbed back into his pre-warmed Roller and opened his laptop to count his money. I don't agree with the abuse I suppose but at the same time, I don't have much sympathy

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A few choice words were said,he wasnt jostled or man-handled (which would have been out of order agreed!!)Its about time he faced the fans rather than let Brady do the dirty work,the club is in a fu*king mess from the top to the bottom,a few home truths wont hurt...BTW my old mum is 82 & if you gave her a bit of verbal she would give you twice as much back!!Jeez i despair of how sensitive people are nowadays!!

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plaistow-man's picture

If this the depths some of our fans have stooped to then I want to distance myself from them.... me and a few die hards due to financial constraints and where we live (in and around Glasgow) have travelled to Manchester and Liverpool x 2, Burnley, Newcastle, Shrewsbury and Wigan... not seen a win and two draws for our efforts, disappointed yes would we go that far to swear at an 82 yr old no! Fair play to the ones calming the situation...and let's be honest on paper we had a team capable of at least a point and that team alone failed!

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