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Friends reunited

darrenharry's picture
Submitted by darrenharry on Sat, 19/12/2020 - 11:19

It must be an age thing. Or maybe tier 3 reactionary. Or a 2020 symptom generally.
But I was sitting down yesterday, staring at my laptop, counting down the days till I can close the lid for the Christmas holidays and began reflecting.
Life, family, friends, what makes us happy?
Family. Can't live with em, can't live without em. 2020 has really put every aspect of family life under the microscope. If your fortunate enough to have a tight knit unit, the impact has been lessened. WhatsApp groups with aunts uncles and cousins sharing millions of GIFs, making each other laugh. Just, being there...
West Ham has been in my top 3 for pretty much all of my 44 years, which is ironic given their actual lack of success. From my first game with Dad and Grandad. Parking outside Nan and Grandad house in Glasgow Road and making the shirt 10 minute walk to the ground. Seeing the theater begin the rise from the horizon as we turned into Green St. The smell of cigar smoke, the smell of booze, the raucous laughter. Seeing the exposed West stand with people looking down on you. The colours, police horses. Going through a turnstile for the first time, slightly scared as it was a cage, but excited. Then walking up those steps. The vivd green baize coming into view. Then the people. Wow. The people. All of these people with the same love as me. And that was it. My vein was opened, the claret n blue toxin was injected and would never let me go. Even when I've hated them I've loved them.
Friends. Relationships formulated through school, work, social life, West Ham. The org.
Life goes on, people come and go.
The common thread for a lot of people is their team. The ability to go to games has really exposed a nerve for many, me included.
Those that say, I'd watch West Ham in the conference on Hackney Marshes if I had to. Well, I would, and I think many here are the same.
Which got me to thinking (and many have done this before) who are your memories from the Org?
Sadly I have forgotten lots of names, but seeing Chippy Dave and ANTKB on here the other day actually brought joy to my (little) heart. 2 wonderful veterans of the org.
Others I recall, Bobshep? Dave F King? Fanno used to divide people and was banned from here many a time but caused debate and I loved him. Be was on Twitter too till a while ago.
Ayecliff? Reversed? The Aussie chap I met and we went to a friendly at Southend about 15(?) Years ago with some others from the org? Who was that group?!?! I've forgotten so many names.
I you remember some, it would be good to see them mentioned in this post.
If you are one of those names and still scan the org, let us know! Would be lovely to hear from some of the tapestry of this club.
Or if you know of some of these old stalwarts, or what may have happened to them, that would be good too.
Right, that's enough reflection, time for a Tom tit.

hammergirl's picture

Thats always made me happy and yes family and friends are a big part of that and being unable to go see West Ham has hurt a lot but the Org i find comfort in and it makes me still feel part of our special family,i love the posts and many an orger makes me laugh,i met Mcbikeman through his work and enjoyed our chat about the Irons.I would love to see Dicks is the man return to the org as his posts were fun to read so lockdown or not i consider this forum my West Ham home of course i read others but for me this is the best as it feels like a family where the others just feel to big and cold.

39 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

I've always found the org to be a haven of humour, insightful observation and friendship. There's so many competitors out there these days, let alone podcasts, but I survey many of them with suspicion. This site has always been independent, fair and supportive.
Labour of Love for the Nev clan.

63 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

Sore point about Dicksy, much as he was loved, he inadvertantly drove new members away from the site with his sometimes slightly 'animated' comments and responses, made me feel like a fucking head master!

60 users have voted.

Great post H ,the one that sticks in my mind is nolegs , i think his beloved dog, his profile pic , met with an accident and had to have two legs amputated .
I sometimes worry that i am becomming too over reliant on the whole west ham thing ,i used to go into a terrible depression when they lost ,or when theres an international break ,and dont even mention the closed season ,still at least its the summer and i can get out in the garden ,although there s a lot to be said for a roaring fire ( I've got to get a fire place ) on a freezing cold night and having the hammers on the telly .
Thanks for the memorys H ,love the new profile pic hammer girl

54 users have voted.

Peanuts tanner a bag,nice older fella had some great stories about the old days,all of a sudden didnt post anymore same with bullyhammer

55 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

Yes PTAB was a good un. I remember Sussex as well, plus all the ones DH has mentioned, Plaistow and Rev Upminster...

64 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

darrenharry's picture

PTAB, Sussex, Plaistow, Rev. And Upminster - I always recall agreeing with his opinion. Very insightful observer of the game. Would be great to see them back on here or know what they're up to...

50 users have voted.

I was there at that friendly Darren, a great day out, a monumental journey from Somerset but i can't moan in comparison to the fella from Oz whose name escapes me, old age!
On that day i remember meeting yourself, bobshep, wrighty, jayk, there were others but it feels like a lifetime ago and i can't remember them all.
Ayecliffe came across as a good bloke, DITM always had a point to make, Betty Swollox i see is still on here, there was a fella called Pete that always made me chuckle and of course fanno, i would say that was the time the org was at its best.
Great to see it still going strong though, credit to Nev and the regular posters.

63 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

That was a fun day. I think JayK organised the tickets (or certainly mine and Oz) as he lived local? Do you ever hear from Bob still? he was a great poster. I'd love to recall all the attendees to that match.

60 users have voted.

You're right jayk organised it all and sorted tickets, think we met at the slug and lettuce in southend.
I kept in touch with bob regularly for a while but unfortunately have lost touch now, he's a great fella and was a good poster on here too. Good to see some posters are still on here, must admit i'm not such an avid follower now, i still keep a keen eye on results but life has different priorities at times.

60 users have voted.

love all the people on here, like one big family, and all got the claret & blue coursing through our veins and well done Nev for keeping this site going must take up a lot of your time but it is not wasted .I also dislike the international breaks and of course the closed season and like all of us, the weekend is ruined if we lose, that's when this site comes into its own, we vent our frustration have a rant and get on with life, and look forward to the next game . Also its nice to have you back Darren did miss your flying physio epics always make me laugh and at this particular moment in time that's a blessing..... up the hammers

55 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

My life is somewhat different now and time has been at a premium. Lockdown has afforded me a bit more time, hence posting.
Friends and laughter are what we seek, and that's becoming more and more evident with each passing day.

53 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

Funnily enough, after christmas we are going to do a 'mail chimp' campaign to get in touch with all the old orgers who haven't been online for years, it will be interestng to see who turns up again!

59 users have voted.

All good people on here,some wonderful reads,i love the nostalgia inputs,and how we remember the old times at the Boleyn,and the talk about East London,Romford and Ilford etc,where im from,long may it continue,Hammer 65,Dartford Buoy,we seem to be on the same wave,of the same age probably ..........i must say i found ditm a bit much,if you didnt agree with him,i felt he sulked and didnt forget it.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

I think the Org, like West Ham, is a broad church and open to all opinions and thats its strength. We all have one thing in common and its a love of our club. That said we will see the football through different eyes and have completely different expectations. In our case we clearly see things the same, probably an age thing, past experiences, family etc etc.

Two of my best friends are Hammers from completely different social backgrounds and history of supporting the club but both are dyed in the wool fanatics! One has the least footballing knowledge I have ever known but ever the optimist prepared to always look for the positives. The other one is red blooded, passionate and refuses to accept anything other than excellence on the park, by the manager and dont get him started on the board! :o)

Every club will say their fans are the best but I truly think ours are the best, high season ticket numbers, club membership etc etc is testament. We put up with a huge amount of S*** and massive adversary but are loyal to the core. And God knows in recent times we have had our fair share of issues, the move from our home in UP, stewarding at the BoM and all its teething pains, four seasons of relegation battles, string of managers, Payet, Arnautovic etc etc. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger but I genuinely believe we are different. We are financially in the top 20 in the world but still only 4th in our own city. Our expectations are modest yet realistic.. top half in the league, good cup run and some entertaining footie and throw in a win or two against Spudz, Arse and Chav and we are happy!!! COYI's!!! Onwards and upwards!!

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Being here in oz this org has been the best way to keep up with all the news and views of true fans over there and it means so much. It’s different for me being born and bred here but since I have been on this org I have truly felt like a part of the West Ham family and having followed the club for over fifty years that means a lot. Unfortunately for one reason or other some orgers have stopped posting but that’s life, as for me I check on every day or so to keep up with news. Congratulations to Nev for the wonderful work he has done to keep the site going.

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Love the memory of your first trip to Upton Park, reminds me of mine with my aunt and uncle back in the early 80's. In terms of the Org, have missed the banta and debates on here and hoping to get back into being part of this again, and hoping we can all meet at a game one day for a few jars. Glad to see you changed your mind DH, and let me know if your still sitting down and out of I think the Mrs burgled Costco last night!

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