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March in march

Submitted by Red Neck Iron on Fri, 02/02/2018 - 15:08

Just thought I'd post on here that there is a March against the owners coming up on 10th March. Before the Burnley game apparently. I've heard it's a serious one with decent numbers. I don't know much more than that. I don't normally do this kinda thing but if I can find out more, I think I might go. I don't do fb or twatter, but I need to know details if I'm coming in from Suffolk. Just to let everyone know if they are interested.

Thats nothing compared to the jarrow march of the all seriousness heard about this the real westham fans group,sounds like a bloody good idea to me!!

235 users have voted.

Dicks I may cheat and only March thro London! I won't be going to t game but I may pay British rail to get down there and back. It's better value than watching the sh1t we have to endure. Apparently the real west hams fans have a fund me page that has reached about 15000 pound today. It went up 10k since the window shut.

218 users have voted.

I wouldnt like to be in their shoes when it gets fever pitch,in a way i feel sorry for them,they just do not realise what they have done...i went to the first game v juventus & knew from that first moment i stepped foot out of stratford station,walked up to the stadium & took my seat that they had well & truly f*cked up!!

389 users have voted.

We all know what their agenda is,but as old fuddy duddys they have no real idea the damage they have caused regarding identity,history etc...that is what is going to come back to bite them imo

268 users have voted.

That narks me,it was obvious from day 1 it was all about money for them!!its the pointless move from our spiritual home,the branding,the new stadium atmosphere/nearest seats 50 yds from the pitch, a soul less walk from the station through a concrete abyss next to a shopping mall FFS!!the list is endless...on top of that a board that have taken a club rooted in a working class community & changed it into some corporate namby pamby product..

186 users have voted.

It's destroying one of the few working class teams left that hurts me. Working class sport, at a working class team both being destroyed from one end of the country to another. And while we are at it Sullivan put that bloody badge right, it's disgusting at the moment. We are not ea sports.

316 users have voted.

I'm definitely up for this March and even to boycott games.We need different owners with bigger pockets that will buy out these athletics knobs,there must be a way round it,as money talks,and spend to make this more of a football stadium,its soulless,and attract better players.I watched the Sunday Supplement today on Sky and the panel of journalists all agreed that we are the worst run club in the Premiership,and I agree.They also stated that Sullivan has been quoted saying that the move to this ground has only benefited the club by 10 million a year!!!!!!! if that's the case why move,thats a poultry sum in football terms,even with more revenue coming in from a bigger gate,someones pissing up our backs and telling us its raining.We moved for them to line their pockets end of.

292 users have voted.
Essexhammer's picture

Sullivan's mindset is that he can achieve what Leicester City accomplished on a shoestring budget.The right manager with top notch coaching skills and an astute eye in the transfer market will bring its rewards,Ranieri proved it .Maybe not the title but definitely Europe is Sullivan's objective.What he doesn't realise was that Laeicester was a freak season,when it all came together for Leicester,with the spending power taking place since then, that will NEVER be repeated.All teams are spending big now,even to compete for Europe Westham are falling well behind.Look at Manchester City their spending is on a different level to every other club,it would be a complete failure if they didn't win the league,no club can compete with their spending power. One marquee signing a year, Sullivan was quoted as saying, was his aim,to slowly but steadily build a team able to compete for Europe.That might have served Westham well 15-20 years ago but he is living in a dream world if he thinks that approach can move this club to the next level .We are a club treading water and have been for years,but all the boards promises have now come back to bite them on the bum because now Westham are a club going backwards.We are in a serious relegation battle,and failure to spend in the January window could have major would have thought they would have learned the lesson from teams like Wigan,Blackburn ,Luton ,Coventry,look at the state of these clubs now.I think we have enough to escape ,Moyes has been doing a good job ,up until the injuries,now its anybody's guess how things will end up,if the injury situation doesn't improve quickly..But how foolish to leave it to good fortune.I can understand fans building up a head of steam now,because the frustrations are so apparent from all supporters,not just the hard core critics.The march will be the voice of the fans and it will send a powerful message to the board that enough is enough.It will get to a point where this will flow over into the stadium and then the board will really feel the heat.I think they are on borrowed time,they might try to appease the fans saying we promise this and that ,but we have heard it all before,its empty words.

341 users have voted.

I agree.................What really gets me also, is what happened at the beginning of the season,where the Athletics had the say so when we could get back in to play football.No home friendlies,and no Premier games till half way through September.I cant remember the last time I missed a home game,but im not enjoying it there at all,there is no atmosphere at all its soulless.A boycott of games should be next.Gold and Sullivan have no doubt got a few quid,but not enough for a Premier League Club.They are League one capabilities,Championship at Max.

207 users have voted.

What is the route being taken for the march? I will not be attending the match as I refuse to attend any of our home games whilst Del & Rodney are in charge. But will happily stand shoulder to shoulder with fellow Hammer Fans in our hour of need COYI

217 users have voted.

I think every westham fan should watch this,but the fellas on there summed it up imo..."why didnt we protest before the move??"
Cos of greed,we were all led to believe by this board that we might just have some success at last as a club,we believed their bullshit & will we ever see westham with the identity we had??cant see it in my lifetime..

335 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

There was a petition outside the ground which i signed. I also voted against the move at a referendum at the ground and also on the "official" one dubiously run by the board. It was so obviously wrong. You reap what you sow.

345 users have voted.

When you think of it,i voted against the move as well on the rigged one,& some people still back them!!

372 users have voted.

Just had an email from rwhfag the march starts at 11.30 the route has yet to be released. I also heard we were marching behind a few hearses and I assume a wreath or 2. They have re-enforced the fact it will be peaceful protest. They hoped for 10000 but are thinking there could be a hell of a lot more. Trouble is if so where would 10,000 plus meet at the start?

298 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Sorry but marching and shouting to sack the board wont work. The Porn Twins own the club so how can they be sacked? Futile waste of time, totally understand the sentiment but this will just add to the toxic nature of the Bowl of Misery and end in another defeat. As hard as it is we need to encourage and get behind the players.

309 users have voted.

This march are hammers fans who wont set foot in the new stadium,the stadium is toxic as it is with no atmosphere,so cant see it affecting the game much,its about time this board got to know how deep the resentment is towards them imo...if you do nothing they will just continue the charade!

236 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

but the point is the charade will just go on until those money grabbing ~~~~~~s hve sold the club. Thousands of fans that dont go to the stadium will have little or no effect on the porn twins

294 users have voted.

Doing something and it not working is better than doing nothing and moaning. Personally itl be good just to see them squirm and be very unpleasant. The group are trying to keep the negativity away from when the players are playing and want to get right behind them. We can't sack a board but you can make it so uncomfortable they want to sell.

253 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

i would welcome seeing those two squim I just think they are they are think skinned enough for it to have little or no effect on their ivory towered lives.

195 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I think things like this will get under Sully's skin. He's got little man syndrome and wants to be loved. Hence his constant bleating about players he apparently tries to sign.
Of course part of his syndrome is that he'll stick it out to the end, probably run the club into the ground just to piss off the fans and then eventually sell.

256 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

His small man syndrome is all about the fight, taking on the challenge. Like I said, it will have zero effect apart from making the BoM an even more toxic environment than seen before.

245 users have voted.

They do come across a bit thick skinned but Sullivan has actually squirmed a few times when the fans have confronted him. It may make no differance but I do think he is not comfortable with it.

310 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

its rare as rocking horse s*** that these people are confronted, they live in an Ivory Tower with Jack the Lad and trophy wives. Move from Rolls Royce to plush suites and never see real fans.......... but, I will still be one of those mugs there on Saturday...COYI's!!!!!!!!

280 users have voted.
cast iron's picture

And they said that it will start at 11.00 from the Boleyn with a coffin and wreaths but still seem a bit unsure what the final result will be what are we after, do we want new Owners? If so who. Red Bull was mentioned, do we want them to admit that the last few windows have not been good enough, Why they are showing no ambition. Then it was bought up about the badge and the statue and the history. What I would like to know Is where the money has gone with a full break down of wages stewarding transfers (none of this undisclosed lark) Tv money ticket money. And how much is going to the Owners, Then when e march we can call out Lying cheating frauds with confidence

328 users have voted.

Sullivan has DEFINATELY got a napoleon complex. If he had the balls he should appoint someone to do the transfers because he is so out of his depth he is unreal. Trouble is people like him have to micro manage everything. They just can't relinquish any power.

203 users have voted.

I have to agree. It’s just a lot of fans in reality embarrassing the owners. But will it ch age anything? No. They are who they are. Fans marching won’t change them. They won’t walk away from £500 million because they’re not liked. There’s no one queuing up to buy us. So it stays as it is if we want to give them a bloody nose all well and good, but real change won’t happen.

227 users have voted.

It’s just if you look on just here even , peoples expectations are getting ahead of themselves. I agree making a statement is good, but expecting a reaction or change, you’re setting yourself up for a fall

252 users have voted.

You know the worst thing is? We’re probBly going to have to pin our hopes on Jack Sullivan coming in in about 5 years time and changing it! Scary

362 users have voted.

He will probably take over from sully snr in the future,he maybe a nice kid!!i dont know him,but from what ive seen hes just another spoilt rich kid...which imo makes a mockery of our working class roots...apparently hes worked a week in each department at westham,so that counts as experience i suppose in the crazy sullivan world!!

238 users have voted.

There’s nothing working class about football anymore mate. It’s a corporate machine to line the pockets of the average. In 10years there will be about 5000 fans in little stadiums or they’ll cgi it and about 10 million or so watching on devices around the world. They’ll be no tackling allowed, all contact will be deemed as a red card and teams will finish games 6 v 6

82 users have voted.

The march will solve nothing,the protests should have been before the move & at the time i couldnt believe we went so quietly...Apparently Gold has been asked to answer questions at the march,yeah ok & pigs will fly if he turns up,his ego just couldnt take the abuse...what it will achieve imo is a unity from thousands of decent westham fans that this board will never understand!!

97 users have voted.

For me the March is probably the last throw of the dice. We are only West Ham in name ATM. The March WILL change things but exactly how much and how big we will eventually find out. Let's face it it's not really West Ham anymore is it. If you don't March then you have either excepted the status quo or given up on the club..

78 users have voted.


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