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How patient will you be?

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Mon, 05/08/2024 - 08:45

Following defeats to Wolves and Palace in the USA i have read a number of reactions across many sites and also on you tube and maybe it is an age thing but talk about going over the top with people calling the new manager Flopetigu how we are going to be lucky to stay up the football is the same as under Moyes the players are all crap.

Blimey talk about going overboard......if they took time and looked at the line ups do they think that this is the starting eleven? of course it will not these people not understand that a lot of the main players had been away on international duties this summer and need a break albeit a short one.....the manager if anything has had a real chance to see in the flesh and not on paper or video players that there are question marks over....some he is not sure he wants but a chance to be proved wrong maybe or just have his thoughts proved right.

Many and sorry if it offends some by being age related but many younger fans so quick to wanting it to happen today right now not in six months a years time.....integrating new players and a new style will take time and like it or not you have to have patience and noticing the how the team dropped to a low block out of muscle memory if you will then this shows much work is going to be needed but with players who have not been under the influence of Moyes coming in and our main players Bowen Kudus Pacman Alvarez they have the ability to take on board the challenge a new style and way of playing that is being put into play by the new manager and coaches.

So a little patience is warranted though i do not expect it in all honesty...if we lose to Villa the media will have a field day and some fans will be moaning that we should never of got Jlo in "he's not up to the job" they will shout for all to hear but seriously as the old saying goes Rome was not built in a day so give the man a chance.

Better football is really what we all want to see not bus parked handbrake on every week home or away so be patient for a while and give the manager and the team a chance to breathe and we will be saying that though if he starts JWP and Soucek as our midfield i will join many in shouting from the rooftops lol....but seriously come on guys give the man a chance.

boogerscaravan's picture

Couldn't agree more Bikey.

El Loppo has had youth fringe players and Moyes rejects to work with. As the old saying goes. You can't polish a turd and in this case you can't even roll it in glitter FFS!!

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Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

Deluded Hammer's picture

To really judge to be fair. I think by Christmas we'll have an idea of the general direction we re heading in with maybe a January signing or two to correct what may not be working out. Truth is though, we cannot possibly get any worse than the dross we've had to put up with under Moyes. Can we?

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Patience is what being a Hammer is,the younger supporter will have to learn to realise this,i have nearly 60 years experience to call it.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

He will need time but... first defeat and I can hear it already "We told you West Ham fans, be careful what you wish for!"

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cast iron's picture

You will see the media slag JLO at the first chance they get all the so called pundits and opposing fans will put the boot in They cant wait to for WHU to lose so they can have a go about how much money we have spent in this window, specially the London supporters and we all know why because we know that we are a threat this season to the top 6 I don't think we will see this till November or if I am getting a bit carried away, but we could see a cup run which would be great. Don't forget many of the premiership players have bought a lot of new players Brighton Leicester, Fulham and even Villa so we wont be the only team with integrating players but I have faith in JLO and I think he will integrate these players quickly. A nice problem to have is going to be what will be his best team? who do you play- and also who do you drop? A couple of times last season I would have dropped Paquetta with all his showboating tricks and flicks but they dont always come off and passes go adrift,Time will tell
, wonder how he would take it if he finds his name is not on the starting game sheet but one thing is JLO will sub more players than Moyes, but its not just the fans that will have to be patient it will be the players as well.

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mcbikeman's picture

No more flogging the same eleven players to death week in week out and risking ones with an injury as you do not want your ego bruised by some kid proving you wrong! Nope it is a brave new world we are entering and i like so many others are thankful for it.

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