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It's never easy with West ham.

chubbyTURK's picture
Submitted by chubbyTURK on Mon, 13/07/2020 - 11:28

That 4-0 win at Norwich gave me much hope that it was done and dusted as I am sure it did everyone else, then Aston Villa and Bournemouth win quite easily to give me terrible acid reflux and start worrying once more.
The way we have been playing makes it look as if we can't throw away our advantage, but in the back of almost every hammer fans mind is the, 'this is West ham' reminder thought, cos we know that with West ham anything can happen.
But I have to say West ham look more together now than at any part of the season the team are playing some decent football . I just hope Moyes plays a positive attacking game against Watford, yea I know it will probably be an edgy tight defensive damp squib of a game because he does'nt want to lose a point.
That stadium though, so many people lost their businesses and houses when it was built that I am sure it has been cursed by them so many bloody times that no good will ever come of the thing, I hope I am wrong but it is never ever going to feel like a football stadium, looks great but feels quite wrong .

chubbyTURK's picture

Not quite Dicks but live in hope, the thing is he has been quite attacking away from home recently, it is when he gets back home something seems to die within and he becomes much more reserved.
I won't hold my breath but I think if West ham play confidently they will beat Watford but will that happen? we look to the stars.

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With ants,bowen,soucek etc...if he plays that lazy git haller we are doomed,doomed I say!!

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moore 6 legend's picture

I just have no faith in haller,i know he only just come on v norwich but he should have made it 5.0 imagine that was the only chance to get us pts.

Changed me mind dave he got 2 goals v watford in aug lol
and he was Man of the match.
Mind you even i'd try and run if i had hornets chasing me ;)

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When he first joined scored goals & linked up well.soon as we started to lose games he couldn't be arsed...every time I've seen him since hes walked round with a face like a smacked arse...f*ck him off at the end of the season I reckon

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moore 6 legend's picture

I expected the teams around us to get no more points,but to be fair we have rode our luck with teams getting nothing when we were losing, We just need to focus on the hornets and take that sting out of there tale and play for our lives. and keep the same set up v norwich,No back to back wins since aug though i hear yikes! and the funny thing is it was watford and norwich maybe a good omen then.

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chubbyTURK's picture

moore 6 I thought like you that we would maybe have our feet up thinking of next season, but unfortunately Aston Villa and Bournemouth had other ideas, of course they were always going to fight for safety.
But the Leicester result came out of the blue for me, I did not see them beating them so easily.

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moore 6 legend's picture

Yeah when steptoe put leicester 1 up,i though normal service will resume,biggest twist of the battle for survival so far.

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moore 6 legend's picture

I always thought if he was up top with big mick he'll get plenty of service,he even said himself he thought the pair of em bounced off each other after the saints game.but as you say moyes has other ideas.

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